Heb. 10:30 -For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” (NIV
Retaliation, vengeance is minds said the Lord, I will repay. ‘The Lord will judge his people” reiterates for us, He is the final judge…commercial break if you are not a Christian, then it does not apply for your implementation; this for those of us who say, we are Christian and profess to be committed to the guidance of the good book…However, as much as we have read it, repeat it, and we do not believe it. Our actions tell the story. We say with our behaviors- I got this lord, and act on our emotional hurt feelings, then wonder why things are so chaotic or messed up. Well, with our participation in the retaliation process, not our lane, we add to our problem, not make it better. Yes, it makes us feel good to know, we showed him/her or them/those people at the time, but we forget there is a catch in God's universe truths are unwavering. We get, what we give; we reap, what we sow in this life, and not always in the same proportion- good or bad. But the word tells us it is not our place, according to the good book we read, it states God will repay and he judges. Yet, it ain’t quite enough for us. So, we do not listen, or we want give it a little extra push by putting our two cent in it. It rings with negativity and hurt, the truth of what is really going on would be most effective but it takes more work. See, retaliation, vengeance is an outward expression of a bigger issue because it is a symptom of an issue un-voiced, un- addressed, and un-dealt with in our life. So, what happened at that moment triggered something of a past wrong or hurt done to us, and now we are reliving what we did not address. Thus, hurt people, hurt people, and bitter people don't get better; they are destructive, because misery loves company. Whether we are conscious of it or not; our actions tells it all. This is the reason God says I will repay, our emotions leaves us twisted, therefore, what we do only add to the chaos, not lessen it.
There are times we retaliate because we are called out on the behaviors, actions (in action) but not owning them. So, we are angry others see through our front, lie, sham, charade, etc of our 'right to do'. We act with much fanfare and hardwork but the godly, right motivation, commitment was never part of the equation; sometimes what is missing it what cannot be touched. The gig is up, but since the person hurt me with their words, actions, looks, we retaliate, seek to be spiteful, vengeful. Thus, we become active participants in the creation of this 'situation', we say, we desired fixed. See, what we see played out on the visible level is never, ever the real issue. It is the symptom, as the real issue has permeated throughout our whole being, and colored our thoughts, actions and words. We need to let it go, and let god handle it, He is so much better at it than we are. He does with an exact precision; gets it right on time and target...I will repay, check out His record in the good book; He is good...I am not going to say it is easy, or it is without struggle but with the commitment to the cause of Jesus, it shall make our life so much easier.
Sidebar - I work with students, and there are times I desire to do what I have the ‘right to do’. I had to realized, if it is not the right thing to do, and not the right time to do it, and I execute what I have the right to do, I am rendered ineffective. So, I die daily not just in work, but in my life dealing with people…I have a saying, I use – it is, what it is. When I say it, I am saying, I see, I know, and I accepted what it is before me as the way it is, and it is not my place to change it….We choose, our choice
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