Isaiah 43:19 - "Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth, Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness Rivers in the desert."(NASB)
What have I learned this year? Is a questions we all should ask ourselves because the only really uninformed or ignorant person is the one who believes s/he knows everything and does not intentionally seek. Everyday we remain on this earth, we are exposed to a new thing in this world. It might look the same, shaped the same, and feel the same but it is not. God does not the same thing twice, and as His creation, neither do we.Therefore, we need to seek the lesson in every experience (good, bad, or indifferent) in this life so we will continue to grow. The only way we grow is through intentionality of focusing on the goal, while paying attention to the process because the learning is achieved through being present in the process.Too many times we are dismissive of the process thinking as long as I achieve the desired goal or focus, it does not matter but it does. It matters because paying attention to the process actually allows you to build on what you already know then you will see if you are the catalyst for change that switches the game. This becomes your legacy because God blessings are based on our differences, not our similiarities. We just need the faith to believe our difference is the essential key to our blessings and favor for improvement, abundance, and progression in this life. Most importantly, we must, key thing, understand is not just about me but for me. See, the remnants of God's favor and blessings upon our lives provide an increase to others who are connected to us whether it is 6 or 10 degrees of seperation. Don't believe me? Let me give a modern-day example - Oprah Winfrey. Those that are closet get the most but it keeps going, and going, and going; you get the picture. All she did was believe inspite of what others said about her, circumstances of her, and physical appearance; she understood unrelentingly she had something to give. So, as we end 2010, and enter in 2011, please understand the significance of the number eleven. The number eleven means revelation and some think it is disorganization but understand something here. Where there is revelation is moves you from the current position, and transition into the new; disorganization is present as you change but just know God's logic and ways have nothing to do with man's, as it confounds the wise.
So, what have I learned this year....
1. It takes a godly, strong, and self-confident person to embrace humility because it builds character.
2. It is not about winning and losing, it is about doing your best and let God do the rest.
3. Our actions have a ripple-effect, and whether we intend to impact others or not, we do. How we decide with our conscious choices and attitudes determines good or bad.
4. We should not engage in argument with the young or old, because one doesn't care and the the others doesn't understand;while you end up stressed for no reason.
5. If you want to teach me, then you must find out where I am, so you can reach me. If you do not reach me, you will never teach me.
6. When you carry with you the baggage of hurt, you will never be free to live without fear; forgive and be free.
7. God never does anything the same way twice, no matter what we think or believe there is a difference; look for it and get the lesson.
8. Not everything is your life, good or bad, is meant to remain as is or status quo because there is no growth there; growth lies it the evolution.
9. When you are convinced of what you know, there is a seamless unconscious effort present directing you, and changes your life forevermore.
10. Spiritual people should have more than religiosity, intellectual understanding of the bible, and an apologetic attitude but all of these as well as the sense of God's presence always.
11. If it is not your responsibility and/or authority, then do not stress over no one valuing your opinion; they have to live their consequence, and in time if they are seeking and you speaking the truth, they will...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Weapon of Mass Destruction
James 3:3-5 - Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well. Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! (NASB)
I do not know what it is? If it has to do with me choosing to live authentic to my call this summer and the innateness of me, but I will have to say God is fine tuning me. It hurts…smiling…What is this about, well this weekend I was stroke with this revelation. The weapon of mass destruction, willed everyday without consideration or care, our tongue; it is deadly, as it merciful. What is done in us, is done through us. With our tongue, we put out what percolates within us. It is no accident; we do not achieve the things of awesomeness. We do not because, we are unwilling to believe outside of ourselves, and have not only spoken negative of others but about ourselves. No one intentionally fashions an un-sturdy foundation, but with our tongue we build it. We become ingrates because something was not quite right; we did not get what we desire; we did not get the response, we desired, or the outcome was less than stellar. Yet, we fail to realize when we are the one being persecuted, and we are on the receiving side; we see it as being unjustified..What webs, we weave when we seek to deceive self and others…. How we destroy and deconstruct with our tongue, with such intentional cuts, the precision so calculated and smooth that the person has to look twice to know the cutting was done. We use our tongue again to justify, what we did and vilify anyone who speaks against us. The tongue can bless but more often than not, it curses. Those curses supplant the grace God gave, with the seeds of conflict and inconsistency, none of us want but we all have spread…The weapon of Mass of destruction can be stop, when we understand better the power of the tongue comes from the heart of the person; for it speaks the truth…
The power of tongue builds somebody up, or tears them down, we make the choice based on our fleeting emotional instability; that never should have been. . The power of the tongue should not be underestimated. So, as this holiday season is upon us, think before you speak, and then try to bless. You will be surprise how your life will change….For where we end, God begins, His just wants to know you are there to be use..weapon of mass destruction, can easily be change to the wand of blessings upon blessings. Every time you use the tongue to bless, rather than destroy is turning point in your life. We must understand no matter the consequences in our life, our choices are representatives and reflections of our perspective of the world around us…We always choose, it is never the situation or surroundings…
The power of tongue builds somebody up, or tears them down, we make the choice based on our fleeting emotional instability; that never should have been. . The power of the tongue should not be underestimated. So, as this holiday season is upon us, think before you speak, and then try to bless. You will be surprise how your life will change….For where we end, God begins, His just wants to know you are there to be use..weapon of mass destruction, can easily be change to the wand of blessings upon blessings. Every time you use the tongue to bless, rather than destroy is turning point in your life. We must understand no matter the consequences in our life, our choices are representatives and reflections of our perspective of the world around us…We always choose, it is never the situation or surroundings…
Friday, December 17, 2010
Winning and losing, it is not about
Luke 23:46 - And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last. (NASB)
When you change the focus of your outcome, you change the focus of your engagement of the experience, the situation, the negotiation, or the argument. It is not nor has it ever been about winning and losing, but rather it is about the lesson, the promise, and the trans-formative growth. It all hinges on choices, and our choices hinges on our perspective. Most of our focus, mostly taught, puts too much winning and losing, a position. Position gives us chance, opportunity, and placement, only, nothing else; the rest you have to earn. Yet, we need to submit because winning does not guarantee you a ‘win’ in life or among others. What does is being authentic to self, and getting the most out of the experience so transformation is possible. Explanation – if you are only in it to win, you are unable to get the fullest of what the experience has to offer, and trans formative, metamorphosis is stymied. Not so, when you seek to be the authentic you, in light all things. Do not think this is easy, because if it was all would do it.
Take Christmas for instance, we understand the celebration of Jesus’ birth and all he gave so we could have. We know his purpose for coming was to save us, and his submission to will of God granted us grace. Yet, if we look at it all from the perspective of winning and losing, he lost. He was tried in a biased court, judge by emotional driven jury clouded by their fears, beaten for his unrelenting decisiveness to not let man’s opinion rule, and ultimately hung on the cross for his resoluteness. On the cross he stayed, He had to let the man part die, lose, in order for the all of god-part to be reveal, and we healed. However, our Father’s grace and mercy toward us is so great, that His loving faithfulness for us, allowed a part of him to live. Not only live, but endure so we could have the ultimate sacrifice in Christ. Christ became what many do not actually own much, because it is hard to wrap our heads and hearts around it. This is Jehovah Maddishkem "Sanctifier” Lev. 20:7-8. Meanings of ‘sanctify’ are officially approving of something, and a means of achieving a source of grace. We have a seal of approval upon our lives by God, and we live under grace, not under win and lost columns in this life as Christian. When our perspective allows us to embrace this truth, it changes the game of life, the journey we travel, how we deal with each conflict, and we too can say to our Father - INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT – because our spirit drives us; it is the internal…I realize it is difficult but without intentionality of achieving this purpose, we never get close to the utmost.
The struggle we are confronted with is putting this 1st Century truth that is absolute, into a 21st Century context that is realistic and practical without losing it essence....But God, we are able...We choose, we abide in the choice.
Friday, December 10, 2010
We shall overcome.....
Luke 3:22…and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased" (NASB)
The statement has been memorialize and become synonymous with Dr. King. As well as one of the lasting legacy of a great snapshot moment of Dr. King’s insightful rhetoric, and analytical conclusion drawn about man’s inner soul. We shall overcome denotes an expectation of something happening, not that is happening right now, or whether it will happen during our time; just that it shall happen. These two things are what makes it difficult for us to keep going; the expectancy. We always desire to see the product of our labor, you know, for it to happen right now. Yet, we forget that others gave, so that we might have but never saw it in the physical form; only in the vision of future in there mind’s eye. However, we cannot seem to wrap our mental and spiritual consciousness around this concept. We must submit, to gain. Realizing expectation requires patience, endurance, determination, and willingness to do today, so that tomorrow’s generation might have; legacy. The irony is this; we cannot endure this race at all, until we are ready to be our authentic selves. Until we are authentic with self, we cannot give God our all today. When we own who God made us to be, and begin walking in him, as we should.We will see what happen with Jesus, for us. When he accepted his call in public, and became a prophet without honor amongst his peers, his family, elders, and others …he got this - and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven,“You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased." …We too shall hear, from the Father – in You I am well-pleased– in our life. When we are willing to step outside of who others think we are, to who we are. See He, the Father, is searching for the heart that is destine, and willing to own its truth, regardless of the trials, the pitfalls, and the pains before them. Willing to cry out, against the normalcy of man’s order because the heart tells you, this is not the way for you but the road never traveled is. For us to overcome, we have to be willing to be the sacrificial lamb that is slain, literally or metaphorically; because it is our difference that makes us great. But no one wants to be that, they just want to overcome, and receive. We shall overcome, when we decide to let go, and submit to the higher calling within ourselves; no matter what it is. For in there lies, our over coming in this life…We shall overcome is absolute for all times…we must choose to apply it…
Monday, December 6, 2010
Who are you mad at?
Who are you mad at? Are you mad at the person you are taking your anger out on? If not, then why don’t you deal with that person, not take it out on someone else. We all are so free to attack everything but the issue we really need to attack. We get so caught up in redirecting our anger; we begin to believe this is the only way to act. Our status quo has taught us, we are not required to deal with the issue at-hand and we can redirect: wrong!. This becomes a problem when we desire to serve the Lord. Why do you ask, because He asked for it all. See, He is looking and desiring for you to give it all. He is looking for the destitute heart, so he can give prosperity; the broken spirit, so he can give wholeness, and the ill-fitted life so you can see His amazing grace fall fresh and know it is for you. Instead, we stay bottleneck with anger, battling the empty punching bag only exhausting ourselves as we build the anger muscle. Wondering why I have to keep fighting the same battles. Anger, like revenge comes back to us exponentially, when we send it out to others. See the problem with anger is we are angry with ourselves, and until we can start with self, we can never let go of anger toward any one else. Unresolved issues of our past, present, color our communication in more ways, than we think, and are the ghosts that hunt our future. As they dictate our response, and the manifestation becomes readily apparent for all to see. But since we live in the cloak and dagger world of fraud-reality, we do not see it.Deal with who you are mad at, not redirect it.
