Sunday, January 24, 2010

God is neither Historical and Hysterical:

Well I pray this entry find you doing well. Today at church, the minister said something that kind of stuck with me, so I decided share. God is neither hysterical or historical; wow…Meaning He does not over react because of a short fuse or sensitivity base on someone actions or statements. Historical meaning he has a short memory, not a bad memory; he chooses to forget and not hold our iniquities and indiscretions against us; he is not like man. He simply choose to let things go; he has a heart of forgiveness…Now the questions we have to ask ourselves is – why are we so hysterical, dramatic, quick to go off in certain or all areas that strike us wrong, unnecessarily? Also, historical, what good does it do for us to rehash what has happened in the past to us or against us, when we fight or try to make a point? Then I recognized, we choose because of unresolved issues; lessons not learned; less than authentic lives, we live; and self imposed insecurity and fears. Why? We value the opinions of others, more than we value God infallible truths, we want to impress others with ‘me’ and forget we have a choice in who we believe or gravitate to; free will. See the old school yard chant of - it is not what you are call, but what you answer to; we choose or accept what is true. Yet, we cannot help ourselves. This result from us denying our weaknesses, and putting them in a dark, dank, hidden places with shameful label. Thus, we have triggers, so when someone get close to it with words, action, or touch it, unbeknownst to the person, we react. All because we forgot, we are told by our savior in our weakness, he is strong. This is only difficult because we deny the truth of who are…hmmmm

Therefore, it is easier to be hysterical to redirect and create confusion by being hysterical andhistorical; God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. Now, we can identify why the madness ensues and strife, division develops because the our focus is askewed…While we go historical because we do not comprehend, truly, God takes all things ( good/bad, depressing/exciting, and abundance/lack times to teach, reach, bless, draw,) to equip us. He cannot do so because we focus on the wrong thing, self. God never focus on self, it is always our good. Yet, we focus on man, and the popular opinion polls we hear. See both Hysterical and Historical are both self-destructive mind-set fertilizing the breeding grounds for malice. So ask yourself, why do I go historical and get hysterical? Think about it, it does not improve anything, only make all things worse. ..Prov. 4:24-26 Don't let your mouth speak dishonestly, and don't let your lips talk deviously. Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead. Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your ways will be established. Don't turn to the right or to the left; keep your feet away from evil. (HCSB)..Think about it Hysterical or historical neither of them serves a purpose BUT GOD saves!

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