I find it interesting what we allow to challenge us, to scare us, to stop us, or what we choose to be unforgiving about. We all know ,we are different, and we even acknowledge it in research presented, communication we engage in, yet we stop at the full embracing of it because of fear.
We become tough negotiators with subtle concession in the framework of many non-negotiables that make it difficult to get anything accomplished. Resulting in the only outcome, we are willing to accept is one that has our desired outcome included. We do not see compromise as viable option because it might mean the other party(s) will get something. We do not want them to think they won, or got away with something. We seem to think we are the advocate for right; we have the market on right, true, and appropriate. In doing so, we fail to realize we make decision based on the following; a subconscious based on habit, our life experience, education received, and the environment exposed to during our life time. As a result, we are limited in our perspective, resulting in us not always being right. The awareness of this helps us to be open, clear, and unambiguous in our approach to others. We would then begin to seek understanding, before we seek to be understood. We would focus on being present in the moment, and not trying to tell someone what they are thinking because we have several other things on our plate. We no longer feel like someone is watching us, or respond to life from an unfounded paranoia that is self-imposed. We can have true confessions of fault and/or weakness, without believing it will use against us. And even when it is, we are not moved because we know that person is acting and/or speaking from a place of hurt. We realize this has nothing to do with you, as much as it has to do with the person and their character; something you cannot control. We can only control our choice, our response, and our behavior. More importantly, we would not see a need or desire, or fall into a habit of adding to what is to make a point because the truth would be enough. John 21:20-24 - Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind. When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, "Master, what's going to happen to him?" Jesus said, "If I want him to live until I come again, what's that to you? You—follow me." That is how the rumor got out among the brothers that this disciple wouldn't die. But that is not what Jesus said. He simply said, "If I want him to live until I come again, what's that to you?" This is the same disciple who was eyewitness to all these things and wrote them down. And we all know that his eyewitness account is reliable and accurate (MSG). ..The rumor started but was not true, but it was stated not out of maliciousness but out of a subconscious based on habit, our life experience, education received, and the environment exposed to during our life time. And the fear of something new, different, out of the box statement did not fit, therefore, it was made to fit….The question we must ask ourselves – Why is this an automatic with me? Who am I trying to impress?...We need to remember God is only judge, and he is only impress with our truth, imperfections and all…smiling
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