Who are you mad at? Deal with them, do not let it build up and explode on someone else; it never turns out well or productive for no one. Anger according to dictionary anger is nothing but negativity in definition; from its origin, it means to vex, distress, anguish, strangling, torment, affliction, etc. Yet, we are so consumed with our anger and feelings, we cannot see, the amazing grace being sent our way. The unending love waiting in the wings for us to embrace because it is already there, and the redemptive mercy holding us, we do not acknowledge it arms. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying do not get angry but I am saying live, learn, do not dwell, but communicate. It was never meant to be worn as a badge honor because it is not. No matter the outcome, when we deal with it, at least you have one less bag to carry on your already over-laden metaphorical spirit. In the book Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom there is this quote – Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel. Because really, if you really do know better, education, it should expand your horizon as well as the lens you see life through. Too bad we are not willing to seek because it requires us to change; what we have done, and are doing in our lives. Who are you mad at? You only have peace when you have all the pieces, and are honest with yourself…You choose!..
Ecc. 7:9 Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools. (NASB)....It is not easy, but it is worth!!
Who are you mad at? Deal with them, do not let it build up and explode on someone else; it never turns out well or productive for no one. Anger according to dictionary anger is nothing but negativity in definition; from its origin, it means to vex, distress, anguish, strangling, torment, affliction, etc. Yet, we are so consumed with our anger and feelings, we cannot see, the amazing grace being sent our way. The unending love waiting in the wings for us to embrace because it is already there, and the redemptive mercy holding us, we do not acknowledge it arms. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying do not get angry but I am saying live, learn, do not dwell, but communicate. It was never meant to be worn as a badge honor because it is not. No matter the outcome, when we deal with it, at least you have one less bag to carry on your already over-laden metaphorical spirit. In the book Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom there is this quote – Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel. Because really, if you really do know better, education, it should expand your horizon as well as the lens you see life through. Too bad we are not willing to seek because it requires us to change; what we have done, and are doing in our lives. Who are you mad at? You only have peace when you have all the pieces, and are honest with yourself…You choose!..
Ecc. 7:9 Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools. (NASB)....It is not easy, but it is worth!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It is a process
It is a process. I have said it, I have explained it to my students, friends, and co-workers but it got me. As I look back over this year, and all that has happened with me, tears welled up in my eyes from the ah-ha moment, or epiphany from this – God gives you the vision, the dream, shows you your purpose, or the place you will be. Yet, he never tells you the process you will have to go through to get to it. He does not tell you there will be death of a child, parent or loved one, you or a loved one will endure cancer, there will be divorce, you will have hell on your job, your name will be scandalize, etc. Like he didn’t tell Joseph, he would have to go to the pit, the prison, the palace, or that David, you will be hunted, and you will not get into the palace for at least 14 years. Nor did He tell Rahab, she would be known for her house of chaos, before she would be wonderfully converted and blessed, then become the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obed who was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the father of David; you know the rest of the story. But she had to go through some stuff. No, it is not told to us because God knows we cannot handle it. The irony is, we saw all of this happen to Jesus, as he lived his destiny and walked in the favor of God. Yet, we never care for the process, and unlike Jesus we do not submit to God’s will or way with our heart, soul and mind. Specifically, when it is extremely difficult something we do not like, we blatantly ignore God. We do what we want, and then wonder why things are so hard, why is it taking this long to get what I was promised. Well, every time we refuse the process that gets us to or closer to our promised destiny, we have to go back. We have to deal with the madness that has been created by our disobedience, and arrogance. We say, God knows what is best for us, but act like we know best. Yet, we repeat on more occasions than anyone of us can count Romans 8:28-29, and yet we still resist the order and process of God. See, God does not put negative things in our lives, but he allows it, and he uses it. As we learn to live our purpose, and build our faith understanding of why we were put here on earth. Our life is a testimony to God, and his greatness because it is not, and never has been about us. It is all process, cry if you have to, scream, yell, do what you need to move forward but know God has not forsaken you because in crisis when we submit and obey. When we are in crisis mode, if we let go and let God, regardless of what happens, we are able to see ourselves in light of God’s grace…we make the choice but we never choose the consequence and the ripple effect impact… When will we submit to the process, and believe God does all things in his perfect and prophetic time!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Why didn't you say something??!
Gen. 3:6;11-12- When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate…And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." (NASB)
This is a familiar passage of scripture that we have read. However, I am not going to speak on the issue of the hierarchy for the family according to God. I am taking a different approach to these verses. In the first verse, it said the woman ate it, and then gave it to her husband. Now, the question is this – why didn’t he say something? Instead he just set back, watched her eat the fruit, and then he ate it too. He knew the serpent was wrong, and what God had told him but instead being obedient, he decided to do what the woman said. How many times have we sat back, and watched others do what is wrong by just being silent and going along. However, when the mess hits the fan, we decided to throw our hands up and point the finger, redirecting the blame. Not wanting to owned, we were an accessory to the actions, behavior, or problem but we were. Even though we know better, we do not do better because we are not convinced of what we know. It does not fit in our ideology or desires, thus, we do not do. We are many times like Adam, and sit back letting the madness ensue around us, partaking, and enjoying but when we are called on the carpet, we throw everyone else under the bus. Not only that, we try to place in a backhanded way, the blame on the person who is in the authority position. Like Adam did, when God asked him, who told him he was naked, and if he eaten from the tree? Adam came back with, the woman you gave me, gave me this fruit and I ate. In other words, it is your fault because gave me her, and this is the reason I did this. Really?!! He never answered the question asked. He only gave a redirect of the conversation. He started maneuvering in the analytic bent we use today, and mastered in our verbal exchange. All because they both got caught up in the manipulative mind of the serpent, who confuse them, and refocus their mind. The question is how did he do that? The same way, it is done today; he spoke to our ego, and our desire to be smarter than we are, and only results us being the fool. Now I have two questions for you - who is the serpent in your life that is making you lose focus, redefine the truth you know, and put you in a place of where your nakedness is shown literally and metaphorically, and why are we willing to submit to man’s logic over the one who create man… You make the choice, but know you do not make the consequences….something to think about …wink
This is a familiar passage of scripture that we have read. However, I am not going to speak on the issue of the hierarchy for the family according to God. I am taking a different approach to these verses. In the first verse, it said the woman ate it, and then gave it to her husband. Now, the question is this – why didn’t he say something? Instead he just set back, watched her eat the fruit, and then he ate it too. He knew the serpent was wrong, and what God had told him but instead being obedient, he decided to do what the woman said. How many times have we sat back, and watched others do what is wrong by just being silent and going along. However, when the mess hits the fan, we decided to throw our hands up and point the finger, redirecting the blame. Not wanting to owned, we were an accessory to the actions, behavior, or problem but we were. Even though we know better, we do not do better because we are not convinced of what we know. It does not fit in our ideology or desires, thus, we do not do. We are many times like Adam, and sit back letting the madness ensue around us, partaking, and enjoying but when we are called on the carpet, we throw everyone else under the bus. Not only that, we try to place in a backhanded way, the blame on the person who is in the authority position. Like Adam did, when God asked him, who told him he was naked, and if he eaten from the tree? Adam came back with, the woman you gave me, gave me this fruit and I ate. In other words, it is your fault because gave me her, and this is the reason I did this. Really?!! He never answered the question asked. He only gave a redirect of the conversation. He started maneuvering in the analytic bent we use today, and mastered in our verbal exchange. All because they both got caught up in the manipulative mind of the serpent, who confuse them, and refocus their mind. The question is how did he do that? The same way, it is done today; he spoke to our ego, and our desire to be smarter than we are, and only results us being the fool. Now I have two questions for you - who is the serpent in your life that is making you lose focus, redefine the truth you know, and put you in a place of where your nakedness is shown literally and metaphorically, and why are we willing to submit to man’s logic over the one who create man… You make the choice, but know you do not make the consequences….something to think about …wink
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Is it you won’t do or can’t do?
One of the things I have learned and actually got it, is this recently, there is a great difference in can’t do and won’t do. Although, they result in the same thing, not doing whatever task is at-hand. It does not come from the same place. I have found we many time use these two statements interchangeably, but they are not. See can’t speaks of capacity, or an ability that one does not have. While won’t is an intentional choice where one decides, h/she will not do. It has nothing to do with capability or capacity to do; it does come from a place of self and fear. What do I mean? I won’t do is about not willing to do something, not the inability to do something. Although, it is used to teach us, and grow us, some people us it to abuse us or not help one another. But whatever reason, it all comes back to this, one is put place of uncomfortable, it is unfamiliar, or the uncharted waters. We do it so much, we lose out on our blessings because we have gotten so at home with not stretching ourselves, and not doing. We see it all the time. It is most notable in sports when the coach pushes the players to go where they have never been mentally, psychologically, and physically; there is resistance. The players have to trust the coach is right, and go for it. Trainers do the same thing. Some would call it blind faith because they do not see, cannot conceive being there, but they are encouraged into moving beyond what they know, by using what they know to get there….smiling…
We must stop letting the fear of doing, or the never gone there before stop us. Otherwise we only do this - Isaiah 29:13 - Then the Lord said, “Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote...NASB...See, we all have the tendency to give priority to man’s order, standards, and direction, and miss out on what is really there. Although, we say the right words, and explain the godly way, when it comes to doing, we back down. When what the Lord is looking for from us as Christian is this - Job 23:12 - I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. NASB…This is necessary to have in your heart because it becomes a living entity that grows as you grow, expand the lens you see through as you relinquish more to God, and become obedient. And when we are lost, confused, or fearful, it pricks our heart to keep us moving. So that we can say this verse with conviction, authentic understanding, and implementable skills that changes not only our lives but all connected to us – 1 Cor. 2:9 -… "THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM."...So, the question you must answer today is this – is it you won’t do, or can’ decides because you will abide.
