Friday, January 28, 2011

Does diversity still matter in the 21st century consciousness?

Rom. 12:4 - For we have many parts in one body, but these parts do not all have the same function. (NASB)

Does diversity still matter in the 21st century consciousness? This question was put to me recently. The person went further to explain, the reason for the questions – we see people of all races, genders, and ideologies interact with each other getting along. I smiled, and contemplated my response before speaking, and replied, tell what you mean, when you say diversity, so I can frame my question appropriately. The person smiled, and replied, good one, then we spoke about something frivolous, and we went our separate ways….But it nagged at me, and I began thinking, and then concluded the real problem is bigger than just diversity. It is imbedded in these two quotes by Dr. MLK, Jr. – in the end it is not words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends…and injustice anywhere, is injustice everywhere...because we as a people are so fundamentally invested in this notion, what I have the right to do, I do, and not what is the right thing to do. We fail to get the connection with what works in other areas of life, applies to our people connections. What do I mean? Well, when it comes to our money, when we invest, we are told to diversify it. When it comes to our home, we do not have all the rooms the same, there are not five bathroom or six kitchens. When it comes to our athletic teams, we do not have all members playing the same position, we have everyone playing a different one; and we like it if a person can play more than one position. Look at any organization; we have different departments regardless what product being manufactured or produced. Finally, look at our body, we have different parts to do different functions but all important to the body.  Maya Angelou had it right when she says – we can only be great in, what we are willing to sacrifice for – yes, there is always a sacrifice. What are we willing to sacrifice for is the question?  If we want to be great in living and have peace of mind, embracing diversity helps us. Although, our reality is based on our perspective, does not make our perspective right or true….things that make you go hmmmm….

 I am beginning to understand all too quickly, this fundamental principle that underwrites our very exist as Christians – obedience is greater than sacrifice. And it has nothing to do with what it feels like, or who will be on our side…Thou none go with me, I will follow – this is an old hymn but one worth remembering as we travel the road of diversity and Christianity. As we speak up against the injustices as they crossed our path, whether it is friend or foe, we must be willing to sacrifice because injustice is injustice, it not determine because of our connections or affinity. Understanding, we sometimes must let go to see, as we begin to move beyond what my mother, father or community or village of mind taught or instilled me. So, I guess diversity still matters in the 21st century consciousness because only in our diversification do we find creation of progress, and relinquishing of – it has always been done this way attitude. …We make the choices on whether we are willing to see beyond my world, my belief, my philosophical bent, and see….

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Favor the unmerited grace in our life. The gift we were all given in some measure but not the same as another. For we each are distinct, and have a role in this cosmos call life. It does not matter what you have done. It does not require quid pro quo for it to be bestow upon us. It is the thing that comes with each of us, and as intrinsic to as breathing  because we are, not that it was asked for by us. Settling upon our souls, resting lightly on our being, and permeating through our minds to give us reassurance we matter. So can we let go, live our authentic self, and see all that we are, as well as what we are not. This acknowledgment allows us to see our truth without the veil of shame, or the rose colored glasses of distortion, and be proud. We become free, because although favor ain't fair, it resides in our lives breathing the reassurance upon us that we were not an accident, or a coincident of nature. You are an intentional blessing bestowed here by the great I AM, and who is awaiting your release of the fear that binds you. So, you can see the favor upon you, and the show God magnanimous love for each of us....Favor