A holy makeover, it teaches us ‘what not to wear’ not just on the outer parts but also on the inside parts. See ‘a God change’ we seek as Christian but we do not always respond to God’s with a teachable heart and surrendered mind. Even though, great is his mercy toward us as he provides for us, even when we do not see it. What we offer, whether we realize it or not, is a willful-know-all approach that always ends up doubling our trouble. All because we, do not want to do the things God tells us we need to do, to get what we seek; a closer relationship with Him. We have not really got it yet, in order to get a different outcome, we must come with a different approach and willing spirit; do what we have never done, to get what we have never gotten...Oswald chambers states- God will never reveal more truth about himself until you have obeyed what you know already.. Or in real talk, I will not give you more, than you can bear. We humans have a different approach, and this is the reason we do not understand God ways. We believe in piling it on, and let him/her get it all at once because it is all connected. But God does not operate like this, and neither should we. See Christ death on the cross was not more insurance for our Ticket to heaven, but a culmination of an exercise in obedience and trust in untangling us from the madness we are caught up in on earth. Showing us, in living color, how we too should follow the Father, and demonstrating how it is not always easy, without a struggle, not all friends will understand, and at the final phase you have to walk alone. So I ask you, how many of us have ever had any kind of makeover that did not require surrendering and putting ourselves in someone else hands; letting go? None, yes, no makeovers were ever done this way, if we are honest without surrendering ourselves to someone else. Why would God desire any less from us? I think not…We have to do more than hear, but put into practice and do, what is being told. For the holy makeover, we can no longer just repeat and direct others, but we must act on them, and have them work on ‘self’.
We all must go to our mount of transfiguration that befits us, in our times, in order to change and achieve the Holy makeover of God. We must be born again; heard this before I am sure. But there is a twist here, we must realize it is not quick fix, flash in the pants, once save always and do nothing to act, or a fleeting assignment without residual affects because it is not. Remember Jesus, came to save not condemn, to find and embrace the disenfranchised, and make whole the broken…This can only come to pass in our lives through transformation. Do you ever wonder why it is so are hard to do, when it comes to our savior? But the new trends, fashion, slang, or style is easy? It is short lived, and it is not lifestyle change required, thus, it is easy. Holy makeovers are not, and have an emotional, psychological, spiritual, and mental impact that baffles. No, no one wants any parts of it, just the good things that come from it. Yet, the holy makeovers as we see in the bible from the Old to the New Testament, from Moses to Paul, all had to go through to get to, and it was not easy or without struggles. God loves us so much, he sent his son to endure the greatest of the hardship to let us know, He understands. Why Holy makeovers are necessary, well with one transfiguration a world was change forever all because He obeyed and trusted. What do you think would happen, if we all did our part in the quest? Let go, let God, trust and obey; yeah you have to do both…. 2 Cor. 3:18 – ‘But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit’ (NASB)…think about it….
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