Faith that breaths allow a hope renewed daily because it is real. It is not the latest trend, does not favor the popular ministry but the truth, where ever it is, if it works for me lets do it, or has chameleon -like persona to be liked, accepted. It has authentic relationships as the goal, without the haphazard, isolation, truncated involvement path to get there, wehre you do not have a clue of how you get in this good place. Rather it embodies genuineness, hypocrisy has no place, and grants you the key to engage in real-living in your christian journey and personal truth. You embark on a journey that settles you in a discovery of God's love, His destiny for you, and the truth about who you really are inside so that the outside begins to match. Others will see that you have learn (through fire, to the wall, beyond your limits) to accept changes within you and around you, to move you forward with your faith that breaths because you see change is an inevitable constant in this life. With Jesus reassuring in a whispers, that shudders the soul, calms mind, hugs the heart, because you are told, 'You are never alone, I am with you'.
Learning confidence comes with humility, success grows exponentially when you are gracious, leadership is no good if you do understand followship, fidelity and trust allows for frank discussions, as you see the heart of the person can not be bought or barter; it is a free gift that is organically gained, and solidified by God consent. So, understand this may not make it to celebrity status, where others are in awe of, but you have touched lives, the loved you gave, shared encourages many, and the wisdom you dispense make you legend in your own time for those who have been affect directly and indirectly; a vast number of people..smiling...You have a well spring of for an unending supply God disicple-maker mentaltiy, and it insures this for you and those touched by your being use by the grand potter - Jeremiah 29:11-13 - “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” See, faith that breaths brings and allows this.
So the rocky roads, challenges, and disappointment you will encounter, yes, but when you have a faith that breaths you can pray with a sincere heart, you are made stronger, not detered by the madness or confusion before you. In 1Peter 3:3-4 - Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel -- rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. it is not what on the outside, but the inside that matter. I am not saying, to not take care of yourself and look your best because God made us all to look our best, just do not get caught up in it because things are just thing, but the heart and the inside change is what has the infinite implications that sustains us...So, continue your sincere prayers and let God speak to your heart and see your life revolutionize in His Holiness..No more shadows, half-truths, or facades...authenticity in Christianity and see God everywhere...Apply what you know, and see your faith breath and miracle flow as you know it ain't over, regardless of the forecast present by man....smiling
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