Thursday, January 10, 2013

What if....

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots’. Luke 23:34 NIV
As I read this verse this morning, this thought hit me like a ton of bricks – what if most of our conflicts and issues with people/issues stems from ‘we did not know’. So, I invite you to walk with me with my musing on this subject.
The verse carries a powerful punch when you realize what is culminated in this one moment in history, and the willingness to show grace, mercy and true power through restraint of the Savior. Christ understood unequivocally this was not just for momentary legend but for enduring legacy. He got it, everything He did mattered, and wanted to provide an example for us to follow. He understood the issue was not about what they were seeing and questioning about, it was always about His presence challenging their core values, ideologies, fundamental truths, and beliefs.  But because of the unconscious competitive psychology of wanted to be right, to win, to one-up someone, to show I am just as good, he was tested and crucified. The battles ensued through his lifetime and beyond. They would not release the tight hold on their religious stance, or become open to a truth outside of their own; as they were, we are today. So, if they could not dominate, then they set out to destroy; as they did, we still do. Thus, we are now in a position follow this example set, not ignore is funny how things change, they remain the same…
Not following the example set in this moment in time by many profess to follow,  we miss a very powerful lesson provided in this statement – Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. With this one statement, our redeemer looks at the consequential outcome of his actions, and the truth they didn’t know.  It was not about you, me, or them, it was about us as a collective to have the same opportunity to come to the throne of grace. It was not about trumping anyone by pointing out their wrong but loving them, working to bring others to the Father and letting him reconcile them to himself. Somewhere this has gotten lost in the translation of living on this journey, and we have decided, we should clean them, or we had to be clean or just right before coming. We seem have not realized this defeats the purpose of this day of sacrificial offering by one for us all…we got to do better
What if we would begin to look at all our difference, conflict, disagreement with ‘…for they do not know what they are doing Living out our truth..’ knowing all the time, the they here represents you, me, us..It is our choice; choosing well is imperative…

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