One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. Proverbs 13:7
I am back, I have been MIA for a minute but I am back…smiling..Are we fans or followers of God and the teaching of Christ we need ask ourselves. It seems we have gotten lost in the shuffle of life, the journey of Christianity, and navigating free will. We seem to think it is something we learn as we go but it is not, it is something we have to be intentional. It not just for some of us, but for all of us; whether you have your Timothy as Paul had, or you are the Ruth to a Naomi, it does matter connecting to a godly mentor is important as you traverse this Christian walk. These people help us to be authentic with ourselves, and stop denying our truth because it self-destructing at best and confusing at least. If you cannot be honest with self, then you will not be honest to no one, no matter how hard you try.
We can purport to be a follower of God but only act like fan of God, and we exist in a façade created that has become our reality. It doesn’t matter what you say, what you do will tell the truth every time. It is not in how you preach, teach, give but how you live that is revealing to others who we really are in the life. See fans are people who are admirers, spectators, and surface, although some fans are devotee and fanatical about whatever they believe in, not all are, and has nothing to do with getting to know on an intimate level. Whereas followers can be fans but they do things a little different. Their beliefs are not negotiable and not likely to lessen over time, whereas a fan interest fades and it is no longer as important as it once was; followers increase in commitment with every day, month, year passing. Followers seek to know as much, in an intimate manner to further the cause, the point, the teaching. Having the right people guiding you, showing you, and correcting you is imperative to growing, maturing, increasing, and living in the abundance God have purposed you for in this world; and teaching you to be a follower and not just a fan in your spiritual walk. Reminding you it is a process, and but it is an intentional distinctive choice to embark on this journey.
Yet too many of us are fans of God because when things go wrong, we are quick to look to man for the answer. When things don’t go our way, we decide God does not know enough to help me, and we go elsewhere, Dr. Phil, Suze Orman, Oprah show, in other words. Don’t get me wrong, it is nothing wrong with going to them in the proper measure, because they are all tools to get you on the right path, but they are not the final word. Followers know the difference, and see God will make a way when there is no way. However, you cannot see this truism, if you have not taken the time to get to know Him intimately so you can see Him. Maybe asking yourself, am I true to me, so I can be true to God; am I trying to convince people I am something I am not, or do my actions show, I do not believe He is El Elyon. So, this day ask yourself are you just a fan of God, or a Follower of God? It’s important but it is your choice.
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