There is not a week that does not go by, someone does not tell me or suggest I write a book, or asked when is the book coming out. I work in an institution of higher learning and inspite of the madness, being around young adults is wonderful. College students live so raw, real, and visceral it is crazy; but more importantly they are more honest than most in the complements or statements of others. Then, I realize, I am writing a book every time I write in my blog….And I will share some of the wisdom I have gleam from my years of living….
1. We would live with a lot less stress if we begin to live who we, and not seeking to be the top this or that; just live the best you, and see peace reign.
2. No one makes us mad. Most people have not invested enough in anyone to know, what they know, and what is done, is a sensitive areas in your life is touch upon, and we react; no more, no less, and that is what triggers our anger
3. If we would be more willing to give what we are seeking from others in this life, we would be not only what we are seeking, but more.
4. We need stop trying to make the biological family be what we want. Because we are not perfect or have all the answers, nor should we sit longingly for the family of someone else, either. You are in the family you are, to make you the best you, learn the lessons, and thank God for the grace, and see the family of love of blood and love develop itself.
5. We really should stop trying to make every skin to you, fit in our mode of being. Let them live honesty in their truth, finding their way to their best without you begrudging them or demonizing them for not fitting in yours; we do not like it when it is done to us, don’t do it to anyone else.
6. Accept the fact your idea of the maturation and the evolution of life does not fit everyone. Because everything is not for everyone, even it if it is the traditional way of living, there has always been, and always shall be the outliner that are not deviate, just not fitting into your mode. If they are peace, so should you be for them and for yourself, knowing everyone is living their truth.
7. Take some time to look outside your own life experiences. What you will find there shall teach what words, circumstances, and textbook never will, and see a expansive and inclusive, not exclusive, perspective develop.
8. Sometimes silent is golden because an answer live, without negative is a well form response.
9. Going into any situation with the perspective of negative or ill-intent, will always result, for you, an unexpected outcome that will unabashedly piss you off; and your fault.
10. The compass to the answer, the solution to all problems is found within the problems, if we are willing to step back out of the emotional-driven state to see it…
Be responsible and live life with the same vigor, confidence, and security of self, you have when you walk in the room with your best outfit, shoes, tie, suit, or smell-good on, then you will see life change not only for you, but for all that come in contact with you. I see it, everything time I do, and it intoxicating hug like feeling and it feels good!
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