Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The reason, the season, a lifetime

The most effective way to do it, is to do it…Amelia Earhart
Ecc. 3:1 -There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven… (NIV)
Things like people come into our life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. This is something that comes to bear in my life every year around Spring time. See, I work in an institution of higher learning, and graduation is looming upon us. Students are about to leave a place where they have spent the last 4, 5, 6 years, or longer. Life is about change for them, and although, they worked for this thing called graduation and diploma. It also means walking away from loved ones and places where an investment of time, heart, and soul has been committed to during this time. This is hard, even though, they have prepared for it, saw it coming, and knew it was the inevitable. The reality of it hurts, and the struggles appear. Relationships change, perspective expands, and dreams fulfilled. Tears are shedded over this goal being achieved; some for the leaving and others for the fear of what is out there.  I have found myself having a conversation with students each year at this time that I call the ‘disorientation conversation.’ 

In these conversations, we discuss this struggle of letting go, and the transition from college adult to true adulthood. I explain how things and all people are not all meant to be with them forever; they are there for a season, reason, or a lifetime. This is a hard discussion to have as I see in their eyes the gravity of this weighing heavy on them. We speak about struggling to hold on, even though the more you work, it slips, and you see it slipping away. Although they see themselves changed, they are fight to keep everything and everyone as is. All because changes are upon them, and it is not wanted. We speak about moving forward with life, and how life has a natural rhythm that will not be ignore; no matter how we try.  If we just let the natural rhythm direct us, we would have fewer problems, hurts, and disappointments because it is, what it is…smiling…Yet, as I speak to them, teach them, I am taught because I too am seeking. I see how we as adults do the same thing in our life. We hold to some mindset, traditions and antiquated beliefs. We hold to these and lose our self, others, and opportunities because it does not fit in our dualist living. We want to be current, and still keep the traditions benefiting self, and rid ourselves of those that do not. The inconsistency is destructive not only to self but all that we touch. All because, we will not accept all was not meant to be with us for a lifetime. Some were only to get us through, others were there to help us address a moment, and while the rest is there for a lifetime. The reason, the season, a lifetime realizing what is which makes a world a difference and frees us to embrace current 21st century perspective and beyond, while still understanding the importance of the past and keeping what can should be kept, and releasing the rest so growth can occur… Ecc. 8:6 -For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man's misery weighs heavily upon him. (NIV)

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