Luke 9:62 - Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (NIV).
What is in your past holding you back? Is a question, we must all ask ourselves as we move forward on the word of God. Because the thing is this, God will never ask you to give up anything that He does not have something greater in store for you. Neither does the Father tell you to not look back to mess with your head; he does so because you need to be focus. See, we go in the direction of our focus, whether we admit it or not. As our focus influence our thinking, and our actions. God also knows what lies behind you will draw on your heart strings and divide our efforts. Resulting in us being unsure, unsteady, and indecisive in our choices, which ultimately could, more likely than not, lead to doubt, then fear, then anger, thus no forgiveness.
What in your past is holding you back? We all have family members and friends who love us so much, they do not want us to move forward and prosper. They do not mean any harm but they have been in this funk of a mindset and lifestyle for so long, nothing else seems plausible. Therefore, they throw up roadblocks while covering them in sweet and sugary, “you know, I want what is best for you, and I love you’, all the while throwing up bricks to block your path, and roadblocks that stop you from moving forward and upward in God’s name. So, yes Virginia, do not look back because God gotcha your soul covered 360. So, when he says look ahead, just do it, or end up like Lot’s wife Gen. 19:24-26. God just asked we trust him over others, to serve him above all others, and believe him with our whole heart. The same we ask of our loved ones, and friends, if we desire it and expect it of them, and we are flawed. How much more is our God? God forbid, we get so high, we become unfit for service because we can’t see the miracle lying in our God’s smile…We choose, it is always our a choice, to make. So, don’t let what in your past stop you from achieving, rather say, done and done!