Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Learning the lessons

If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11 NIV

1.       Hurt people, hurt other people
2.       What we put out to others, others return it to us
3.       Before you seek forgiveness, grant forgiveness for it opens a whole new life for us
4.       Changing our tone, changes the meaning sent out to the world
5.       Change starts in the inward parts before the outward parts will be accepted
6.       Time teaches only those who are seeking
7.       Unless your standards aligned with the Father, they will never sustain
8.       Someone seeking the best for you, and someone trying to tell you what to do, look the same but they are not. One is for your good, and the other is not.
9.       True love in any form is unconditional because it is given freely, not because of what you did but what God has done.
10.    You cannot keep all you have, and get all you want; something must be release as it in nature, it is with man
11.    Giving to others, gives to you in surprising proportions
12.    Unforgiveness hurts you, not the person you are not forgiving
13.    Prayer is about being one with God, so you are aligned with God
14.    God created only treasures, not trash; that is man made
15.    We cannot control what others say to us, but we have total control on how we respond
16.    Self-hate allows negative speech to stick like super glue
17.    Today’s struggles are preparational  blessings for our divine ordered destiny
18.    God’s logic shakes our very foundation of possibility to show us His vastness
19.    God will not do or allow others to do, what you can do for yourself
20.    We are all on a journey of self-discovery, although our paths maybe different, the end result is the same, to live our truth
21.    Just because you changed, it does not mean everyone else will change
22.    Not letting go of the negative experience as a badge of courageous endurance, make it impossible to appreciate the great things happening to us presently

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