Wednesday, May 9, 2012

'Follow me'

Matthew 4:19 - And he said unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (KJV)

I heard this sermon about baptism this past weekend, but the thing that stuck with me was the ‘follow me’ statement quoted from the bible in the verse above. ‘Follow me’ two words which means a lot more than we think. When you tell someone, you will follow them, it does not mean if all my friends go, it’s popular, and/or it will make me part of the new trending ‘thing’. When you commit to follow, you go when no one else goes; you go when it is not popular, and when it gets you no cool points. However, it is not a decision you make because an emotional high, where you felt good because there will come a time when the high is gone. Follow me is a commitment to go, because it represents an outward expression of an internal compass drawing you to a truth within you.
I don’t believe Christ meant for his words ‘follow me’ to result in an identification of a group who would not work for Him, or without furthering the agenda of the Father. For the rest of the verse speaks of making you do something. It does not speak of just being, but also doing. See, when we commit to following Christ it not something you can hand down through generations and generations, it is a personal choice; we all must make. The only thing that can be handed down like an heirloom is the teaching of righteousness through our living, giving, and being. How we live everyday in real time day-to-day, owning our imperfections. Where we show our truth, the willingness to forgive others of wrong doing, and the heart to walk away without keeping bitterness, disappointment, and hurt as souvenirs of the many battles encountered at different interactions. Christ teaches, and taught us after fallen, forgiveness follows because it frees. Follow me is the relinquishing of fears and doubts, and walking in the promise of the inheritance of the blessings of Abraham.
‘Follow me’ is the awareness of what is important to the Father, is important to me, and I will pursue it though no one comes with me. Following Christ is a solitary decision resulting resulting in a group association but all still have freewill to do, or not to do; our choice. It is not considered groupthink, but rather God-focus.

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