Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It is all in your does determine your altitude....

The difference maker in this life is our attitude, and it determines our altitude. This is the thermostat to our soul, it is tells more about who we are, how we feel, and inform others of where we stand, more than words could ever tell. Your attitude creates the masterpiece called you; whether we like it or not. Thus, it is incumbent upon each of us to be determined to possess a positive attitude. So, be the change you wish to see in others because it only takes one determine focused soul willing to stand to make a difference in order for the ripple-effect of change to appear, and for change to be made.

John Maxwell put this way from his book ‘The Maxwell Daily Reader’ about attitude:

It is the vanguard of your true self.
Its root is inward but its fruit is outward.
It is your best friend or worst enemy.
It is more honest and consistent about you than your words.
It is your outward look based on your past experiences.
It is what draws people to you or repel them.
It is never content until it is expressed.
It is the librarian of your past.
It is the speaker of your present.
It is the prophet of your future.

I pray we each make a conscious effort to think about our attitude...For this window into our soul, make a difference in all we do...

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