Luke 12:3 - Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops. (NASB)
As I come to terms with a decision I made this summer that is changing my life, I struggle, I wonder, and the weight is something too much with me. Yet, I stand knowing I do not have the spirit of fear but of grace. Thus, I walk in humility, smile in watered tears, and speak with a confidence that comes from the divinity with me.
God is moving in this land, our lives, our hearts, and our churches as He seeks to heal us. Yet, what is not revealed cannot be healed in us. We, I am not excluding myself, walk around in a clouded façade that is not our own truth. We do not see our own authenticities anymore because confusion and lies are the order of the day. But yet, we wonder why things are not working right, why everything is falling apart around us, and implosions occurring in our lives. No one is looking on the inside, and at self. WE spend too much time thinking and not reflective think of our selfish ways. Surrounding our self with the thought of - s/he should have presented, acted, or done it that way. But when, is it going to be the person receiving turn to take some responsibility, on how they accept what is presented to them; we choose, how we respond, not how it is delivered. I am not exempting anyone, I am not pointing a finger at anyone but I am including everyone in the transactions, and pointing fingers at all. Everyone is responsible; not just one party. We all need to understand, the things that we do not want, are the very things that make the wanted things possible. You have to break the eggs, beat the butter and sugar, mixed up the dry ingredients, etc to get the tasty delicious cake, we so desire. If that does not do it for you, then what about how many want the leaner and healthier body, but most do not want to change their lifestyle and add exercise. Yeah, there is some unwanted before we get the wanted in this life. What is revealed, is what is healed.
Revealing our truth frees us, and accepting that unwanted is part of the process that grants peace, and allows us to not be disgruntled. It provides hope, help and healing for those listening, and for those revealing, it grants the ability to live in their promise and purpose. See our test is our testimony, and our struggle is our sanctification by fire. While hurt people, hurt people, we would also do well to know what we put out, we get back, tenfold. So, as we are all becoming painfully aware of the unmasking of our leaders, our idols, our mess, resulting in us acting like the bottom has fallen out of our lives; I ask you, to ask your self – why am I destroyed over the fallible being fallible? Why do I feel the need to defend, when the truth will outrun a lie, every time? Why do I feel compel to hide who I am? Have we forgotten no one is perfect? Problem lies within all of us, the one who sat on the pedestal, and the one who put them there to worship. The one who is complicit with the covering, and the one who is covering it up. No one is exempt. Suffering in silent because you are afraid of what others might think, or because of the fear of being ostracized, only serves to imprison us in a selective amnesia and repeated self destruction cycle. Who wants that?
Know when we deny our humanity; it destroys our divinity the opportunity to live. Don’t believe me, remember Jesus, he never denies his humanity even to the cross, and it is what made his divinity so hallowed. So the next time you reach the crossroads of an extreme interruption in your life that creates an imbalance. Know this is an opportunity to grow, not crash and burn or to become self-destructive. You choose, but choose wisely. We are not promised a second chance at anything, and God will always give you enough time to do what you are called to do, if we let go and be free….the unwanted things, makes the wanted things possible, and every battle is not your to fight..Be still know I am GOD! sometimes, that is what we really need to do...
God’s word is Psalm 119:105 - our word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. NASB)