1Corinthians 2:9 –However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. (NIV)
Life comes at you fast and in a hurry it seems. As a result, being able to put the main things first, and not sweat the small stuff is challenging at best. It requires us to become more of an aggressive listener, where the focus is on the other person and what is being said so we can respond to the speaker. It is not on what I am about to say, or the point I am about to make. It is taking the risk of faith to obtain the promises of God but without the burden of the worries of man to have what God ordained. Planned Neglect is letting go of what has no relevance to the goal, to our promised destiny, or call upon our life. It is an indispensable task learned and a key element of organization implemented when you are following God’s way in this life. Far too many times as people we get caught up in matters of no significance to what we are doing. We fail to grasp or forgo the law of significance, to buy into the outward trappings that distract. See, we let the he say/she say, the success of another, the look and dress of our counterparts, social economic status and background, what everyone else is doing or getting, etc get our attention, and impede our progress. We fail to remember, what the verse we quote in our happiness delusion really mean – eyes have not see, hears have not heard, no mind has conceived it, and spirit search all and the deep things. Thus, those aforementioned things above will not help us to live our best, or authentically, for what we are seeking is not found in them. Planned neglect is an essential key in our journey as we walk with the Lord.
Planned neglect is seeing the chaos theory, as a theory and the order ordained by God. The flashes of brilliance, light, connection of today, will impact our tomorrow whether we intentionally mean it to do so or not; it just will…why not decide to live by choice, not default… See until we get this, we will always live in the constant stream of frustration, confusion, insecurity, and fear, not just for us, but all connected to us by bond and/or blood. Because we are unwilling to claim, own, and apply what the bible verses above state to our lives. The irony of it all, we have planned neglect in our life, it is just misapplied like so many other things in our life. And like everything else we read, shout, teach, preach, when we do apply it properly, correctly, then we really will understand unequivocally what it means to behold the lamb of God! Because following the planned neglect puts all in order of critical importance to the negotiable in this life ..We choose!