The true test of leadership is something; we do not put much thought into as of late. However, it is the one thing we hear over and over again during interviews, conversations, or qualities to hold positions. It is the linch-pin, the key player in all things. However, we don’t get it. Many of us have heard, and even said this - there is no ‘I’ in team- but there is ‘m and e; me’ denoting, we are in this together, let go of the ego. See leadership is an unselfish vocation in life, and has no room for ‘egos’. Leadership is about serving, building, giving, providing, opening, helping, guiding, etc, and without getting the credit in many cases. But it also about knowing when to walk away from the situation; regardless of the pain you feel. If you are trying to assist others to improve or change, and they are not buying into, and you have given it your best, then it is you who is in the wrong place, not them. Never force, only by desire. …Well, as I came to this conclusion, I had an ahha- moment as I prepared to formulate this blog. My eyes welled-up with tears because I saw the clear correlation between what I was saying, and what Jesus did for us. I am overwhelmed by the weight of this correlation, and how it moved me. Let me explain…
For years, I have believed these concepts, the test of true leaderships lies in these two things - one, great leaders are individuals who not only see leadership in others, but also willing to work with individuals to develop it, and two, is not when they are there, but when they leave and what happens then…So, when the clarity of this concept came to me, and it may not be a new concept for many, but for me, the gravity of the twelve, and the freewill to all. One took Jesus up on it, and exercised it… I just broke down. I let the tears roll down my face because I know it is about God’s grace. So much of what we do in the secular world gets it example and foundation from the bible, Christ. So, I guess the ultimate test of leadership is this, either God is in control, or He’s not. Acknowledging God is in control, we are able to release the ego, and the selfishness, because we know it is about Him, for Him, and not about us.
Isaiah 40:6-8 (NIV) - A voice says, “Cry out.”And I said, “What shall I cry?”“All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” … our choice, choose wisely; its important….