Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sweet fragrance or repelling stench

We all desire to be seen as someone with the ability to do something. The 'go to person' for a particular thing. To sit head and shoulders above the rest in some area, or some particular topic arena is a craving for most of us. It is nothing wrong with this because it causes us to feel good about ourselves, and work hard to cultivate the talent. Helps us to shine, to smile more, and to become generous in our giving. However, if you find you desire more to be seen as the great expert, in whatever it is you do, over being gracious and sharing with others, you missed the purpose. Our gifts, talents, unique skill set, and wisdom is always meant to be shared with others, not held on to as a proverbial carrot to get others to run after us to get it. Until we understand this truth, being able to stand head and shoulder above others will not matter because people are not looking or do not care because instead of having a sweet fragrance that draw, it release a stench that repels.

Getting noticed for something you do well, does not meant it is about, even thought it is for you. It will be never be about me, even if it looks like it will or is. In order to stay the sweet fragrance rather than the stench, you must reconfigure the lens you see your life, and life through. Evolution of you begins when you become less afraid of your truth in front all all people, and not marinating on the negatives in your life, but to live honest out in the open. See, the historical individuals who were positive examples became great not because of their unique skill set and wisdom, but their graciousness - it is not about me attitude... They were a sweet fragrance that drew others to them, not a stench repelling them because they were not selfish. So, if you are wondering why this person who has less talent or equal talent is succeeding in areas you are not granted access. It is either you are still in the journey to become, so look and learn, or you are making it more about you than it is about others. See, this latter thing is a sneaking thing that manifest itself in various disguises, and is always self destructive. 

The most prevalent insidious ones are the times where family members or like family friends are involved. We jump to their rescue because we say I do not want to see them fail, but they are not making any effort what so ever to not fall, matter fact they are doing the opposite. Yet, we continue to toil to keep them free, upright, afloat, and making sure they are getting the things they need. Yet, in the bible Jesus never heal, or perform a miracle where the person(s) did not have to participant in the change. Could He have done so without their participation, absolutely, but it was about the person, not Him. And because it was not about Him the sweet fragrance drew all to Him; God's logic, God's order, and our obedience. Learn it, it works every time. You got to have the faith you speak about, you must act, you mustlive it, then ask yourself sweet fragrance or repelling stench...

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