I came across this book, as I search for books to assigned to my student for an educational development emphasis- Island of Saints: A Story of the One Principle That Frees the Human Spirit by Andy Andrews. Although this book, like most book can and will not appeal to all, it has a wonder message about forgiveness. See, to live a life of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness is to live a life which is weak, powerless, and poor. This is not a cliché or rhetorical, it is really true. When we cannot forgive, it infects us with a madness that worms its way slowly, intently, and all consuming manner into all aspects of our life. It stays with and accompanies us on every encounter masked in another face but it is really deep-seated unforgiveness within that has taken up residence and forgotten about by owner of the house, our soul. We continue to misunderstand how poignant, bitter, and nasty it is. It takes resident with the other deep dark unflattering secrets had because we are true with ourself…The forgiveness housed in our soul changes us on the inside, and manifest itself on the outside. We carry this monkey on our back and utilize it as a weapon, tool of choice used to justify our own unrival heavy emotions giving guidance to our every thought, actions, and decision made. Does it stop you from being successful, accomplished, marrying, parenting, achieving, etc? The answer is no, but it limits you, it pushes people away and/or keeps them at a distance? Forgiveness allows you to be more patience, and not have a mindset part paranoid and part fear fueled. It is because we fail to understand this simple truth about forgiveness. It frees you but forgiveness does not mean you automatically trust again. Trust has to be built up over times once it is destroy or tainted, and forgiveness allows it to come to pass. Forgiveness opens, expands the horizon to encompass faith, not fear.
When it comes to forgiveness, we act as if God wants us to subject ourselves to be hurt over and over again; not true. He does desire us to love, forgive, and have faith without reservation that He knows what is best for us. Remember what happened to Adam and Eve when they ate fruit, they were forgiven, but HE put them out of the garden because he could not trust them anymore because of their behavior; they had consequences and love. Did God stop loving, providing for them, helping them, blessing them, you get the picture, and the answer is no. He did not stop anything. Were there consequences for the violation of trust, yes, and it was done in a loving and redeeming manner. Only time heals, and only God can restore, absence of God loving way, we are lost in abyss floundering and haphazardly finding our way. Problem with this is we are cannot produce or find it again because the first time was an accident…WOW! What a revelation there…See we got the forgive but do not forget from the not trusting, but we once again got it wrong we are malicious and negative with our intent, not loving; we do not get it…But understand something, individuals walking around with hurt, unforgiveness in their heart, will hurt you, and unless you are directed by God to deal with them, don’t draw them near love them from afar.. And if directed by God to draw them near, then you must be ready to obey his every instruction when it comes to them. Otherwise, it will be a disaster because they are self-destructive and will bring this destructive focus to those around them…Decide to forgive and understand what it means to trust…Lam 3:40 – 42 - ‘Let's take a good look at the way we're living and reorder our lives under God. Let's lift our hearts and hands at one and the same time, praying to God in heaven "We've been contrary and willful, and you haven't forgiven. (MSG)’
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