We must stop letting the fear of doing, or the never gone there before stop us. Otherwise we only do this - Isaiah 29:13 - Then the Lord said, “Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote...NASB...See, we all have the tendency to give priority to man’s order, standards, and direction, and miss out on what is really there. Although, we say the right words, and explain the godly way, when it comes to doing, we back down. When what the Lord is looking for from us as Christian is this - Job 23:12 - I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. NASB…This is necessary to have in your heart because it becomes a living entity that grows as you grow, expand the lens you see through as you relinquish more to God, and become obedient. And when we are lost, confused, or fearful, it pricks our heart to keep us moving. So that we can say this verse with conviction, authentic understanding, and implementable skills that changes not only our lives but all connected to us – 1 Cor. 2:9 -… "THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM."...So, the question you must answer today is this – is it you won’t do, or can’ decides because you will abide.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Why do I have to go thru this?!
Why do I have to go thru this?! J. Moss has these statements in his song ‘I’m not Perfect’- ‘When you asked for more, I gave you less, and Lord I am sorry…I am not perfect but I am getting close, the more that I know you…When you needed me, I sometime did not come running’…This would explain why we go through, what we do. It is not an accident or coincident, we go through because we are not obedient. We decide not to do, not because we can’t do, but we do not want to do. It is too difficult, it puts us outside of our comfort zone, it is unfamiliar, or it is unpopular. How soon do we forget, God does not abide in man’s standards. His standard is different, and He measures on a different scale. Yet, the more we know Him, God, the more we should stop running away when He calls, regardless of where it takes us. We should begin to give more, not less when we have nothing left to give because it not we are use to giving, and it is not that we do not have it to give; we do. We just have not been challenged, or asked to give it. We see this all the time with coaches and their players, they push them because they know they can give more, and this is the reason God does the same. This is why we have to go through half the madness, we go through. If we give the more when asked, come when we are called, then half of what we go through would disappear.
The disappearance of half our problems, wouldn’t that be great. This would happen because God just want the best for us, and from us. We choose, we decide, therefore, we abide. It is time to change, it is time to move. When we know better, we really should do better, but we have to be convinced of what we know in order for us to do better. We see this illustrated in this story about the three Hebrew boys in Daniel….Daniel 3:16 -18 - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”(NIV)…When they were asked for more from God, they gave, and they were blessed. They did not go to the, I can't mode because they did not want to do.
See we go thru, so others will know, God is the Great ‘I AM’. It is never for naught, or without rhyme or reason. We say, we are not given the spirit of fear, yet we run away out of fear, thus, we have to go thru..smiling…We create what we hate…When learn to stop running away. Giving the more that is asked of us, and not the less that is easy for us. Releasing into that fold of grace that attitude of can’t, when it is really, I don’t want to do. We will find less going thru for us…we choose…
The disappearance of half our problems, wouldn’t that be great. This would happen because God just want the best for us, and from us. We choose, we decide, therefore, we abide. It is time to change, it is time to move. When we know better, we really should do better, but we have to be convinced of what we know in order for us to do better. We see this illustrated in this story about the three Hebrew boys in Daniel….Daniel 3:16 -18 - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”(NIV)…When they were asked for more from God, they gave, and they were blessed. They did not go to the, I can't mode because they did not want to do.
See we go thru, so others will know, God is the Great ‘I AM’. It is never for naught, or without rhyme or reason. We say, we are not given the spirit of fear, yet we run away out of fear, thus, we have to go thru..smiling…We create what we hate…When learn to stop running away. Giving the more that is asked of us, and not the less that is easy for us. Releasing into that fold of grace that attitude of can’t, when it is really, I don’t want to do. We will find less going thru for us…we choose…
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving is the hallowed holidays for me, more than Christmas or Easter. Why? Because it is the time we all take a pause in the continuum of time and pause to be thankful. Not get overwhelmed by negativity or get all consumed with what we lack. It represents the turning point in the time of each year, where we open the doors of our heart, and extend our expressions of gratitude to those that are close, and to strangers. We begin to give life and breathe into being the concept of my brother’s keeper. The consciousness of self is mitigated and the formulation of it is not about me appears. We move to the embodiment of the ‘grace factor’. The unmerited favor of God, where we were chosen, and we submit to be use as a vehicle to demonstrate the importance of Thanksgiving. The time where we express our thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for all, we have been blessed with whether it is material possessions, relationships, struggles, or trials for they all teach and bless. Our shared experiences allow us to look at the same landscapes, but new lens are formed to produce a different perspective that guides our steps spiritually and physically.
I am thankful for…
The trials for they refined me
The unconditional love because it cushioned my fall
The friends because they are the family that chose me
The present of mind to forgive and live
The willingness to live in my authenticity
The heart that sees hurts unspoken
The challenges put in my path today because they prepare me for tomorrow
The faith to believe God’s promise when man’s says, you don't or it could not be true
The power to choose
The family I was given because it made me into the me I am
The gift of grace that covers our lives
The unmitigated presence of favor upon all our lives in various measures
The consciousness of mind to see what absolutes are, and what relative statements are, and the willingness to accept the difference
The openness to learning from all people, and all situations as it becomes a seamless unconsciousness
A God who does not ever stop believing in me, even when I and others do!
The men and women who taught me, and are teaching me, more about me all in their unique way
The under-shepherd that says, I am fallible and we are learning together
The men and women of God who say – I don’t want to, but by God I must do
I am thankful for…
The trials for they refined me
The unconditional love because it cushioned my fall
The friends because they are the family that chose me
The present of mind to forgive and live
The willingness to live in my authenticity
The heart that sees hurts unspoken
The challenges put in my path today because they prepare me for tomorrow
The faith to believe God’s promise when man’s says, you don't or it could not be true
The power to choose
The family I was given because it made me into the me I am
The gift of grace that covers our lives
The unmitigated presence of favor upon all our lives in various measures
The consciousness of mind to see what absolutes are, and what relative statements are, and the willingness to accept the difference
The openness to learning from all people, and all situations as it becomes a seamless unconsciousness
A God who does not ever stop believing in me, even when I and others do!
The men and women who taught me, and are teaching me, more about me all in their unique way
The under-shepherd that says, I am fallible and we are learning together
The men and women of God who say – I don’t want to, but by God I must do
Monday, November 22, 2010
Be encourage...
In the first Chicken soup for the Soul book, it talks about the story of a junior high class was required to write something encouraging to each other. At one of their funeral, it was discovered every one of them have kept the note close. Some had it in their wedding album, in their top drawer, desk drawer, wallet, etc. This one note of encouragement spoke through the years to encourage the students from adolescent to adulthood. It is amazing to me how one word or a short note has such a powerful impact on an individual life. We just do not know. So, know today when nothing else is working for you, and you want to stop, give up, runaway from life, the money train does not seem to come your way, haters seem to be the only people reporting out on you, etc. love and reassurance is there. There is someone praying for you, loving you, looking up to you, believing in you, and seeing you are the best at what you do. You have a well of infinite unconditional love pouring out upon your life. God sends tangible touchable to you, each and every day. When you think no one will hear you, know he does. He is never too busy, it never too late, or inopportune time for you to reach Him, and He sees the best in you when you and everyone else only sees the worst. Cause God never formed anything that does not have something good about. He is not like man, He does want to know, and is genuinely concern for your well being, always. There is always a ram in the bush for you, if you look. He has a person smiling, reaching out to you in places you would expect as well as not expect. He does not participate in the ‘blame/game’, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you do it. He patiently waits, and loving smiles saying –my child, it is true, I am always here. And when you need an human touch, one is provided with a god-presence reassuring hug metaphorically and literally, who will be there as the angel s/she were ordained to be, as long as you need; no more, no less.
Be encouraged, knowing things happen how they happened so you could become the best you, not so that you can be destroyed but built up to withstand the winds of the future you are facing, and accomplish the task at hand for you. So, the next time you are wondering - How do I know he is there? How you know the wind is there? You feel it, and you feel Him! You see the results of His hand in your life! How do you know there is thunder, you hear it! You hear Him in the quiet whispers, slips of the tongue that changes your day, and the unexpected I love you spoken to you.
Be encouraged because you are beautiful just as you are. There is no one like you, you are an original model not to be duplicated or replicated. Your time and life is too precious to waste it!...Choose wisely, you are worth it….smiling
Be encouraged, knowing things happen how they happened so you could become the best you, not so that you can be destroyed but built up to withstand the winds of the future you are facing, and accomplish the task at hand for you. So, the next time you are wondering - How do I know he is there? How you know the wind is there? You feel it, and you feel Him! You see the results of His hand in your life! How do you know there is thunder, you hear it! You hear Him in the quiet whispers, slips of the tongue that changes your day, and the unexpected I love you spoken to you.
Be encouraged because you are beautiful just as you are. There is no one like you, you are an original model not to be duplicated or replicated. Your time and life is too precious to waste it!...Choose wisely, you are worth it….smiling
Friday, November 19, 2010
The unwanted things, makes the wanted possible
Luke 12:3 - Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops. (NASB)
As I come to terms with a decision I made this summer that is changing my life, I struggle, I wonder, and the weight is something too much with me. Yet, I stand knowing I do not have the spirit of fear but of grace. Thus, I walk in humility, smile in watered tears, and speak with a confidence that comes from the divinity with me.
God is moving in this land, our lives, our hearts, and our churches as He seeks to heal us. Yet, what is not revealed cannot be healed in us. We, I am not excluding myself, walk around in a clouded façade that is not our own truth. We do not see our own authenticities anymore because confusion and lies are the order of the day. But yet, we wonder why things are not working right, why everything is falling apart around us, and implosions occurring in our lives. No one is looking on the inside, and at self. WE spend too much time thinking and not reflective think of our selfish ways. Surrounding our self with the thought of - s/he should have presented, acted, or done it that way. But when, is it going to be the person receiving turn to take some responsibility, on how they accept what is presented to them; we choose, how we respond, not how it is delivered. I am not exempting anyone, I am not pointing a finger at anyone but I am including everyone in the transactions, and pointing fingers at all. Everyone is responsible; not just one party. We all need to understand, the things that we do not want, are the very things that make the wanted things possible. You have to break the eggs, beat the butter and sugar, mixed up the dry ingredients, etc to get the tasty delicious cake, we so desire. If that does not do it for you, then what about how many want the leaner and healthier body, but most do not want to change their lifestyle and add exercise. Yeah, there is some unwanted before we get the wanted in this life. What is revealed, is what is healed.
