Thursday, March 3, 2011

The call of conscience--is the voice of God within us.

The call of conscience – the voice of God within each of us. It is the innate bearing within us all that tells us we have a spiritual destiny beyond the material world. It not just religious, but also spiritual destiny which encompasses the vastness of reality, no one really wants to entertain. We dapple, we play around the fringes of it, we test the waters from time to time, but drinking the kool-aid entirely is not for us. The question is why not? The answers lies in the same old thing why we don’t do – fear. We are fearful of what God states is actually true, it is haunts our day and lingers in our dreams. All because he makes what is paradoxical or contradiction into a paradigm shift of  congruency. He takes what is seen as no value or worthless, and grants grace beyond imagination. He takes what seems to be illogical and out of order as a dissonance cord to make the most melodies heart wrenching, soul awaking sound  that stays with us long after it is gone. He creates the reality we only dream about, like when the three Hebrews boys were put in the firey furnace but was not burn, not even a singe or the smell of smoke upon them all because they put faith above, not that it was absent, it wasn’t.  Or when Ruth decided to follow Naomi inspite of what they didn’t have, it was the urging of the religion she seen but not quite grasped, but was curious, and the spiritual tug inside her, made her decide to go with Naomi. This is the pursuit of a true peace, beauty and joy that only comes with examination and authenticity of self. A constant thing never relented on but the weight of it is neither overwhelming nor confusing. When the advice given to others, is also the advice taken by self, we find balance, peace and harmony within ourselves. One is able to be in that ‘zone’ where everything works no matter what happens. Things works, everyone present walks away energized, darkness removed, and axioms to live by from this point are solidified as part of our very foundation. The social influences and emotional drivers or catalysts no longer guides, directs or dictates to you. They are understood, the importance of them grasped but like King, Thoreau, C.S. Lewis, Lincoln, the voice of God within, provokes what is right to do, rather than what each has a right to do, for a bigger cause. Not that they, and others like them got it all right, all the time, they didn’t. Their pursuit and the answering of the call of conscience were only momentarily lapse in their character of the imperfect human they were while the pursuit was flawless. They all agreed with the decree of Christ, and went for it, releasing them from the competition for attention because it is not about me…wink…This may seem philosophical and unrealistic, but the question you we must all ask ourselves is this – Why is it?, no one is requiring perfection, only authentic faith to believe so that change can manifest in us….is that what we are suppose to be doing as a Christian anyway...smiling..

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