With promotion, elevation in life we must be prepared to give something up; what you will give up determine how far you will rise.The irony is in order to rise the highest, or reach our fullest potential; we most likely than not, have to give up the things we want to hold. When we begin to selectively choose what we are willing to give up because it is easy, we limit our own growth. Or maybe we only give up what we think we need to give up, this but not that. The funny thing is, the things you say you don’t need to give up, to get up, are the very things you need to give up. Why do I say that? Do you really think David would given up the comfort of home, inspite of the teasing to run for his life for at least 14 years, if it was foretold to him before he would be king. What about Abraham, he would not have chosen all he endure, the wait, if God had told him the how long the wait would be or he would have to be willing to sacrifice ‘the promise’ to gain it; I don’t think so. What about the disciples, the twelve, they all had to give something up, no one will rise in life without giving something up; we got to get this in our sinew of our being.
See elevation, promotion is not an easy task, even though many people desire it, covet it, they are not all willing to endure the journey or prepared to handle the pressure that come with it. So, the next time you wonder how come him/her, but not me, ask yourself - am I willing to pay the price to gain the promotion, elevation, and can I stand to lose what I never thought I could live without? Because these are questions, we must face as we seek promotion, elevation because whether you desire to or not, giving up something is required…it is, what it is…we choose.