Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What are we thinking? Change is, what it is...

Matt 8:21-22 -Another of the disciples said to Him, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead (NASB)."

We are finicky people when it comes to change. We like it, change, when it is a gradual evolution that is unfelt, unseen, and without immediate consequence to our lives, otherwise we resist, or if it is for someone else. This is the main reason, most find it difficult to face death, become emotional at birth, grapple with the notion of marriage, or graduating result in nervous uncertainty. The immediacy sends our mind into a tizzy of whirling unsettled state of psyche mayhem. As it has us confronting our fears, reminds us of what we have not done, and revelations after revelations of what we have deferred or postponed to a later day. The later day is here. We act if it is a shock to us, yet, the truth of the matter we have strived, worked for this all along. What am I talking about? As Christian, we all say we want to go to heaven, or we are living our life to live again, or this is not my home –death….We engaged in the physical intimacy that creates baby – birth…We take intentional actions to obtain our perfect and just so right mate – marriage…We take the classes, do the internship, participate in the networking arena, and work hard to get the good grades – graduation…Yet, we act as if change is some foreign movie with subtitles and we do not really get the gist of the movie. It is not. We are all confronted, challenged with changes and we all know, but we constantly ignore its existence….You ever hear this quote or old adage – the only constant in this life is change- It is. Sometimes it is unexpected and immediate, but if we are doing, what we say we are doing as ‘good’ people and/or fellow labourers of Christ, Christians, then nothing should surprise except for the when, because it should not be an ‘if’. However, we should not be resistance to change.

Every day we are confront with opportunities, choices, to change; to do the thing we said, we wanted to do. But if it does not come in the way we wanted, from the person we expected, manifest in the desired environment, or the best circumstances, we become indignant. We begin making baby steps of living in a mental space of negativity and unproductive perspectives. We begin creating our own enemies because we have not learned to live by the providence of God. Yet, we push toward the mark of changing, growing, evolving, and seeking. What do you expect? No, change….not so much…see we get, what we seek in this life…So, we do not have to say, let me go do this or that because when it is time to do, we just do it….Because it does not take us working harder to get the change, it is about us working smarter to achieved the desired change!

Sometimes you are the sacrifice

Gen. 22:10-12 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.(NASB)"

Sometimes we are the sacrifice. We must trust God will provide, in spite of what we see. Like Abraham did. See, there were two sacrifices on that fateful day, we hear so many preach and teach about. When Abraham was instructed to lay his only son (the promised seed), on the altar for a sacrifice, he really asked for more. Yes, it was. The sacrifices were interdependent, if one was secured, and then the other was saved to create a more perfect sacrifice for the future. The other sacrifice, most do not speak about is Abraham. See, it was important to God to know Abraham was willing to sacrifice all to him, trusted him unquestionably, and Abraham obedient is not a negotiation. Then, there is no need to sacrifice, Isaac, the promised seed.

God saw, Abraham accepted that He, his Lord, has a more perfect plan, even when Abraham did not understand or see it…Now what are you unwilling to sacrifice, and thus, forfeit the promise seed to flourish. All because you are too smart for your own good…have retractable trust…a delicate and fine point focus that is easily interrupted…fear that clouds your clarity…Sometimes we are the sacrifice, but we are beholden to our truth, our logic, our box, therefore, losing more than just today or right now. Because it is the tiny changes that never occur, thus, the big changes will always be on lay-away, or a dream deferred to later…See, sometimes we are the sacrifice to reap the legendary blessings which is meant to change generations; one plant, one waters, one tends the garden, but God gives the increase; have you done your part?. Let it rain, and see the Shekinah Glory reign upon us!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moving to the next level

In this time period of unsure economic times. Here is something to think about - Moving to the next level. We all want that promotion in our porfessional, personal, and spiritual relationship, and financial status. However, many of us do not want to move outside of our comfort zone. Going into the arena, walking on the road never taken my 'me'? Not many people actually sign up for that type of tour of duty but in order to move upward and forward, we all must go outside of familiar territory to reach the next level. For some of us it never comes because we are never force or we do not rise to the occasion, or we are forced - this happens to all of us. Some of the time the movement so minor that you do not think about it, it just happens. Yet, deliberate, decisive, goal oriented actions into the unfamiliar takes a leap of faith.  We, Christians, should  know the promises given, and understand who gives them. Thus, you go when all around questioned the logic of it all. You go places where you are challenged to pick up your game that if you do not step up to the challenge, you are overwhelmed with the fear, engulf by nerves of uneasinest, and succumb to stagnation of running in places. You become angry with life and blame others for what only you can change. As envy of anothers' success, progress, bounty eats away at your clarity, and the view of living is colored by the madness..think about it for a will get..

