Monday, February 7, 2011

The blame game

Genesis 3:11-13 - And he (GOD) said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”  The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”  Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”  The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

The blame game what is it all about? The blame game where we try to make another responsible for our actions, the reason for what we did and an explanation for we have said. When asked why or how come, we name a person as if it explains it; whatever it is. However providing a name does not explain anything, because it is our attraction to the distraction that moves us to act or not act. We are more committed to the immediate fun, and the future consequences we ignore. We act as if we did not know better, or were we are not informed of the possible negative consequences of our actions or in actions. Yet, we wonder why our dreams are deferred, and deferred and deferred. Or why we fail to come close to the goal, the vision promised. Although, the scriptures state people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It is not the lack of knowledge in the 21st Century instant everything with the onset of the internet, the social networks, twittering, etc. Rather it is the understanding, grasping, the expansiveness of a thing gets us every time. 
We gather the knowledge like we gather new gadgets, never fully discerning the fullest of it. We gather just enough understanding to be dangerous, but not useful to us. Thereby, relinquishing responsibility, and allowing us to put the blame on someone. When the real problem lies in our attraction to distraction because without the attraction to something, no one could convince us to do or not do anything. Yet, the blame game has never solved any problem, or resolved any dispute in our life; but we continue to use it.  What it does is create more problems; something no one needs or wants.  See the blame game is born out of ‘it is about me attitude’, this cost. Where we deceive, we separate, destroy, and provide a place for paranoia. The blame game, risking everything for a momentarily gratification without regards to tomorrow problems we are creating.  So, if you desire to reduce your self destruction, then try to own up to what you have done, or what you did not do. Then begin moving progressively forward to a better you, and growth to all connected to you. Because no matter what we think we can do to provide a shortcut or hook-up, it ain’t going to happen – There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going to in this life. So, stop the blame game and begin to own up to your mess. It will save us all from unwanted headaches, and stress.   

We make the choice, but we never decide upon the consequences we get.... "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can you be perfected without trials."   - Chinese Proverb

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