Happy Holidays!
As we approached this holiday season where everyone is feeling love, and giving freely as their wallet will allow, their groceries will stretch, and the heart will extend. It is all because of love, beginning around Thanksgiving and concludes right after the New Year. Yet the other 330 days, give or take, we are not so much with the love thing. We give during this time, a love unfettered by expectations, color, race, sexual orientation, or ability; we just give and do so without the guile belaboring us during the other days of the year. During this time love is displayed unconditional, raw and real, it melts our hearts, beckoning tears to form in our eyes, and inclines our arms to outstretch to those we would, otherwise be invisible or we give an aristocratic snub.
We celebrate the birth, with a holiday, but shout, praise, lift our hands, and falling out at resurrection. The irony is this, when Christ chose to slip out of his celestial robe of time without end, and into limited space and time. When he offered up himself to live outside of the holy realm of perfection incarnate, and live imperfection personified. When he released himself from the majestic form of I AM Trinity to be the baby delivered in stable, and laid in a manger so that He could know us in our infirmities and blotted present, so He could deliver us. It was done! For what we see as linear time, God sees in entirety. Jesus knew he came to endure the madness, beating, and death, we didn’t. However, it was realized we needed to see how much we were loved. We need to see, feel, and hear, we are loved no matter what we are, what state or condition we are in, despite of the societal dictates limiting you, and ostracizing of mankind says. God wanted us to know, we can come as we are, and the Savior will reconcile each of us, unto Himself. He never asked us any of us to take on the position of prophet, priest or king for anyone else dictating to what was, or is right. He was serious when He told Peter in john 21:20-22 - Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” For John 3:16-17- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Is for all, the good, the bad, the whatever because he will reconcile us until himself.
See that happened not at the cross but at the conception of Jesus, not just at the death but at birth. For Jesus was borne to die, so Christ could be seen, known, and accepted by all who will come. Merry Christmas, it is done, you are love…