Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!
We are all bless to see a new year, that is a blessing whether we see it as one or not because many missed it; some by seconds, minutes, hours, a day or month...The tradition, regardless of faith, where you were brought up is something type of promise or resolution for the new year. Well, I thought about this and I look at my plan for a new year, (who would have thunk it, I, like most, are seeking without focus, understanding or knowing our purpose. So, actually, in truth we are only going around aimlessly in this world getting a temporary fix with this or that, with him or her (or both whatever); it is a addiction, not a cure or coorection...There are some quotes and verses I would like you all to consider  as you prepare for this new year, what the heck, new decade!! two by Wm. Shakespeare - 'My crown is in my crown is my heart' and 'To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man'; St. Francis of Assis 'Start doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible'; and Thomas Jefferson 'A candle loses nothing when it lights another makes more light'...Now the verses...Matt 6:24 'You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both.' MSG and Jer. 29:11 'I know the plans I have for you," announces the Lord. "I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.' NIV...Now that I have preface this, let me tell you all what I figured I out, I resolve to do for me, to live prospers, godly, and walk with a purposeful focus...

1. To remember I cannot control no one behaviour, reactions, or choices but my own; if I find they are inappropriate people in my life, then ask God what am I to get out and get away
2. To live the truth God put in me, not talk about what I going to do or make excuse; just do it
3. Release the guilt, it is done, i cannot change it, and be free; it weighs too much
4. Say good by to resentment and lingering anger because it is leading me to a self-destructive disposition and it serves no purpose; i plan to get the lesson and move on, let go of the people...not being mean spirited but knowing this is not for me
5. Stop focusing on I am not going to be like whomever or whatever because what we focus on, we become, and I need to have a positive image, vision as my focus if I plan to be it
6. Knowing that knowing better does not mean doing better, we have to  believe it and act on it to have an impact; change my belief system by being open to a varied knowledge
7. Knowing that there are no accidents in our life and things are allowed or willed by God to teach us something for our future
8. A clear focus allows for an articulate purpose and not subject to changes to accommodate others or trends or ideas
9. Knowing one person with a purpose can impact millions of lives once it is focus...remember Esther, Oprah, Gates, Facebook guys, Jesus, etc
10. It is not about me but for me to see, enjoy, embrace, and do; and my self-sacrifice is needed for my fulfillment of destiny

I did ten, not by accident, but by intention - Ten is the number of divine order being reestablished one way or another through the judgment of the law...I am reestablishing with God in this new decade in his judgment, unconditional love, and my faith without reservation; how about you!

1 comment:

Ken said...

I absolutely enjoy reading your blog. The entries are so inspirational... this one included. You have ten great resolutions for twenty-ten. If you don't mind, I need to borrow numbers 3, 4 and 9! 2009 was definitely a year of new experiences and revelations. Thank you for imparting your Godly wisdom, without reservations.

Blessings for twenty-ten!