You see gifts, attention, annointing will not keep you where the foundation has not been laid, and the foundation for you is laid where God has directed you to go and what he has instructed you to do. Everyone is different, so what is for one is not for other, but all matter in the larger scheme of things; so do not assume your way is the way for another, even you end up in the same places. Each learns differently, thus another road needs to be taken, for your friend, family, or foe, even you are going to the same place...Although, our minute glimpse comprehension of reality, truth, right, knowledge, order, logic, and love, do not always allow us to visibly see it. Faith becomes the compass that guides us to the next level, if we believe and trust without reservation.

I do not make these statements lightly or without proof...Saul needed his tenacious and unrelenting determination to do the work as Paul; next level, unknown, foundation laid...David need the time as the shepherd boy, the hidding in the woods, and relationships with Jonathan to be the king after God's heart, next level, unknown, foundation laid...Peter the scrupulous money changer, next level unknown, foundation laid, the rock on which the church was builit...if we look at our lives, risk we take and choices we make, no one else sees, and only in time did it become clear...time explains everything, when ones do not clarify, if we believe..if it shows us, it was a mistake, and working harder was the answer, then more would be winner and have success stories but there is more. there is an education in the mistake and it directs you to your next day, and lay the foundation to your future...

I believe God's logic is summed up with is nothing until you give it away, has no meaning until you work to help another...words are worthless until it is matched with your actions...winning competition has no reward unless it brings you growth.....amazing....Isaiah 1:19-20 -If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel,  you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."


Does faith breath, or not?

Faith that breaths allow a hope renewed daily because it is real. It is not the latest trend, does not favor the popular ministry but the truth, where ever it is, if it works for me lets do it, or has chameleon -like persona to be liked, accepted. It has authentic relationships as the goal, without the haphazard, isolation, truncated involvement path to get there, wehre you do not have a clue of how you get in this good place. Rather it embodies genuineness, hypocrisy has no place, and grants you the key to engage in real-living in your christian journey and personal truth. You embark on a journey that settles you in a discovery of God's love, His destiny for you, and the truth about who you really are inside so that the outside begins to match. Others will see that you have learn (through fire, to the wall, beyond your limits) to accept changes within you and around you, to move you forward with your faith that breaths because you see change is an inevitable constant in this life. With Jesus reassuring in a whispers, that shudders the soul, calms mind, hugs the heart, because you are told, 'You are never alone, I am with you'.
Learning confidence comes with humility, success grows exponentially when you are gracious, leadership is no good if you do understand followship, fidelity and trust allows for frank discussions, as you see the heart of the person can not be bought or barter; it is a free gift that is organically gained, and solidified by God consent. So, understand this may not make it to celebrity status, where others are in awe of, but you have touched lives, the loved you gave, shared encourages many, and the wisdom you dispense make you legend in your own time for those who have been affect directly and indirectly; a vast number of people..smiling...You have a well spring of for an unending supply God disicple-maker mentaltiy, and it  insures this for you and those touched by your being use by the grand potter - Jeremiah 29:11-13 - “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” See, faith that breaths brings and allows this.
So the rocky roads, challenges, and disappointment you will encounter, yes, but when you have a faith that breaths you can pray with a sincere heart, you are made stronger, not detered by the madness or confusion before you. In 1Peter 3:3-4 - Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel -- rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. it is not what on the outside, but the inside that matter. I am not saying, to not take care of yourself and look your best because God made us all to look our best, just do not get caught up in it because things are just thing, but the heart and the inside change is what has the infinite implications that sustains us...So, continue your sincere prayers and let God speak to your heart and see your life revolutionize in His Holiness..No more shadows, half-truths, or facades...authenticity in Christianity and see God everywhere...Apply what you know, and see your faith breath and miracle flow as you know it ain't over, regardless of the forecast present by man....smiling

How well do you follow instructions?

