Truth and grace (NIV)
I have a student-worker who says this whenever, I correct her – Truth and Grace Dean – because she knows my correction is not only for her good, but it is delivered with a pure intent. Truth and grace says - I am going to give you the truth that is not about hurting you, but helping you with pure intent. Conversely, many people like say about themselves or about others, I am brutally honest, or I am just blunt. This is done when they are referring to telling someone the truth but the problem here is the underlying intent is not the truth told, but mean-spiritedness, a dig, a rebuke, or a snub to someone. We are all good at this, but my Christian brothers and sisters we make an art of it. We spend time on crafting it just so right before we deliver it. We seem to think, believe, we have the right to do this within our religious, saved, sanctified, and hallowed holiness; not so much. Life is too short, let’s get it right, and focus on what Christ did to bring love, unite the diversity, and open the doors to all mankind. They have the right to reject on its own merit, and it has nothing to do with the underlined negativity. See, God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to fulfilled truth shrouded in grace, unmerited favor, because He loves us. We as Christian, in our seeking to be more like Him, would do well to consider and re-examine our brutal honesty and blunt approach because all it does is pushes the lost away. The funny thing, we know better because we cry ouch, when others do it to us…We choose, don’t we…Truth and grace is definitely the way!
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