Revealing our truth frees us, and accepting that unwanted is part of the process that grants peace, and allows us to not be disgruntled. It provides hope, help and healing for those listening, and for those revealing, it grants the ability to live in their promise and purpose. See our test is our testimony, and our struggle is our sanctification by fire. While hurt people, hurt people, we would also do well to know what we put out, we get back, tenfold. So, as we are all becoming painfully aware of the unmasking of our leaders, our idols, our mess, resulting in us acting like the bottom has fallen out of our lives; I ask you, to ask your self – why am I destroyed over the fallible being fallible? Why do I feel the need to defend, when the truth will outrun a lie, every time? Why do I feel compel to hide who I am? Have we forgotten no one is perfect? Problem lies within all of us, the one who sat on the pedestal, and the one who put them there to worship. The one who is complicit with the covering, and the one who is covering it up. No one is exempt. Suffering in silent because you are afraid of what others might think, or because of the fear of being ostracized, only serves to imprison us in a selective amnesia and repeated self destruction cycle. Who wants that?
Know when we deny our humanity; it destroys our divinity the opportunity to live. Don’t believe me, remember Jesus, he never denies his humanity even to the cross, and it is what made his divinity so hallowed. So the next time you reach the crossroads of an extreme interruption in your life that creates an imbalance. Know this is an opportunity to grow, not crash and burn or to become self-destructive. You choose, but choose wisely. We are not promised a second chance at anything, and God will always give you enough time to do what you are called to do, if we let go and be free….the unwanted things, makes the wanted things possible, and every battle is not your to fight..Be still know I am GOD! sometimes, that is what we really need to do...
God’s word is Psalm 119:105 - our word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. NASB)
As I come to terms with a decision I made this summer that is changing my life, I struggle, I wonder, and the weight is something too much with me. Yet, I stand knowing I do not have the spirit of fear but of grace. Thus, I walk in humility, smile in watered tears, and speak with a confidence that comes from the divinity with me.
God is moving in this land, our lives, our hearts, and our churches as He seeks to heal us. Yet, what is not revealed cannot be healed in us. We, I am not excluding myself, walk around in a clouded façade that is not our own truth. We do not see our own authenticities anymore because confusion and lies are the order of the day. But yet, we wonder why things are not working right, why everything is falling apart around us, and implosions occurring in our lives. No one is looking on the inside, and at self. WE spend too much time thinking and not reflective think of our selfish ways. Surrounding our self with the thought of - s/he should have presented, acted, or done it that way. But when, is it going to be the person receiving turn to take some responsibility, on how they accept what is presented to them; we choose, how we respond, not how it is delivered. I am not exempting anyone, I am not pointing a finger at anyone but I am including everyone in the transactions, and pointing fingers at all. Everyone is responsible; not just one party. We all need to understand, the things that we do not want, are the very things that make the wanted things possible. You have to break the eggs, beat the butter and sugar, mixed up the dry ingredients, etc to get the tasty delicious cake, we so desire. If that does not do it for you, then what about how many want the leaner and healthier body, but most do not want to change their lifestyle and add exercise. Yeah, there is some unwanted before we get the wanted in this life. What is revealed, is what is healed.
Revealing our truth frees us, and accepting that unwanted is part of the process that grants peace, and allows us to not be disgruntled. It provides hope, help and healing for those listening, and for those revealing, it grants the ability to live in their promise and purpose. See our test is our testimony, and our struggle is our sanctification by fire. While hurt people, hurt people, we would also do well to know what we put out, we get back, tenfold. So, as we are all becoming painfully aware of the unmasking of our leaders, our idols, our mess, resulting in us acting like the bottom has fallen out of our lives; I ask you, to ask your self – why am I destroyed over the fallible being fallible? Why do I feel the need to defend, when the truth will outrun a lie, every time? Why do I feel compel to hide who I am? Have we forgotten no one is perfect? Problem lies within all of us, the one who sat on the pedestal, and the one who put them there to worship. The one who is complicit with the covering, and the one who is covering it up. No one is exempt. Suffering in silent because you are afraid of what others might think, or because of the fear of being ostracized, only serves to imprison us in a selective amnesia and repeated self destruction cycle. Who wants that?
Know when we deny our humanity; it destroys our divinity the opportunity to live. Don’t believe me, remember Jesus, he never denies his humanity even to the cross, and it is what made his divinity so hallowed. So the next time you reach the crossroads of an extreme interruption in your life that creates an imbalance. Know this is an opportunity to grow, not crash and burn or to become self-destructive. You choose, but choose wisely. We are not promised a second chance at anything, and God will always give you enough time to do what you are called to do, if we let go and be free….the unwanted things, makes the wanted things possible, and every battle is not your to fight..Be still know I am GOD! sometimes, that is what we really need to do...
God’s word is Psalm 119:105 - our word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. NASB)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
If had my life do over again, I would....
I received this email today and it talked about passing the purple hats. However, after reading it, I thought - why do we have to be confronted with our morality before we begin to appreciate the life we have, the people in our life, or the time we are granted. Yet, we must lose, or almost lose to gain perspective of things. Then, it only stands for us to understand why God's order includes giving to receive, and sacrifice is greater than obedience. It all makes sense to me now, and I get it. How about you?...
(written after she found out she was dying of cancer).
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.'
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it, and really see it ... . live it and never give it back.STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what
Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us because believe it or not there are more people loving you, looking up to you, and believing in you than you ever realize. So, let go and be free to love, and stop dwelling on what was never meant to be more than a waiting station, and not baggage we make it..We choose, we decide...we become the change, we wish to see in others by letting our actions speak for us: they always speak the loudest, the honestly, and the leave the mark...wink..
(written after she found out she was dying of cancer).
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.'
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it, and really see it ... . live it and never give it back.STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what
Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us because believe it or not there are more people loving you, looking up to you, and believing in you than you ever realize. So, let go and be free to love, and stop dwelling on what was never meant to be more than a waiting station, and not baggage we make it..We choose, we decide...we become the change, we wish to see in others by letting our actions speak for us: they always speak the loudest, the honestly, and the leave the mark...wink..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
God desires for us...
Eph. 1:9-10: He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him. (NASB)
Eph. 3:20-21 - Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (NASB)
God desires for us, is that he wishes us well, and always desire for us the things we keep deep in ours heart that is god-right for us; even if it breaks us…It is part of the process… We many times wonder if today is the day one of them will become apparent in our reality in a tangible way. And it is found for us in the place of remembrance, but it is a place you have not ever been except in your mind’s eye and/or dreams world visitation. Yet, the day has come, you have arrived, and time has permitted you to be there, and it is now. Know there are no coincident in life, and all things are here to teach you, to show you, and to allow you space to be you. No one really seek to hurt all they hurt, but our actions always leave unexpected casualties in our destructive behavior it seems. Yet, there are nuggets of blessing lying in what seems to be a waste land, and it acts as a catalyst that changes someone life as well as ourselves. We just have to seek the lesson; always, not just complain. I heard the other night this definition for forgiveness, and thought, it would do me well to remember this - forgiveness is realizing it could not have happen any other way - therefore, you can stop wondering woulda, shoulda, coulda, if I had, they had, etc, and be free to move forward with our lives...wink...
Know the time is approaching, quickly, for us to make some critical choices in our life.WE are at the threshold of embarking on living beyond what we see, if we desire, beyond the truth that kept us in the mindset of deny, deny, deny, wait, wait, wait, and then panic. Now, we have the opportunity to be authentic with ourself, in a way we have never before. As this come to us, we have to become more judicious with your giving, and 'about me' is no longer the baseline of anything we do anymore, even in a subliminal way. As you help another, you are helping you, do not miss the opportunity standing before you. It shall be found in places of unexpected, in people you tried to avoid, and the choices, stance, you rather not take. It is there you shall find your authenticities speaking the loudest, the boldest, and most resolutely. Do not hesitate in fear, fear is only meant to let you know, this is a new frontier go with God focus; nothing more.
Learn the lessons you sometime thought you knew, but you really didn't. So, try this on as a new way growth for you, as you explain, comprehend; as you clarify, grasp; as you illuminate to others, you clear your perspective lens, and as you challenge others to do, you begin doing the hard things you have hesitated on, while no longer going where the angels dared not tread...smiling. Stand and know, He is God, He has not forgotten, and His promise upon your life shall come to pass for you, if you embrace the lessons He has for you, and let go of the mess that is so easily enticing you into the madness, you say, you want out of. See we choose, more than we think with our words, actions, focus, interactions, and choices of friends; we impact more than we intend, and longer than we know, so act with a godly responsibly and accountability..smiling...
Know this, God shall fill the empty spaces in our lives with love, if we are open to his ways, inspite of the turmoil, we are so many time, fixate on. Just remember, his ways is out of order with man - you have to give, to receive; to be a blessing to others, you must be broken, and you must do, when it hurts because it is the god-right to do...wink.. Then, you will know what peace is in the midst of the storm is really is…
Just keep on believing, and never give up or think it is too late. If you are breathing, then it is not too late because it is only too late if you decide it is...You decide, it is your choice, and it is you...smiling
Eph. 3:20-21 - Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (NASB)
God desires for us, is that he wishes us well, and always desire for us the things we keep deep in ours heart that is god-right for us; even if it breaks us…It is part of the process… We many times wonder if today is the day one of them will become apparent in our reality in a tangible way. And it is found for us in the place of remembrance, but it is a place you have not ever been except in your mind’s eye and/or dreams world visitation. Yet, the day has come, you have arrived, and time has permitted you to be there, and it is now. Know there are no coincident in life, and all things are here to teach you, to show you, and to allow you space to be you. No one really seek to hurt all they hurt, but our actions always leave unexpected casualties in our destructive behavior it seems. Yet, there are nuggets of blessing lying in what seems to be a waste land, and it acts as a catalyst that changes someone life as well as ourselves. We just have to seek the lesson; always, not just complain. I heard the other night this definition for forgiveness, and thought, it would do me well to remember this - forgiveness is realizing it could not have happen any other way - therefore, you can stop wondering woulda, shoulda, coulda, if I had, they had, etc, and be free to move forward with our lives...wink...