Psalm 150:1-6 (NKJV) Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD! Many times we ask for, seek guidance, and want to know  but when it comes to doing, when it comes to the living our faith; we stall, we go 'wait a minute'. However, there are direction, instruction, and illustration all over the bible. Like here in Psalm 150, it tells what to do, why to do, what can be used when you praise the Lord. any questions...How well do you follow instructions/
Another one for us when we are confused, lost, decision-making time, afraid, happy, seeking, loving, seeing - Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Now this does not mean you are going get whatever you ask for, but He will give you what you need, in his time, and according to His will because He knows what is best and loves you like no other. Also, when we truly seek guidance from God, He shows us the error of our ways, and the truth of our fragmented analysis; this only comes, when we go to him in earnest. Yet, it also requires a sincere heart as you know Rev. 3:15-16 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth ....Therefore, no, well, I want to do this and that, life is not about walking down the middle of the road, and not expecting to get hit, or trying to allow us to have everything and all things; we are to partake in what is best for us, as we move forward because it is not about us...How well do you follow instructions?
We need make decision and not waffle because friends, family, loved one, popular opinion, or fear of waht someone will think about you. It is important for us to stand by right and to live in our truth, otherwise we are implementing a system that has far-reaching consequences we really do not desire to deal with, but we create the it by our actions.... James 1:6-8 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man [is] unstable in all his ways. How well do you follow instructions? It matters because when you ask, we must be ready for the recieving and doing.

In Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. When you are directed by the Lord you, you have no reason to explain your position every thing you do speaks of your Father in Heaven and his grace is sufficient for you. God will do what, he said, he will do, he will stand by his word, and always come through; we just need not be afraid to go into the places, literally and figuratively, he sends us to. And yes Virginia, there is a difference in recieving guidance from God, and from man...2Corinthians 12:9 (KJV): And he said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." How to proceed James 4:6 (KJV): But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble...How ell do you follow instructions? Christ set the model to follow, and it not us, or the immediate gain but the longevity and loves that sustains beyond time or space....
Lastly, know that God does not leave us wanting, ever, all we have to do, is be still and listen to Him speak. It is not easy but it is the best outcome that leaves to the greatest rewards, blessed place, and solid rock to stand when the wind and current do not cease, you are anchored in the LORD of lord, KING of kings...You only have to answer one questions - How well do you follow instructions? Now is the time to learn and develop a systematic pattern that ungird your faith, calms your fears, and switch from insecurity to confidence...and it begins with your authentic self, integrity focus, and learning to love honestly. this you connected to the people who speak into your life, provide the fertile ground for you to grow in God!...

Monday, September 21, 2009

You Words Matter....

Benjamin Franklin wrote this in 1740 - "Man's tongue is soft, and bone doth lack; yet a stroke therewith may break a man's back." and bible said this about the tongue Prov. 18:6-8, 21 - A fool's lips come into strife, and his mouth invites beatings. A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like dainty morsels: they go down into a person's innermost parts.Death and life are in the power of the tongue; those who love it will eat its fruit. and Luke 6:44-45 - For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people don't gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings out that which is good, and the evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings out that which is evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.
Be careful what you say to people each day. We never know the influence those words may have on a person. It may stay with them for a lifetime and change their life course. Yes, we are hurt by actions of others, but remember, others are hurts by our actions too; whether it is my commission or omission, it all hurts or helps. So, before you make a statement in anger, hurt, pain, passion, heat of the moment, etc, make sure you mean it. Someone is holding you accountable for it. We are all role model for someone, even if we do not know it, we are watched, admired, and looked up to by others. By your words you may build a lasting legacy that creates a person with confidence and great self-esteem, or a person with a diminished soul and a defeatist attitude. As your words have the ability to give life or death, in a figurative way, the eyes are the portal of the soul. They say what words, actions, and deeds will never tell. so, you see it not just the words and we are what we speak...out the heart the mouth remember to speak life!

Is your house in order?

Order my step in the word dear Lord, lead me, guide me, every day, send your annointing, Father I pray, please order my steps in the word..
Order, we have said at one time or another -God is not the author of confusion...Am I right, you remember saying that too...Okay...I want to know if that is true, why do we wish to bring God into compounded mess, confusion. We ask God to deliver, beseeching to Christ intercede on our behalf when we are only half ready to concede. I am not talking about being unsure, or not knowing. I am talking about us Christian, or those of us who profess to be Christians. Our life is in a physical disarray, and we are asking God to fix this one thing, but we are not quite sure if we want Him to touch anything else because it is working for me. Yes, I am comfortable with it, right or not. However, how many of us realize, know that when God enters in to our life all things changes, because we are new creature, renewed by love grace of Christ. Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door, and love makes all thing possible for you to concede to Christ example...Order
Things to think about:
God please fix or enlarge my territory: my husband, children, church, job, boss, home, marriage, loneliness, car, finances, relationship, coach, health, teacher, professor, all struggles period...HELP me GOD!!! I am on the mercy seat of need....Order, first we must understand we belong to God, as you say with your children, and your parents said to you, you are mine and you do what I say. Thus, we must be obedient to what ever He send us to because like our parents, it is for our good..And when we disobey, we have consequence but we are going to be the better and have a testimony that will help another...I am not lying, just look through the bible plenty of example - David, Saul, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, Elijah, Noah, Job, Rahab, Esther, Deborah, Hannah, Sarah, Caleb, you get the picture... We do not see it now, but the blessings are coming just keep believing in God promise (keep loving, daily praying, and having faith). Walking in the will, learning and maturing in God sends you here - Eccl 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. do not be afraid God has you. Know the order

