Isaiah 43:19 - "Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth, Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness Rivers in the desert."(NASB)
What have I learned this year? Is a questions we all should ask ourselves because the only really uninformed or ignorant person is the one who believes s/he knows everything and does not intentionally seek. Everyday we remain on this earth, we are exposed to a new thing in this world. It might look the same, shaped the same, and feel the same but it is not. God does not the same thing twice, and as His creation, neither do we.Therefore, we need to seek the lesson in every experience (good, bad, or indifferent) in this life so we will continue to grow. The only way we grow is through intentionality of focusing on the goal, while paying attention to the process because the learning is achieved through being present in the process.Too many times we are dismissive of the process thinking as long as I achieve the desired goal or focus, it does not matter but it does. It matters because paying attention to the process actually allows you to build on what you already know then you will see if you are the catalyst for change that switches the game. This becomes your legacy because God blessings are based on our differences, not our similiarities. We just need the faith to believe our difference is the essential key to our blessings and favor for improvement, abundance, and progression in this life. Most importantly, we must, key thing, understand is not just about me but for me. See, the remnants of God's favor and blessings upon our lives provide an increase to others who are connected to us whether it is 6 or 10 degrees of seperation. Don't believe me? Let me give a modern-day example - Oprah Winfrey. Those that are closet get the most but it keeps going, and going, and going; you get the picture. All she did was believe inspite of what others said about her, circumstances of her, and physical appearance; she understood unrelentingly she had something to give. So, as we end 2010, and enter in 2011, please understand the significance of the number eleven. The number eleven means revelation and some think it is disorganization but understand something here. Where there is revelation is moves you from the current position, and transition into the new; disorganization is present as you change but just know God's logic and ways have nothing to do with man's, as it confounds the wise.
So, what have I learned this year....
1. It takes a godly, strong, and self-confident person to embrace humility because it builds character.
2. It is not about winning and losing, it is about doing your best and let God do the rest.
3. Our actions have a ripple-effect, and whether we intend to impact others or not, we do. How we decide with our conscious choices and attitudes determines good or bad.
4. We should not engage in argument with the young or old, because one doesn't care and the the others doesn't understand;while you end up stressed for no reason.
5. If you want to teach me, then you must find out where I am, so you can reach me. If you do not reach me, you will never teach me.
6. When you carry with you the baggage of hurt, you will never be free to live without fear; forgive and be free.
7. God never does anything the same way twice, no matter what we think or believe there is a difference; look for it and get the lesson.
8. Not everything is your life, good or bad, is meant to remain as is or status quo because there is no growth there; growth lies it the evolution.
9. When you are convinced of what you know, there is a seamless unconscious effort present directing you, and changes your life forevermore.
10. Spiritual people should have more than religiosity, intellectual understanding of the bible, and an apologetic attitude but all of these as well as the sense of God's presence always.
11. If it is not your responsibility and/or authority, then do not stress over no one valuing your opinion; they have to live their consequence, and in time if they are seeking and you speaking the truth, they will...
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