Monday, September 21, 2009

Is your house in order?

Order my step in the word dear Lord, lead me, guide me, every day, send your annointing, Father I pray, please order my steps in the word..
Order, we have said at one time or another -God is not the author of confusion...Am I right, you remember saying that too...Okay...I want to know if that is true, why do we wish to bring God into compounded mess, confusion. We ask God to deliver, beseeching to Christ intercede on our behalf when we are only half ready to concede. I am not talking about being unsure, or not knowing. I am talking about us Christian, or those of us who profess to be Christians. Our life is in a physical disarray, and we are asking God to fix this one thing, but we are not quite sure if we want Him to touch anything else because it is working for me. Yes, I am comfortable with it, right or not. However, how many of us realize, know that when God enters in to our life all things changes, because we are new creature, renewed by love grace of Christ. Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door, and love makes all thing possible for you to concede to Christ example...Order
Things to think about:
God please fix or enlarge my territory: my husband, children, church, job, boss, home, marriage, loneliness, car, finances, relationship, coach, health, teacher, professor, all struggles period...HELP me GOD!!! I am on the mercy seat of need....Order, first we must understand we belong to God, as you say with your children, and your parents said to you, you are mine and you do what I say. Thus, we must be obedient to what ever He send us to because like our parents, it is for our good..And when we disobey, we have consequence but we are going to be the better and have a testimony that will help another...I am not lying, just look through the bible plenty of example - David, Saul, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, Elijah, Noah, Job, Rahab, Esther, Deborah, Hannah, Sarah, Caleb, you get the picture... We do not see it now, but the blessings are coming just keep believing in God promise (keep loving, daily praying, and having faith). Walking in the will, learning and maturing in God sends you here - Eccl 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. do not be afraid God has you. Know the order

Order....God never takes you anywhere without warning you first, think about it.God always prepares you. Christ prepared the disciplines, even they were not there yet when they were told. They were given all the tools need for the kingdom building in HIs absence in the physical body...order...Look again at Habakuk 2...order..though it tarry, wait for does not lie...
Lastly, know that when you are in order with God, you are out of order with man. when you are out of order with God, it is going to cost you because He is going to show you, you, so that you can get over yourself, and reach for HIM totally and completely!!..remember those beating when we were disobedient as a is going to hurt me, more than it hurt you..if you are a parent you or in a parental role, you understand that now...order I Cor. 2:9-16

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