Know the time is approaching, quickly, for us to make some critical choices in our life.WE are at the threshold of embarking on living beyond what we see, if we desire, beyond the truth that kept us in the mindset of deny, deny, deny, wait, wait, wait, and then panic. Now, we have the opportunity to be authentic with ourself, in a way we have never before. As this come to us, we have to become more judicious with your giving, and 'about me' is no longer the baseline of anything we do anymore, even in a subliminal way. As you help another, you are helping you, do not miss the opportunity standing before you. It shall be found in places of unexpected, in people you tried to avoid, and the choices, stance, you rather not take. It is there you shall find your authenticities speaking the loudest, the boldest, and most resolutely. Do not hesitate in fear, fear is only meant to let you know, this is a new frontier go with God focus; nothing more.
Learn the lessons you sometime thought you knew, but you really didn't. So, try this on as a new way growth for you, as you explain, comprehend; as you clarify, grasp; as you illuminate to others, you clear your perspective lens, and as you challenge others to do, you begin doing the hard things you have hesitated on, while no longer going where the angels dared not tread...smiling. Stand and know, He is God, He has not forgotten, and His promise upon your life shall come to pass for you, if you embrace the lessons He has for you, and let go of the mess that is so easily enticing you into the madness, you say, you want out of. See we choose, more than we think with our words, actions, focus, interactions, and choices of friends; we impact more than we intend, and longer than we know, so act with a godly responsibly and accountability..smiling...
Know this, God shall fill the empty spaces in our lives with love, if we are open to his ways, inspite of the turmoil, we are so many time, fixate on. Just remember, his ways is out of order with man - you have to give, to receive; to be a blessing to others, you must be broken, and you must do, when it hurts because it is the god-right to do...wink.. Then, you will know what peace is in the midst of the storm is really is…
Just keep on believing, and never give up or think it is too late. If you are breathing, then it is not too late because it is only too late if you decide it is...You decide, it is your choice, and it is you...smiling
Monday, November 1, 2010
Haunting whispers of grace….
We cannot move forward in the 21st century church in the framework of God’s messages without understanding the grace revelation upon the 1st century church. This is where intention and purpose collided, thus kingdom agenda is set. See the power of Pentecost was not the exponential growth; that was one of the results. The power came from the haunting whisper of the Holy Spirit that descended upon the diversity of people in different tongues simultaneously. Where the people were willing to accept the difference, surrender to what was not seen, submit to a truth not known, and obey a voice of reason that stood of faith alone. However, in the age of technology and my needs, my life, my wants, we have become selfish and lost sight of the true meaning of seeking God. We have put our values on the wrong things in this life, thus, leading us to a disillusion lifestyle. We focus on the material things in this life, because we have forgot these are only consequences, outcomes, products of a work, not worth. Yet, we have made them what define us, our worth; it was never meant to be that way. All of the material things will fade, pass away, but what remains always with us is not quantifiable. Yet, the depth, the height, and the width of it is immeasurable, and take us to the infinite places. See it is not the trophy we are weepy eyed over, it is the spirit and the emotional high of all that went into getting there. For we succeed in this life mostly by offering ourselves to others – our listening ear, our lasting smile, our invaluable time, our warm hug, and our loving heart. This takes us back to the 1st church when life was simpler, and the convolution of technology did not over take us. I am not saying, we should abandon or even do without technology, rather I am resolute in saying – we must look to the past to understand how to appreciate what we have today to better communicate the message that has not change, the truths that are absolute, and the love that is unconditional. The haunting whisper reminds us, these are just tools to us, not ever meant to take away from the human touch, only to assist in achieving the human touch. Teaching us to be who God called us to be, and not the unrealized frustrated person, underutilized fragmented life, or the dream deferred, for you see Jesus is truly the living word that breathes light in our darkness, and life into our dry bones. Acts. 2:39- The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call. (NIV)....we choose to become, we choose to believe, we choose to change...Jesus has chosen, have you?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
For your remembrance....
A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. With tears in their eyes they still manage to say "I'm ok", and know in their soul God is good. Realizing change is coming because HE sees your faith. He is preparing you for a great transformation in your life that only comes through the same process that yields the harvest from the seed. It has to be buried, go into darkness, and transform into the thing it will become. Yet, that happens through the seed breaking out of current shell. Its like the bee who aerodynamically should not fly but God! divine design woven its existence requires it to go through the struggle. The struggles, the working of the wings so that they are strengthen and strong enough to sustain; allowing the bee to fly. So, must it be done in nature, so must it be done with man. If we keep moving like the bee and let go in the natural order of the seed, we will find hard times are over. See in those crucial and pivatol moments, what we desire to not take part in, we need to realize God is trying to get us to let go, and let God. For He will heal all that is reveal, address all that is confronted, and restore all that needs repairing. We just have to keep the faith and trust that Great truly is His Mercy toward us, day after day, after day. Even when we do not think He is there he is because when we cannot see and feel God. We must know, HE sees and feels us, and we are not forgotten. As my pastor says, it is in the book –
Jer 51:52-53 - I know, but trust me: The time is coming" —God's Decree—"When I will bring doom on her no-god idols, and all over this land her wounded will groan. Even if Babylon climbed a ladder to the moon and pulled up the ladder so that no one could get to her. That wouldn't stop me. I'd make sure my avengers would reach her." God's Decree, (MSG) and we cannot forget Psalm 139:7-12 - Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night," Even the darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day darkness and light are alike to You (NASB). Believe and receive what God has for you, and see what the end gonna be!...You choose!!
Jer 51:52-53 - I know, but trust me: The time is coming" —God's Decree—"When I will bring doom on her no-god idols, and all over this land her wounded will groan. Even if Babylon climbed a ladder to the moon and pulled up the ladder so that no one could get to her. That wouldn't stop me. I'd make sure my avengers would reach her." God's Decree, (MSG) and we cannot forget Psalm 139:7-12 - Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night," Even the darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day darkness and light are alike to You (NASB). Believe and receive what God has for you, and see what the end gonna be!...You choose!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What heard that resonated with me...
I heard something today that set me free. I have come to believe this – when people show you who they are, believe them. However, what I heard today is this – stop trying to fix or make people be what they are not. I was like wow! How much time, words, energy, and even money do we spend on trying to make someone into what we think, or what they say want? Yet, everything they do is in direct opposition to what is being spoken. They may say the right words, know all the answers but nothing has click in them to work for it. So, what do we do, we keep at them trying to get them to move on what it either because they asked, or we think this is the best for them. WE have missed the most important part of this, the individual(s) being an active participant engaging in their own transformation. We cannot want the change more than the person who is changing desires it. It only makes both individuals frustrated and miserable. It becomes a slow erosion of a light all because we do not let go, and let God, or let the person be. We were never meant to change anyone so that he or she reaches their potential or obtain growth. What we are called to be is the change we wish see, model the behavior and the character, we teach, but once again folks it is the person. They choose whether it is important to them or not to do, if it is not important to them to change, then we have no right to force, to badger, to push them. They must always be active participants in their own transformation. We can help them, but we cannot make them be this thing, we think they should, or what they say they want, if the person is not putting in the work. Is it painful to see a loved one, or a person with great potential fail; yes! But you are not God. You are not the Master-craftsman who fashion each of us with exact precision of a steady love to create the unabashed beauty that is to be forged by life fires and groom by the Prince of Peace loving redemptive grace as we reassured through the Holy Spirit presence. WE cannot do an extreme makeover on people like we do on things, because you need their consent and willingness to make it happen. Telling others what not wear with our words and not with our actions does not to inspire others to engage in change. We cannot make people change, but we can give them an example to follow, and behold through our living, our actions, our words, our giving.
At some point we must let go, we must release ourselves and the other person to choose, for them. We are to shake the dust off our feet, and move on to place you can help. However, we need to remember, we will never get what we do not give; so check yourself first because you cannot expect to convince someone you seek their best in a public forum, or in front others. When you personally harbor their worst, or do not think the individual will ever make it; they respond to your truth. Letting go, forgiving others, makes this process easier to do, but the process to get here is difficult at best because it is in our nature as men and women to fix, make better, to mold, to whittle, to figure out, or to sculpt. Yes, things we can shape, configure, but people must desire it. If you ever get lost on this point, remember this – you do not like people trying to make you change or fix you. …Matthew 10:14 – ‘If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. (NIV)’ …WE were never meant to force anything onto person, only to provide the words and mold it to encourage…. “
At some point we must let go, we must release ourselves and the other person to choose, for them. We are to shake the dust off our feet, and move on to place you can help. However, we need to remember, we will never get what we do not give; so check yourself first because you cannot expect to convince someone you seek their best in a public forum, or in front others. When you personally harbor their worst, or do not think the individual will ever make it; they respond to your truth. Letting go, forgiving others, makes this process easier to do, but the process to get here is difficult at best because it is in our nature as men and women to fix, make better, to mold, to whittle, to figure out, or to sculpt. Yes, things we can shape, configure, but people must desire it. If you ever get lost on this point, remember this – you do not like people trying to make you change or fix you. …Matthew 10:14 – ‘If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. (NIV)’ …WE were never meant to force anything onto person, only to provide the words and mold it to encourage…. “
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
So you want to be a blessing to others....
So you want to be a blessing? Well to be a blessing you must be broken, and then transformed so that what needs to be healed can be revealed. You cannot help anyone if you never known any kind pain. You cannot understand what has no meaning to you, thus, you cannot help another. I am not saying there are not some people who have the ability to get it bit that God. For most of us, if you desire to be a blessing, you must submit your will to God’s, and that means you are no longer in control. This is what it is all about right, submitting to God? When you desire to be a blessing you have the awesome gift of having burdens and blessings as a mantle to wear. See a blessing means a declaration of divine favor, or an invocation imploring divine favor on someone or something. Now that is awesome to receive, but it is not free, or without a cost to us. It requires accepting what is not seen, seeking what cannot be validated, and being silent when words are attacking your tongue. Being a blessing does not mean you have no trouble or there is no struggles but it does mean you are able to help others find there way out of no way, and achieve peace in the midst of a tsunami knowing God will do what he said, he would regardless of our insecurity or fears. Being a blessing is having the remnants of your favor; leftovers provide an increase in others lives. Yet, being a blessing to other requires a humble spirit that knows how to choose their battle, and understand in the end, we win, even though, outlook is grim. The battle is occurring, the wars seemed to be wage without ceasing – either in the spiritual or one in the carnal, and at times there is a simultaneous battles. Being a blessing requires an examination of personal beliefs and values as you realizes alternative conflict resolution skills are now part of arsenal – Ecc. 9:11 - I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all (NIV). We have to get beyond the theoretical understanding where we espouse the rhetorical statements about the subject of being a blessing, to the place application into our life perspective, and implemented in our lens we see life through. Then the being a blessing will take the transformative function it was meant to be …Luke 9:16 - Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them, and broke them, and kept giving them to the disciples to set before the people. (ASB). ..We have to broken and blessed to be a blessing…
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How we give, is how we live
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7 NIV)
How we give, is how we live. We give with the focus on an immediacy of return, then that is what you get. However, we should not look at this act of giving to have a future impact of increase because we gave for necessity, it is for right now. No more, no less. Done, we do not get anything else from this. Yet, when we give, act, or contribute out of necessity, we become upset because a declaration of divine favor is not received. It was not suppose to be, remembered you gave out of necessity, it necessitates right now, not for a future increase upon your life. Actually, it does the direct opposite because what you put out, you get back; we mirrored. And yet, we are overwhelmingly surprised when the flood gates of abundance do not come our way. We have to remember life generally gives you what you put into it.
