And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Rom 12:2 (ASB)
Hey everyone! I have been gone for a minute. I know, I have been M.I.A. for real, I had to get some things together and find my way too…smiling.
So, lets work. I have had the verse above rolling around in my head for a week or so. I just cannot shake it. I guess, because I live in a world where ‘fake it, until you make it’ is the more than a notion, but a way of life. The problem, I have with this is, when are we going to metamorph in the beautiful butterfly, and not continue to stay spongey, shapeless thing. When ‘we fake it, until we make it’, we forget, and we get our feathers in a ruffle when others are not buying, what we are selling; it is fake, they see it, and do not care for it. See it seems we do not mind, making outward changes so we are socially acceptable, politically correct, or religiously right because we have been told this is the SOP (standard operating procedure) for life; but it is not always bought as it is sold… We are not really having this thing called change, renewing, transforming the mind as part of our 'things to do list.'. Why? It requires confronting some truths, we rather not confront. More often than not, we refuse to admit our flaws, imperfections, and fears to ourselves, which means we cannot even begin to change so we can see the good and acceptable things of God in its fullness. The verse above states - … ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God… Now, us nice Christian people, most of us, speak it, but we not trying to do it…Now do not get me wrong, I am not talking about us putting our issues in the street for everyone to take shots at us. What I am speaking of is being authentic with self, so you shall live your truth, and be free, and start creating and having honest and authentic relationships. . No it is not easy, but nothing worth having in this life ever is; the journey, the process grants the value.
Yet, owning where we are flawed, imperfect,and/or our fears is the beginning of change. We cannot have healed, what we will not reveal, and the revealing and admitting begins in the head and the heart. God cannot get through to us, when we are caught up in like fashions of man, and react according to the wiles, ruse man has present before us. See we can be washed, white as snow, have it shot out, but if the heart is not right, we just had a good ‘high’, a good fix nothing more. We have to begin the process of inward change. See, once the inward change had been done, the outward change of doing right is no longer a chore, work, struggle, it is done with a seamless unconsciousness ease because you are authentic with you, thus, it is easier to be authentic, positive and kinder in our verbal exchanges.
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