In this time period of unsure economic times. Here is something to think about - Moving to the next level. We all want that promotion in our porfessional, personal, and spiritual relationship, and financial status. However, many of us do not want to move outside of our comfort zone. Going into the arena, walking on the road never taken my 'me'? Not many people actually sign up for that type of tour of duty but in order to move upward and forward, we all must go outside of familiar territory to reach the next level. For some of us it never comes because we are never force or we do not rise to the occasion, or we are forced - this happens to all of us. Some of the time the movement so minor that you do not think about it, it just happens. Yet, deliberate, decisive, goal oriented actions into the unfamiliar takes a leap of faith. We, Christians, should know the promises given, and understand who gives them. Thus, you go when all around questioned the logic of it all. You go places where you are challenged to pick up your game that if you do not step up to the challenge, you are overwhelmed with the fear, engulf by nerves of uneasinest, and succumb to stagnation of running in places. You become angry with life and blame others for what only you can change. As envy of anothers' success, progress, bounty eats away at your clarity, and the view of living is colored by the madness..think about it for a will get..
You see gifts, attention, annointing will not keep you where the foundation has not been laid, and the foundation for you is laid where God has directed you to go and what he has instructed you to do. Everyone is different, so what is for one is not for other, but all matter in the larger scheme of things; so do not assume your way is the way for another, even you end up in the same places. Each learns differently, thus another road needs to be taken, for your friend, family, or foe, even you are going to the same place...Although, our minute glimpse comprehension of reality, truth, right, knowledge, order, logic, and love, do not always allow us to visibly see it. Faith becomes the compass that guides us to the next level, if we believe and trust without reservation.
I do not make these statements lightly or without proof...Saul needed his tenacious and unrelenting determination to do the work as Paul; next level, unknown, foundation laid...David need the time as the shepherd boy, the hidding in the woods, and relationships with Jonathan to be the king after God's heart, next level, unknown, foundation laid...Peter the scrupulous money changer, next level unknown, foundation laid, the rock on which the church was builit...if we look at our lives, risk we take and choices we make, no one else sees, and only in time did it become clear...time explains everything, when ones do not clarify, if we believe..if it shows us, it was a mistake, and working harder was the answer, then more would be winner and have success stories but there is more. there is an education in the mistake and it directs you to your next day, and lay the foundation to your future...
I believe God's logic is summed up with is nothing until you give it away, has no meaning until you work to help another...words are worthless until it is matched with your actions...winning competition has no reward unless it brings you growth.....amazing....Isaiah 1:19-20 -If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."
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