Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And the beat goes on....

Today as I was reading my morning devotional pieces, yeah i read a group of three,, i need some Jesus.wink.... One of the discussions spoke about passion and learning to fail forward, not backward. At first, I was what! Then it goes on to explain failing forward is basically learning from your mistakes, and knowing making mistakes are part of moving forward. I was like, 'that is so true', but then we look at the passion thing. And i was lost for words because we seem to stall, at least i do with the fail forward because no one wants to make mistakes....who wants to look like, 'ooops, i am sorry'...we all cannot make money on mistakes, like some people (you choose the people, it is so many of them)... But you cannot move forward without it. It is part of the evolution of growth. We see it in nature, with the children learning to walk, talk, craw, etc, in nature, it is everywhere. But we smart adults stop the madness and decide, i am not going to make any mistakes because I look stupid. Well, we all are going to look stupid at one point in time whether we desire to do so or not. It is life, and we need to get over this madness...We need to find the passion because life does not stop because of a divorce or a death, broken relationship or lost job, nothing just happens but new doors and windows are waiting for you to gravitate toward them... if you are still here do not waste this precious gift of life by closing off to the process of living. You and I were left here for a reason, you nor I do not have to be here at this moment in time, for such a time as this...So, breathe the fresh air, forgive the hurt, and mourn the lost but while embracing the new chapter you have entered. So what the mistakes were made, people were hurt, some intentional and some not so intentional yet the impact is the same, and we all have been on both sides...Forgive and live...We do not get anything new without doing a new thing; DO IT!! and find your passion....leave the dead weight that is weighing you down because if it is weighing you down, you were never meant to carry it in the first place; and this includes people. Now do not get your panties in a wad, we all know people and things we carry because it is too hard to let go but we need to...and see how much freer, at peace you will see, feel, and your truth is the first step, get out the figurative closet and show the world who you really are with confidence, not conceit; with humility, not haughthiness; with integrity, not insecurity, and with self assuredness, not self-absorption...and yes, the beat goes on..know you do not have to be the person the world desires, because all God desires for you, is for you to live your truth...He really is your only judge...!! Haggai 1:5 -Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts, "Consider your ways! (NASB)...this are my rambling no one else, and i think we all would benefit from stopping to consider our blessed and forgive!

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