What I almost forgot is this, the call, the gift is upon us whether we desire or not. It is on my life whether I act on it, or not. If it is upon me, it is present for all to see because it is me. However, I shall miss the manifold blessings of it because I refuse to own, to surrender to it. I have let fear, the lack of finances and support to impede me. I forgot we make time, money, and effort for what we desire in this life; we choose.
But then I had to back to this, where is your faith? You say, you believe but you don't trust and obey. What is up with that? Then I realize, what looks like crazy on an ordinary day is a divine appointment set by God. I do not get to miss it. I now see the same landscape but with new vision and a different focus. As I walk in my destiny and purpose, I 'get it', and rid myself of the negative Nancys and deceptive Dannys in my wake. I will let God do Him, and handle that madness as I move toward the godly positives and the divine truths.
Farewell fear, and hello my old but new friend grace, unmerited favor. I almost forgot what it felt like to have you with me. God's divine calculation and appointment what a blessing. We choose
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