Friday, October 16, 2009


Yes, intimacy, the closeness and the ability to shed inhibition, just be true you...We are willing to do this with people, who are imperfect, be apart of an organization, and we desire it. Yet, when it comes to God, our relationship with Him, we are hesitate, fearful, standoffish, uneasy with it. However, we want the benefits of His love without the passion, obedience, and openness of our person to him, completely. We give just enough until it hurts a little bit, bruises, scrape the surface, graze over some sensitive areas, then stop. Having faith and letting God direct, lead you, show you, and be compass for the way...Our story is more than our war story, testimony, epiphany moment to be shared at a later date with a select few, a certain group, a particular organization. I am not saying it does not bless in those setting, but let me ask this question - how many times have you been some where and a stranger clarified your vision, focus, faith with his/her story? Who was that?
When you have true intimacy, it resonates and changes, have individuals marinating on the story years later. Every time it is heard, it is a teachable moment for all ages, generations, races, and no matter their situation. A point of impact where nothing is orchestrated, it just happens. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus brings with him, Peter, James and John...these three were the closes to Jesus..But let me redirect you here, Peter, James and John slept through the heralding anguish anxiety Jesus endured, it was not fitful, restless,  or uncomfortable. It was as if they knew without knowing, that a change was coming and no matter what, they would be protected. Jesus praying more earnestly with each hour approaching and blood dropping rather than sweat from his physical body, but they are not move. Jesus comes back 3x -"Could you not stay with me one hour?, I can see them now, huh? eyes and heads unbalanced as they went back to sleep each time. Ever been that comfortable, safe, secure, in a metaphorical wilderness of unfamiliarity but so sure that you did this, and you were not tired? That close to someone, without knowing, how you know that everything is going to be alright because now you cannot comprehend the struggle you will face, just know the outcome and you are at peace...Jesus did not falter, his passion, fervor, focus, as a result to the intimate relationship with the Father and them - Love

True intimacy is love where words cannot define it, measures that cannot quantify it, and time only reinforce it. As expressions, actions, illuminate it and feelings overwhelmed as warm tears roll down your check. Having these are rare but being open to the will of the Lord allows you to do the right thing, even when the wrong way is the easy way, a beautiful mind is born, and saving yourself and others intimacy is  possible....these things make some shout, scream, yell, dance, because yes, virginia there really is a Jesus who lived, died, rose, and ascended......

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