Gen. 3:6;11-12- When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate…And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." (NASB)
This is a familiar passage of scripture that we have read. However, I am not going to speak on the issue of the hierarchy for the family according to God. I am taking a different approach to these verses. In the first verse, it said the woman ate it, and then gave it to her husband. Now, the question is this – why didn’t he say something? Instead he just set back, watched her eat the fruit, and then he ate it too. He knew the serpent was wrong, and what God had told him but instead being obedient, he decided to do what the woman said. How many times have we sat back, and watched others do what is wrong by just being silent and going along. However, when the mess hits the fan, we decided to throw our hands up and point the finger, redirecting the blame. Not wanting to owned, we were an accessory to the actions, behavior, or problem but we were. Even though we know better, we do not do better because we are not convinced of what we know. It does not fit in our ideology or desires, thus, we do not do. We are many times like Adam, and sit back letting the madness ensue around us, partaking, and enjoying but when we are called on the carpet, we throw everyone else under the bus. Not only that, we try to place in a backhanded way, the blame on the person who is in the authority position. Like Adam did, when God asked him, who told him he was naked, and if he eaten from the tree? Adam came back with, the woman you gave me, gave me this fruit and I ate. In other words, it is your fault because gave me her, and this is the reason I did this. Really?!! He never answered the question asked. He only gave a redirect of the conversation. He started maneuvering in the analytic bent we use today, and mastered in our verbal exchange. All because they both got caught up in the manipulative mind of the serpent, who confuse them, and refocus their mind. The question is how did he do that? The same way, it is done today; he spoke to our ego, and our desire to be smarter than we are, and only results us being the fool. Now I have two questions for you - who is the serpent in your life that is making you lose focus, redefine the truth you know, and put you in a place of where your nakedness is shown literally and metaphorically, and why are we willing to submit to man’s logic over the one who create man… You make the choice, but know you do not make the consequences….something to think about …wink
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