Order....God never takes you anywhere without warning you first, think about it.God always prepares you. Christ prepared the disciplines, even they were not there yet when they were told. They were given all the tools need for the kingdom building in HIs absence in the physical body...order...Look again at Habakuk 2...order..though it tarry, wait for does not lie...
Lastly, know that when you are in order with God, you are out of order with man. when you are out of order with God, it is going to cost you because He is going to show you, you, so that you can get over yourself, and reach for HIM totally and completely!!..remember those beating when we were disobedient as a is going to hurt me, more than it hurt you..if you are a parent you or in a parental role, you understand that now...order I Cor. 2:9-16

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The right family

Proverbs 4:18 -But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day (NASB).
What if you were born in the right family in spite of the madness you see? The craziness that drains us, drives us to the wall, or the words that pushes us into the corner of silent marinating rage. A mental place where we were never supposed to be in the first place but we are there because of our fear, lack of trust. See, what if most of your problems are caused by our failure to believe. All because we fail to venture outside of our familiar, to embrace faith over fear, to seek God’s logic instead of man’s, or to implement organization theory of relationship ordained by God into our life. Therefore, the discontented season that was meant to only last for a limited time has resulted into a vicious cycle for a lifetime. We did not, and do not see the larger implications until it is too late. All because we decided, we would not adapt to the family environment using God truths by allowing our intrinsic gifts of God to manifest in our life, to sustain us for our life. What if we only operate in the realm and parameters of man’s possibilities because we never trusted, depended or sought out the wondrous mysterious and miraculous unlimitedness found in faith in God. All because we did not, would not stop focusing on the ‘me’ but Thee, Thou, He, God.

When we question, why was I born, or put in this family? What is this a mistake? We are doing this Isaiah 29:16 –“ You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, that what is made would say to its maker, "He did not make me”; or what is formed say to him who formed it, "He has no understanding"? (NASB) – God put each us in the family we in to hone our skills, have our gifts manifest, to trained us in the way that prepares us for our rightful destiny, if we believe and keep our eyes focus on him! Do you not think God did know what was coming your way? Do think He did not know what was going to happen to you? Why do you think the model, the pattern was set and the directions were laid out, in words and in actions. All we have where evil and negativity reign is the result of our willingness to submit to our fears and doubt because it works but we know on the truly strong becomes the victor. As living authentically you, not with ill-intent mask as kindness, grant a clear vision of not only who you are, but what you should be, and where God will take you. All it takes is faith and releasing the secrets insecurities, clandestine strategies, covert conversations, silent rage, and the underhanded exchanges to see I am made better for the experiences, and it was all for my good because it was never about me but about Thee.

Our Story

Romans 14:12 - So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. (NASB)

We all have a story, and it is nothing wrong with it,until we forget it is not oracle of our destiny. See, we look for individuals, who will be the co-signer or the person who is co-dependent with us in our story. No one can help us, when we are more married to our story, than we are to our growth, progression. We have played our story over and over in our mind, or held on to the denial of its truth buried in our soul. Both are self-destructive and equally insurmountable stop-gates we cannot get pass, without owning the truth. Is it excruciating painful to stop and deal? Heck ya! However, there are no shortcuts in morphing into, and creating lasting change, lasting positive change without work, going through the process totally. Not with fragmented truths, or sporadic behaviors; letting go of our ‘story’ allows us to live authentic with our Lord. See, everyone has a story but we cease living in the residual of its power, when we become accountable to God, not man.

As we move forward with accountability to God, our story changes. Now, instead of having one story playing over and over in our minds, or denying it in our souls that is destructive, we create a life with different chapters learn a new lesson with each chapter written. We learn to take what was a dichotomy with dissonance chords in our life leaving unbalance, to creating a life journey that is harmonious and balance because of our trust in God. Realizing sometimes God needs to show us through our willingness to sacrifice everything to him in obedience provides a grounded foundation for Him to build on, and security no one can take away from you. And this allows us to be fully free as a person as the ‘truth sets us free as a Christian’. Then and only then, can we live as James challenges us to in this verse - James 1:19 -This you know, my beloved brethren but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. (NASB) – when you are not living as a victim, this is what we creates with the ‘story’, we are able to not be afraid, we will be found out because God has given us joy unspeakable, and we now see the true character of God.