Now what about the second part of the verse, not to give of reluctantly, unenthusiastically, stingily or bittlerly, these will not come back with a pleasant surprise. Yet, we think as long as I gave, act, or did, it should not matter because in the end what was needed was obtained. Asked yourself, what happened when someone did this for you, or gave you something with this attitude. How did you like it? I am betting, not so much. See once again, we receive what we put out; it is mirrored whether we like it or not. It is amazing thing how we get all flustered, tensed, or ill at ease when we are treated in such way by another in their giving, doing, or behaving, but think nothing of it when we do it to others. This is why, it is important to be a cheerful giver because it reduces the times where you will have to encounter, face, or endure the other two. Yet, it does means no more acting from the position of a selfish place, and most of the time we fail in our actions as cheerful because we let the feelings, emotions dictate what we do in the heat, and the cool of the moment. An insidious quality of ‘my’ perspective ideology characterize typically by a narrow focus that is not inclusive of forgiveness. Yet, its effects and define the entire person through one frequently replayed, and 'revealing' moment of our authentic self. This is us, as we give as of necessity and/or grudgingly. We capture the essence of what should be or do in a distort lens, and we lose out on the blessings that achieve peace in the midst of a tsunami. All because we refuse to lay down our hurt feelings, deal with our anger, and remember it is not about us. And ultimately, it is more blesseth to give than receive in the arithmetic of God! This God loves a cheerful giver, and it matters for our future, our present, and our yesterdays....How we give, is how we live...we choose.
How we give, is how we live. We give with the focus on an immediacy of return, then that is what you get. However, we should not look at this act of giving to have a future impact of increase because we gave for necessity, it is for right now. No more, no less. Done, we do not get anything else from this. Yet, when we give, act, or contribute out of necessity, we become upset because a declaration of divine favor is not received. It was not suppose to be, remembered you gave out of necessity, it necessitates right now, not for a future increase upon your life. Actually, it does the direct opposite because what you put out, you get back; we mirrored. And yet, we are overwhelmingly surprised when the flood gates of abundance do not come our way. We have to remember life generally gives you what you put into it.
Now what about the second part of the verse, not to give of reluctantly, unenthusiastically, stingily or bittlerly, these will not come back with a pleasant surprise. Yet, we think as long as I gave, act, or did, it should not matter because in the end what was needed was obtained. Asked yourself, what happened when someone did this for you, or gave you something with this attitude. How did you like it? I am betting, not so much. See once again, we receive what we put out; it is mirrored whether we like it or not. It is amazing thing how we get all flustered, tensed, or ill at ease when we are treated in such way by another in their giving, doing, or behaving, but think nothing of it when we do it to others. This is why, it is important to be a cheerful giver because it reduces the times where you will have to encounter, face, or endure the other two. Yet, it does means no more acting from the position of a selfish place, and most of the time we fail in our actions as cheerful because we let the feelings, emotions dictate what we do in the heat, and the cool of the moment. An insidious quality of ‘my’ perspective ideology characterize typically by a narrow focus that is not inclusive of forgiveness. Yet, its effects and define the entire person through one frequently replayed, and 'revealing' moment of our authentic self. This is us, as we give as of necessity and/or grudgingly. We capture the essence of what should be or do in a distort lens, and we lose out on the blessings that achieve peace in the midst of a tsunami. All because we refuse to lay down our hurt feelings, deal with our anger, and remember it is not about us. And ultimately, it is more blesseth to give than receive in the arithmetic of God! This God loves a cheerful giver, and it matters for our future, our present, and our yesterdays....How we give, is how we live...we choose.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Love, honor, and obey?!
1 Cor. 13: 13 - And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
This weekend I went to a wedding, and found myself listening to this contemporary commentary on the Love, honor, and obey part of the ceremony for the woman. I hear it all the time where women want that part changed or taken out. But here is the thing, obey means pay attention to, listen to, or give ear to; there is nothing derogatory about it. The problems lies in what we have made it to mean, not what it truly means. We consider it to be archaic to embrace this phrase but we do not think it is archaic to embrace the idea the man should be the bread winner, or the man should take care of the cars. When you, the woman, could be the better person to do those things for the betterment of the household, and balance of harmony for everyone. Yet, we pick and choose what we will adhere to, and then wonder why things are not going so well with us. Things are not going so well with us because we have this strange addiction to power and control. Power and control are not things you have to prove, they are just there; if you have to prove you have power and control, then you are right you do not have it. One does not have fight to keep what it really theirs; it cannot be taken from you. It has to be given up, and you should not give ‘anything’ to another person who does not have your best at heart, or you have not been directed by God to submit, because ultimately He, the Father, does have your best at heart. So, if you are debating the issue having love, honor, and obey in your vows at the marriage ceremony, I would suggest you take a step back and ask yourself – should I be marrying this person because I am not at a point where I can submit, so I can commit. It states in 1 Corinthians 13 about the greatest of the things pointed out in this chapter, is charity, love. If this is the most important one, then why do we focus on another one, for a point of discussion? For if you love me, are you going to ask me to do something intentionally to hurt me, destroy me, or shame? I think not. I know the argument about women being property, not having rights but that did not matter if your husband loved you, he treated you with the due respect you desire, regardless of the order of the day, and was willing to deal with the ‘peanut gallery remarks’. I also know words matter, more than we think, and if those words do not speak to your love and new covenant relationship, then all means change it. However, the real problem is not the vow itself; it is the power we gave it. We as a society made it an absolute in our lives, for the institution of marriage, when it was really a relative statement, and if we desire to know what an absolute is when it comes to any relationship. We seek the wisdom from the bible, the Father, not man or man’s feelings that are emotional based. We find the inane to debate and focus on while leaving the meat of the matter lingering on the edges, and then we wonder why this is not working as it should. Well, we have the order in reverse, and when the order is wrong until it align correctly, it does not work. The main focus in the marriage is the unconditional love, abiding trust, and the willing submission of both for each other and the good of the union with the Father holding the headship position… Thus, love, honor, and obey, or because you complete me, whether your marriage vow is, as Christian it should be biblically sound, and the Father stated approval so the relationship shall stand the test of living and growing in to the perfect union for the two in the marriage having at the foundation unconditional love…We choose, we decide, we abide.
This weekend I went to a wedding, and found myself listening to this contemporary commentary on the Love, honor, and obey part of the ceremony for the woman. I hear it all the time where women want that part changed or taken out. But here is the thing, obey means pay attention to, listen to, or give ear to; there is nothing derogatory about it. The problems lies in what we have made it to mean, not what it truly means. We consider it to be archaic to embrace this phrase but we do not think it is archaic to embrace the idea the man should be the bread winner, or the man should take care of the cars. When you, the woman, could be the better person to do those things for the betterment of the household, and balance of harmony for everyone. Yet, we pick and choose what we will adhere to, and then wonder why things are not going so well with us. Things are not going so well with us because we have this strange addiction to power and control. Power and control are not things you have to prove, they are just there; if you have to prove you have power and control, then you are right you do not have it. One does not have fight to keep what it really theirs; it cannot be taken from you. It has to be given up, and you should not give ‘anything’ to another person who does not have your best at heart, or you have not been directed by God to submit, because ultimately He, the Father, does have your best at heart. So, if you are debating the issue having love, honor, and obey in your vows at the marriage ceremony, I would suggest you take a step back and ask yourself – should I be marrying this person because I am not at a point where I can submit, so I can commit. It states in 1 Corinthians 13 about the greatest of the things pointed out in this chapter, is charity, love. If this is the most important one, then why do we focus on another one, for a point of discussion? For if you love me, are you going to ask me to do something intentionally to hurt me, destroy me, or shame? I think not. I know the argument about women being property, not having rights but that did not matter if your husband loved you, he treated you with the due respect you desire, regardless of the order of the day, and was willing to deal with the ‘peanut gallery remarks’. I also know words matter, more than we think, and if those words do not speak to your love and new covenant relationship, then all means change it. However, the real problem is not the vow itself; it is the power we gave it. We as a society made it an absolute in our lives, for the institution of marriage, when it was really a relative statement, and if we desire to know what an absolute is when it comes to any relationship. We seek the wisdom from the bible, the Father, not man or man’s feelings that are emotional based. We find the inane to debate and focus on while leaving the meat of the matter lingering on the edges, and then we wonder why this is not working as it should. Well, we have the order in reverse, and when the order is wrong until it align correctly, it does not work. The main focus in the marriage is the unconditional love, abiding trust, and the willing submission of both for each other and the good of the union with the Father holding the headship position… Thus, love, honor, and obey, or because you complete me, whether your marriage vow is, as Christian it should be biblically sound, and the Father stated approval so the relationship shall stand the test of living and growing in to the perfect union for the two in the marriage having at the foundation unconditional love…We choose, we decide, we abide.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Grief is part of the process
Grief is part of the process. We cannot ignore, and just get over it or just move on without dealing with it. Although, grief is temporary, it becomes a permanent part of us when we do not go through it. When we do not let out the emotions, let out the feelings, express ourselves, and then it becomes a negative force in our life. We ask God, where are you? He asked us, where are you? He is seeking not where we are physically, but mentally, emotionally, psychologically. See any time we lose something, we held dear, even if it is breaking loose of a negative thing; we grieve. Grief comes about when we lose something, what was familiar, comfort to us, or kept us balanced, even if it is imbalance. Because worn long enough the imbalances, negativity, and/or living in the shadows become the security blanket, we wear, and our norm. This is the reason it is important for each of us to have a good group that keeps it real like Dr. Phil. We can be honest, open, cry, yell, or whatever without being judged. Therefore, our inner circle is not necessarily the ones we talk to, it is someone else who is a friend, and they are just become the go to person for this moment, season, and not to be carried, or drawn into the closer knit of friendship. They are there to help you grieve, and help you to get a handle on the madness that has beset you. Each person in our lives plays a different role in our life, we should never have individual we consider ‘friends’ we do not trust, and can’t be real with, for this reason. This is destructive to us because when we are in need, we compound the problem for our self. We need to be able to let the tears flow, the words explode, and the confusion be expressed, so you can be release, relax, and renew. No, one can give you permission to do this except you, and you are unable to give yourself that permission, until you are able to feel ‘safe’. We need to understand, this does not mean we do not trust God, or have faith, it is just where we are. Christ showed us this on two separate and critical occasions - if this cup, in the Garden, and why have thy forsaken me, on the Cross. Did he forget, no he was hurt, he felt pain, not only physically, emotional, but also spiritual, because he was man, and God at the same time. I am not diminishing, or trying to put Christ in this box, only reminding each of us, he has lived what we experience, and can identify with our struggle. We just have to know, we must go through the process as He did. Just always know grief is a process, not a permanent station in life, we are to go through it, not remain there. How long is it, it varies from person to person, but know progression is forward movement, not stagnation or standing still wallowing in it. So, let the tears flow, the inarticulate words flow, and if the person does not respond that encourages you to open up further in a genuine open heart to help, then know he or she does not want to know, or is not the one to help you. Do not hold a grudge or be defensive toward them, just know he/she is not the person for you…
