Revolutionary or Relevant? A meaning for revolutionary is new and different, to cause a major change. While relevant means to have some bearing of importance on today that is sensible and logical connection. However, to move forward in this life and get the things we never had, we have to do what we never done to get it; revolutionary. This requires a different type of communication than we are use to, in our ordinary life. Different from the church traditions, we talk about as if they are doctrine and they are only traditions that make no difference in bringing others to God; matter fact many hinder it. We must work to hear what is being said, not get caught up in hearing what we want. Why? We are shaped by our experiences. We do not hear what being said, if you do not believe me. Ever explain something, and then get this a crazy response from the person you were talking to that is unrelated to the conversations. Or better yet, you are arguing, discussing, debating and the person response is so left field, you go what are you talking about? We are shape by what we have experience, and seen work for those around us. Yet, it is the responsibility of hearer to hear it right, and the speaker to say, it right. This is communication at its best when those involved focus on those things.
Release into your future revolutionary perspective and forgive, because everyone gets hurt but the best in us use it to become better not bitter. Release in your future the revolutionary that does not have you bound by the traditions, that were meant to bring us together, and now only serves to keep us separate.
I heard this minister tell this story, in a different context but I think it fits here. It demonstrated in the story what happens when we remain relevant to fit in, and not seek change – There was a pregnant dog. She was hit by a passing vehicle, and her left hind leg was hurt really badly. So she limped to a safe place and gave birth to perfectly healthy puppies. The leg healed but it never was quite the same, she had to drag it. And although there was nothing wrong with the puppies’ legs, they dragged that same leg because that was modeled. – Moral of the story, we do what we see modeled before us. However, as human we have the capacity to seek a better way, if we desire, and it requires the willingness to see with a different lens….the lens changes, then the landscape, otherwise, you will find, although different places, the same things…Revolutionary or relevant? You choose, because it is always your choice
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