Matt. 7:16"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? (NASB)
When we deny the truth that is, we lay the groundwork, foundation for confusion to permeate through our lives and those that are connected to us. Denial is insidious and without end, unless cut from the root that gives it life. The denial of truth becomes a spiritual vampire sucking the life out of each of us, as we choose things, people, and relationships that allow this to perpetuate…However, before I go any further let me be clear, authenticity is not perfections. It knowing who you are, and owning it as we come to terms with the overwhelming statement ‘we are saved sinners by grace”…Now, back to why it matters to be authentic. The fact of the matter, what is today, is just a new discovery or revelation to us, and comes with acceptance of what has already and always has been in and with us; but not to those who know us best, they have always seen it in us. Yet, for some reason we Christians are so caught in our little world of make believe reality because the world likes it, and it is easier, even though we are called to be transformed, not perfect; this we seek a new way. Nevertheless, we all agree anything worth having is not easy and worth the work, but when it comes to earnestly seeking God we falter. All because we have been taught the blunt truth and brutal honesty mean mentality. However, the Word demonstrates over and over, truly loving one another is being honest with them, for their good in a loving matter. See we all know what it feels like to be corrected by someone who loves us, and those who is out to hurt or humiliate us, the delivery is just a little different…think about it….See the Sovereign One modeled it for us – statement made frame in a grace and mercy, unmerited favor reprieve. When we can be accepting of our own flaws, then it fosters the ability not only to forgive easier and naturally, but also speak life in others, as we speak life into ourselves. We concede to God’s way when we are not sure of any other way because His truth, promise, and word never fail or dissipate…Because we cannot get, produce, or reproduce what is not in us, nor can we attract it either. Authenticity matters because we matter to God!