Are we seeking a relationship with God, or seeking religion because it is not the same, and it makes a different. When we are seeking God we are not bogged down with relative things changing in our lives. God does not change because you get married, you fight with the people in the church, the leader of the church fails you, you fall out with another member, or someone hurts your feelings. Because the bible states in Malachi 3:6 - For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed (ASB). God is unchangeable. Although, God says sons of Jacob, and some may think we are not sons but we are joint heirs, and know this, God does not do for one of His children, that he does not do for the others. Thus, we are not consumed by life and the madness that ensues in it; because the LORD compassion does not fail us, nor is His hands too short to reach us or remove the confusion trying to consume us. God’s word is unchanging, and remains when all else fails us, as stated in Isaiah 40:8 - The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand forever. (ASB). Unlike the words of man, and his promises, faltering at every turn, or flimsy white-wash lacking sustainable legacy that breathes new life with each new read. We are to follow the voice of absolute truth that does not change with seasons, people, circumstance, or environment – God’s. Things that change are relative statements, and we were never suppose to be bogged down in them or conflicted over them, because they are not absolute true. If it is not true always, it is a relative statement, thus, there is no argument and the Master’s way, is the way! Relative statements are only for the moment, and work now, but may not work later. It does not mean it is wrong, it is just contextual based to be true; if context is not the same, then it cannot stand. See in religion, faith, church, we tend to focus more on the relative statements that appear, and although we say, we are seeking God, we are actually seeking man’s approval and way. Therefore, we lose sight of God because our rules, traditions, must dos, and he have tos that direct our steps; contextual base rather than covenant and decree focus result in religion and the not the Redeemer being the focus of the relationship. We are consumed with being the appropriate church lady or man, when what is really needed is release of what we think are absolute trues, that are really relative statements that are applicable for the time, place and manner; rather than trusting and obeying God’s word. See, we hold on to what was never meant to be held onto, what we should have released. Why are holding onto what God said, let go! We seem to gravitate to the things that help us to survive, but not grow; it is a difference. When you are only open to survival, and there is no growth, thus the church, the religion become stagnates and dies, literally or metaphorically, because there is nothing sustainable. See, when we look toward God, it is about growth, change, progression, and there is fear of the newness, but not about moving. When we understand this, we can do what this verse is saying - “I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”- (NIV) Psalm 16:8. Seeking a relationship with God, opens us up to the way, that is not our way, illogical, and out of order, it seems, but because God sees totality everything makes complete sense.
Proverbs 16:1,3,9 ‘Mortals make elaborate plans, but GOD has the last word…Put GOD in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place…We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.’…Seeking the relationship with God, results in religion, faith in its proper place, an intricate piece of the puzzle, not the main event…
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The redemptive fire
The redemptive fire most thinks it is about trials and tribulations of a negative place. But it does not have to be a negative place. Rather it also include going from grace to grace; is still a struggle because we are moving from familiar to unfamiliar. We know of the struggles, trials, and tribulations of getting out of a bad situation, the uneasiness, the trepidation, the fear, the not knowing, and the leaving of friends. What we fail to realize many time this is the same thing that happens when you move in an atmosphere, position, place, or arena, you have never been, or ever expected to be. It is same struggle, and we sabotage ourselves here as well there because we let the world, and the words of others to impede our progress. Whether it moving out of our madness, or moving into more abundance. So, the redemptive fires are actually a purifier for us, regardless of whether you are getting out of a negative place, or moving into more abundance. See in the redemptive fires, God decides – Phil. 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ…(AKJV). Therefore, God will not stop until it is completed, but that means the fat, the excess, the waste, unproductive things/people to your call has to be rendered out. This is not easy because although we know, we cannot take everyone with us, we cannot continue with the all the same habits we use to do, and we are changed from the inside out; we do not choose what, or who stays, or comes into our life. It is not just an external change; it is both – inside and outside. Yet, what we forget when we surrender, submit, let go and let God, we are no longer in control. The redemptive fires are not there to leave you like you are, but to clean out the mess, and so that the reflective spirit of His goodness is seen in you; this cannot be accomplished with us remaining the same; whether getting out of mess or going into more abundance. It grants the opportunity for the best in us to come out of us. God’s sees and desires all to feast on the greatness He has put in us. See, Marvin Sapp is right, it does not matter how we feel, what we did because God sees us for who we are. The redemptive fires allow for God’s lovingkindness to reign and spread to all. The redemptive fires are the manifesting of the God’s hands on you, and as He done with his Son for our salvation, He will do not less to us, to bless us. His son was sinless, and He went through the struggles to provide a way for us, what more would he do to you, me, us. It is not comfortable, it does not feel good, it is scary, and we feel alone. There are rivers of tears cried, there are head bent back in anguish, there are blows that leave bruises, and you wonder how long. Know, He will see you through, and he is there comforting you, and submit to his will as our example did – I commend my spirit, not my will but Thy will be done!! For God is Jehovah-Mkaddesh He is the God that sanctifies us (victory over sin) 1 Corinthians 1:30 - It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption (NIV)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Having God Manifest Presence in our life
Having God manifest presence in our life requires us to first understand how our God operates. God requires of us to be authentic with him, he does not deal in the shades of gray. He made that clear in the bible, with this verse Rev. 3:16 - So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth (ASB). Therefore, truthful, authentic is necessary. However, this does not come about when you give access to all of you except that one thing, you do not want to deal with, or have no desire for anyone to see, or the secret part of you, you have crafted your whole around so no one will know; ironically those who see you, see you, see it…smiling… The strange thing is this, God saw when we did it, how we did it, how often it was done, as well as who it was done for, or whom it was done to; at no time did we consider God sees me! Yet, we say, we believe God to be omniscience but we refuse authenticity with him; what is that about; REALLY!! If God sees you, then why lie to him; He who can free you. Okay, another way of thinking about having God manifest presence in our life is this, to make him evident in our life, or to establish him in our life. The words state John 4:24 - God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (NASB), thus we cannot go on this outward expression of God by following all the rites, the traditions, ‘church order,’ and this habitual things we have been taught. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying we should not have the traditions and rites but I am saying we most have more so that we do not get lost in the rules. We must have inward expressions in our lives that match it, or we will miss out. Remember the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the high priests in the bible, they were not lost because they did not know, they were lost because what they taught, followed never touched their spirit so that grace could be demonstrated: the innermost part. We must learn to live outside of our frame of reference and understanding because it leaves room for God to move and allows us to have the manifesting of God’s Presence. See being trustworthy is not only important to those in our life, but it is what ushers God into our life through an act of Faith and humility….Please do not get God unconditional love twisted with God manifest presence because Romans 5:8 states - But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (ASB). Thus, do not assume God manifest presence to be God’s unconditional love toward us; its not…We have to choose to have the manifest presence of God through the things we control - our words, our thoughts, and our actions….
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