Gen. 22:10-12 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.(NASB)"
Sometimes we are the sacrifice. We must trust God will provide, in spite of what we see. Like Abraham did. See, there were two sacrifices on that fateful day, we hear so many preach and teach about. When Abraham was instructed to lay his only son (the promised seed), on the altar for a sacrifice, he really asked for more. Yes, it was. The sacrifices were interdependent, if one was secured, and then the other was saved to create a more perfect sacrifice for the future. The other sacrifice, most do not speak about is Abraham. See, it was important to God to know Abraham was willing to sacrifice all to him, trusted him unquestionably, and Abraham obedient is not a negotiation. Then, there is no need to sacrifice, Isaac, the promised seed.
God saw, Abraham accepted that He, his Lord, has a more perfect plan, even when Abraham did not understand or see it…Now what are you unwilling to sacrifice, and thus, forfeit the promise seed to flourish. All because you are too smart for your own good…have retractable trust…a delicate and fine point focus that is easily interrupted…fear that clouds your clarity…Sometimes we are the sacrifice, but we are beholden to our truth, our logic, our box, therefore, losing more than just today or right now. Because it is the tiny changes that never occur, thus, the big changes will always be on lay-away, or a dream deferred to later…See, sometimes we are the sacrifice to reap the legendary blessings which is meant to change generations; one plant, one waters, one tends the garden, but God gives the increase; have you done your part?. Let it rain, and see the Shekinah Glory reign upon us!
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