We choose, we decide, whether faith shall abide or not, and the process of grief I accept as part of the process of growth. For the super highs are only matched with equal or greater lows in life, and one speaks into the other, it is all part of a process, order that is God’s way, not man’s…
We choose, we decide, whether faith shall abide or not, and the process of grief I accept as part of the process of growth. For the super highs are only matched with equal or greater lows in life, and one speaks into the other, it is all part of a process, order that is God’s way, not man’s…
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hypocrisy: Getting rid of the Mask
Hypocrisy is not being honest, and others words that are sometimes used to replace it is pretense, insincerity, duplicity, to name a few. Whatever we name it, it all boils down to not true, wearing the mask. Wearing a mask, rather living in untruth, is an insult to our Maker. We were fashioned in love, smoothed out with redemption, and freed through grace. WE were fearfully and wonderfully made, by our Maker. When we wear a mask, we are saying God will fail us, however, even when it looks likes defeat, He wins; his time, his order, his way. Yet, we wonder why things do not change. Well God cannot heal what we will not reveal and trust him with because we have to be active participants and engage in our own transformation. We forget what is stated in 2 Tim 3:13 – ‘But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived (ASB)’, and earlier it states this in verse 5, - ‘holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.’ Because God sees the best in us, when others see the worst in us, and write us off. These people are not just none Christian, or bad people, they are the faithful religious folk, we measure our religiosity and spiritually by. They determine for us the right and righteous, when it was never supposed to be this way. See they are wearing the mask, and hurt people, hurt other people, and the cycle of destruction begins. Then, we all begin to wear the mask that destroys, and although we may only do a little things; remember a little of something dangerous can destroy a whole lot. The seed we plant today of wrong, finds root and take hold beyond this moment. This sends another on to believe no one can love me in my truth, my authenticity, my imperfection; my flawed past and present, thus my future must be worthless, etc.
Yet, we repeat as a mantra, many time, these things – while I was yet a sinner God love me, God loves me unconditionally, or God loves the sinner but hates the sin, or something like that. Well, if God loves you, then why not believe God, and take off of the mask? The reason is simple, once the uncomfortable is worn long enough, it becomes familiar to us, and we become comfortable with it. Thus, the uncomfortable feeling is our norm, when it never should have been. We are caught up in confusion, something God is not the author of, but Satan is. Wow! Now that makes sense, we have let our fears, insincerities and past hurts, be our inner truth mantra and they holds us back.
The question is, when will we commit, submit, and become convince of what we say, we believe. See, we like to say, when you know better, you do better, but I say that is a lie. Why? Because there is a lot of things we know better – lying, cheating, affairs, stealing, speeding, unforgiveness, etc, but we still do, and don’t allow God to work his perfect work. This is not an assault on your character, just an illustration of me making a point. We have taken a relative statement, something that is not always true, and made it into an absolute truth, that never changes regards of race, gender, or age. Therefore, we are confused and result in us wearing a mask because we do not get it.
Hypocrisy, wearing the mask is not something to embrace but to avoid. Because Marian Williams had it right, when she wrote – …And when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. In other words, when live our truth, then we are able to live our truth because we are all flawed, imperfect being, seeking after a perfect found in God’s will for our promised destiny…We choose…how are you choosing, I have chosen to live me, broken, flaw, imperfect, many other things I am not proud of in my past, as well as releasing hurt. I will not deny them because then I hide, and begin to live in the shadow of my truth, and I refuse to wear the mask anymore. I desire to be free, in abundance, and know this – Isaiah 61:3 – 7 ‘To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will rise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Strangers will stand and pasture your flocks. And foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers. But you will be called the priests of the LORD; you will be spoken of as ministers of our God You will eat the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs (ASB).’...We choose.
Yet, we repeat as a mantra, many time, these things – while I was yet a sinner God love me, God loves me unconditionally, or God loves the sinner but hates the sin, or something like that. Well, if God loves you, then why not believe God, and take off of the mask? The reason is simple, once the uncomfortable is worn long enough, it becomes familiar to us, and we become comfortable with it. Thus, the uncomfortable feeling is our norm, when it never should have been. We are caught up in confusion, something God is not the author of, but Satan is. Wow! Now that makes sense, we have let our fears, insincerities and past hurts, be our inner truth mantra and they holds us back.
The question is, when will we commit, submit, and become convince of what we say, we believe. See, we like to say, when you know better, you do better, but I say that is a lie. Why? Because there is a lot of things we know better – lying, cheating, affairs, stealing, speeding, unforgiveness, etc, but we still do, and don’t allow God to work his perfect work. This is not an assault on your character, just an illustration of me making a point. We have taken a relative statement, something that is not always true, and made it into an absolute truth, that never changes regards of race, gender, or age. Therefore, we are confused and result in us wearing a mask because we do not get it.
Hypocrisy, wearing the mask is not something to embrace but to avoid. Because Marian Williams had it right, when she wrote – …And when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. In other words, when live our truth, then we are able to live our truth because we are all flawed, imperfect being, seeking after a perfect found in God’s will for our promised destiny…We choose…how are you choosing, I have chosen to live me, broken, flaw, imperfect, many other things I am not proud of in my past, as well as releasing hurt. I will not deny them because then I hide, and begin to live in the shadow of my truth, and I refuse to wear the mask anymore. I desire to be free, in abundance, and know this – Isaiah 61:3 – 7 ‘To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will rise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Strangers will stand and pasture your flocks. And foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers. But you will be called the priests of the LORD; you will be spoken of as ministers of our God You will eat the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs (ASB).’...We choose.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
When we learn....
As I began to mull over the issue of bullying and suicide, I was struck by the fact many times the person feels helpless. There is no one to talk to, or will listen to you because after awhile it becomes a broken record to the person(s) listening, but it is the exercising of the demons for the person talking. We as people forget what it is like to ever feel like that, where you are talking but no one is listening because you cannot quite put everything in words. You feel alone, at least I did when it happened to me (Some say, I have great faith and confidence, but I say, I know that God is gonna do what he said, period; but it ain't easy). I was not suicidal but I was not in a good place either. The issue seems inane, small, or insignificant, but it is real and an overwhelming weight to carry. People avoid you, try to get you to be quiet about it, and you feel depress, lost, alone, confuse, and mentally spent. The pastor of the church I attend decide to preach over it because of the significance. However, it is going to take every one to get on board, and do more than the rhetorical statements – if you need me call, or if I can ever do anything, I am here. Yet, when you are needed the most, all is heard are excuses because you just don’t want to know. We all need to provide a compassionate ear, an open heart, and willing spirit to assist…
I cannot help but to think if we were more authentic with ourselves, and remove the mask 50% of this would disappear. While the rest would be manageable, I am not saying all bullying and suicide would diminish, but I am saying life would change. Too many of our young are taking their own lives because of bullying, and the inability to live their truth.
I just asked everyone to think over these questions, start to be the change, YOU desire to see…
1. When will we learn, acting from the position of impressing, rather than influence, if we desire to connect with others result in a disconnect for us?
2. When will we learn, if we desire others to be authentic with us, why don’t we become authentic with them?
3. When will we learn, to not shy away or push others away, when they see through your façade reach out to us you with love?
4. When will we learn, getting upset with others who come to the table with a hidden agenda, when we do the same thing serves no purpose, and is a distraction to progress?
5. When will we learn, tangible blessings are only the manifestations of spiritual obedience and immutable trust in an unfailing Father?
6. When will we learn, just like you can see when another is being less than authentic with you, others see that in us too and question it?
7. When will we learned, operating from the position of insecurity, fears, or selfishness, never allow us to reap the benefits or outcomes; we say, we seek?
8. When will we learn, when our behavior changes toward a person, the person changes toward us?
9. When will we learn, power and control does not have to be proven, it just is; remember Christ’s example?
10. When will we learn, Godly growth comes from a godly connection, in a godly order, and it is for our good, and fear is an awareness we are going into the unknown, not that you have to stop?
I am learning it, how about you.We choose…I do not know about you but living my truth allows me to be free. No self-imposed prison, no mental constructs binding me into insanity, or a nemesis seeking to destroy me can stop me.
We have the consent of the King to live our truth…John 8:32;36 - …and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free… "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed …ASB
I cannot help but to think if we were more authentic with ourselves, and remove the mask 50% of this would disappear. While the rest would be manageable, I am not saying all bullying and suicide would diminish, but I am saying life would change. Too many of our young are taking their own lives because of bullying, and the inability to live their truth.
I just asked everyone to think over these questions, start to be the change, YOU desire to see…
1. When will we learn, acting from the position of impressing, rather than influence, if we desire to connect with others result in a disconnect for us?
2. When will we learn, if we desire others to be authentic with us, why don’t we become authentic with them?
3. When will we learn, to not shy away or push others away, when they see through your façade reach out to us you with love?
4. When will we learn, getting upset with others who come to the table with a hidden agenda, when we do the same thing serves no purpose, and is a distraction to progress?
5. When will we learn, tangible blessings are only the manifestations of spiritual obedience and immutable trust in an unfailing Father?
6. When will we learn, just like you can see when another is being less than authentic with you, others see that in us too and question it?
7. When will we learned, operating from the position of insecurity, fears, or selfishness, never allow us to reap the benefits or outcomes; we say, we seek?
8. When will we learn, when our behavior changes toward a person, the person changes toward us?
9. When will we learn, power and control does not have to be proven, it just is; remember Christ’s example?
10. When will we learn, Godly growth comes from a godly connection, in a godly order, and it is for our good, and fear is an awareness we are going into the unknown, not that you have to stop?
I am learning it, how about you.We choose…I do not know about you but living my truth allows me to be free. No self-imposed prison, no mental constructs binding me into insanity, or a nemesis seeking to destroy me can stop me.
We have the consent of the King to live our truth…John 8:32;36 - …and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free… "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed …ASB
Monday, October 11, 2010
The crucifixion
The next time you begin to think your name is synonymous with unscrupulousness, your life is being slandered, or your reputation is being trampled in the mud, remember the crucifixion. Or maybe for you it is the being spent beyond measure, you are down for the count, or you have nothing else to give. I asked you to stop to think of Christ as he stayed on the cross, stretched out wide, nails in wrist and ankles to keep him in place, and a spear stuck in his side to add insult to injury. He locked his head in his shoulder symbolism, I am here for the long haul - here I am. He did it all for us, so we would, could have the right to choose to stand through every trial, test, struggle, or adverse situation. To give us the ability to say I am alive with the ability to live, love, and believe. Not ever letting the pain, the hurt, the agony, and the disapproval of man to pull him down. He saw the best in you, me, us, and took the worst for you, me, us. He would not come down. For three days he hung there, as some assumed triumphant, and he has been destroyed and what he stood for was gone. Yet, he stayed for you, me, us opening the threshold to our promised destiny.
Oh yeah, he was drag from court to court, beat down, without giving over to a mumbling word. And though, he could have come down, he could have stopped them in their millisecond breath, he stayed. Not because he could not, but he would not, and it did not take away from his power or strength. But for some reason we get all twisted or bunched up in this life when someone takes our name in vain, or attached it to drama; grant our name has meaning but we cannot control what others will think of us...We forget, how many times we have actually done the same thing to someone else, more than likely, for some inane reason….See it did not matter what he felt, or what he was feeling. The only thing important was the unconditional love and freedom, he granted to us through his submission on the cross. He was willing to be broken, so we could be blessed beyond measure, and have access to the better life, if we choose. Crucifixion gave a choice in a way, we never had before. All because he did not mumble, complain, or give in to the struggle and give up on the cause – you and me, us…So, the next time you think you cannot do it, or unable to make it any further…it is always choice, and battle today, plants the seed for a victorious future for more than just us…The crucifixion...
Oh yeah, he was drag from court to court, beat down, without giving over to a mumbling word. And though, he could have come down, he could have stopped them in their millisecond breath, he stayed. Not because he could not, but he would not, and it did not take away from his power or strength. But for some reason we get all twisted or bunched up in this life when someone takes our name in vain, or attached it to drama; grant our name has meaning but we cannot control what others will think of us...We forget, how many times we have actually done the same thing to someone else, more than likely, for some inane reason….See it did not matter what he felt, or what he was feeling. The only thing important was the unconditional love and freedom, he granted to us through his submission on the cross. He was willing to be broken, so we could be blessed beyond measure, and have access to the better life, if we choose. Crucifixion gave a choice in a way, we never had before. All because he did not mumble, complain, or give in to the struggle and give up on the cause – you and me, us…So, the next time you think you cannot do it, or unable to make it any further…it is always choice, and battle today, plants the seed for a victorious future for more than just us…The crucifixion...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Planned Neglect
1Corinthians 2:9 –However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. (NIV)
Life comes at you fast and in a hurry it seems. As a result, being able to put the main things first, and not sweat the small stuff is challenging at best. It requires us to become more of an aggressive listener, where the focus is on the other person and what is being said so we can respond to the speaker. It is not on what I am about to say, or the point I am about to make. It is taking the risk of faith to obtain the promises of God but without the burden of the worries of man to have what God ordained. Planned Neglect is letting go of what has no relevance to the goal, to our promised destiny, or call upon our life. It is an indispensable task learned and a key element of organization implemented when you are following God’s way in this life. Far too many times as people we get caught up in matters of no significance to what we are doing. We fail to grasp or forgo the law of significance, to buy into the outward trappings that distract. See, we let the he say/she say, the success of another, the look and dress of our counterparts, social economic status and background, what everyone else is doing or getting, etc get our attention, and impede our progress. We fail to remember, what the verse we quote in our happiness delusion really mean – eyes have not see, hears have not heard, no mind has conceived it, and spirit search all and the deep things. Thus, those aforementioned things above will not help us to live our best, or authentically, for what we are seeking is not found in them. Planned neglect is an essential key in our journey as we walk with the Lord.
Planned neglect is seeing the chaos theory, as a theory and the order ordained by God. The flashes of brilliance, light, connection of today, will impact our tomorrow whether we intentionally mean it to do so or not; it just will…why not decide to live by choice, not default… See until we get this, we will always live in the constant stream of frustration, confusion, insecurity, and fear, not just for us, but all connected to us by bond and/or blood. Because we are unwilling to claim, own, and apply what the bible verses above state to our lives. The irony of it all, we have planned neglect in our life, it is just misapplied like so many other things in our life. And like everything else we read, shout, teach, preach, when we do apply it properly, correctly, then we really will understand unequivocally what it means to behold the lamb of God! Because following the planned neglect puts all in order of critical importance to the negotiable in this life ..We choose!
Life comes at you fast and in a hurry it seems. As a result, being able to put the main things first, and not sweat the small stuff is challenging at best. It requires us to become more of an aggressive listener, where the focus is on the other person and what is being said so we can respond to the speaker. It is not on what I am about to say, or the point I am about to make. It is taking the risk of faith to obtain the promises of God but without the burden of the worries of man to have what God ordained. Planned Neglect is letting go of what has no relevance to the goal, to our promised destiny, or call upon our life. It is an indispensable task learned and a key element of organization implemented when you are following God’s way in this life. Far too many times as people we get caught up in matters of no significance to what we are doing. We fail to grasp or forgo the law of significance, to buy into the outward trappings that distract. See, we let the he say/she say, the success of another, the look and dress of our counterparts, social economic status and background, what everyone else is doing or getting, etc get our attention, and impede our progress. We fail to remember, what the verse we quote in our happiness delusion really mean – eyes have not see, hears have not heard, no mind has conceived it, and spirit search all and the deep things. Thus, those aforementioned things above will not help us to live our best, or authentically, for what we are seeking is not found in them. Planned neglect is an essential key in our journey as we walk with the Lord.
Planned neglect is seeing the chaos theory, as a theory and the order ordained by God. The flashes of brilliance, light, connection of today, will impact our tomorrow whether we intentionally mean it to do so or not; it just will…why not decide to live by choice, not default… See until we get this, we will always live in the constant stream of frustration, confusion, insecurity, and fear, not just for us, but all connected to us by bond and/or blood. Because we are unwilling to claim, own, and apply what the bible verses above state to our lives. The irony of it all, we have planned neglect in our life, it is just misapplied like so many other things in our life. And like everything else we read, shout, teach, preach, when we do apply it properly, correctly, then we really will understand unequivocally what it means to behold the lamb of God! Because following the planned neglect puts all in order of critical importance to the negotiable in this life ..We choose!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Vulnerability, weakness = God’s power
Vulnerability, weakness allows God’s power to be shown. We read of Paul speaking about his weakness, and he calls it a thorn in his flesh. He seeks out God to remove it, so he could be more effective, he thought. But what God told him is in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." and then Paul concluded this - Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.(NIV)’ Now what that tells me, is our weaknesses are the direct pipline we need to seek God out. It stops us, if we do not let pride grip us, from getting too caught up in our self-sufficiency. We are vulnerable, when it comes to our weaknesses, and feel naked. What really happens is our true authentic self is shown. Not our over pressed correct image we put out, rather the truth of us is seen. Wow! What a gift, we have to offer if we just stop to offer our truth, and not our lie to people. We will feel no need to hide, lie, run, or work to impress anyone, any more, and get one thing we all crave – influence. Then we would see, the sure way of connecting to another, influence anyone is by being vulnerable. Everyone who is a guru and uses their words, use their vulnerability, weakness to reach, connect to millions. The number one person who realized this, whether my default or by design, is Oprah Winfrey. She made herself vulnerable, she told her story, and as the layers of the onion skin were peel back a large portion of this country has followed her, and fallen in love with her. She has made billions, not her intent, her intent was to connect through her experiences of struggle we all share. You may say, she still have more secrets, and as true as that it is. She understood in the basic terms, the direct link to people is not there stomach, but through shared struggles. This is where the heavy lifting begins, and we all will share, if you share.
It allows an intimacy between people that makes one raw, and sensitive to the touch; when we are all like that we are more at ease with the nakedness. Now, we do not do it because we are too busy trying to compare our life to another, whether it is the negative experiences, or the fabulous experiences. We have yet to realize it incites hate, those people become our haters, and ultimately result in us wearing mask because I cannot be seen as weak. Yet, this whole cornucopia of madness is man-made, and man-perpetuated; thus we can stop it…wow thats a thought! I have discovered, the solution to all problems lies in the problems.... Because we are told clearly in the bible how we should speak of others, Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.(NIV)”- See, if we did this, and remember this is the real reason Christ came John 3:17 - For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (NIV). Being real with self and others, would not be such an ordeal, or a dilemma. The true is we see others through the perspective of how we treat others in this life; thus, another news flash ‘be change, you wish to see’…Vulnerability, weakness does equal God’s power. It is repeatedly shown over, and over in the bible and in life, most, no I will say, all of the great individuals of our past and present of unmatched influence that galvanize in a way that had never been done, and we draw encourage from, have allow their weakness, vulnerability to propel them into a place of prominent influence…it is not an accident, it is an outcome of intentional determination…The choice is personal.
It allows an intimacy between people that makes one raw, and sensitive to the touch; when we are all like that we are more at ease with the nakedness. Now, we do not do it because we are too busy trying to compare our life to another, whether it is the negative experiences, or the fabulous experiences. We have yet to realize it incites hate, those people become our haters, and ultimately result in us wearing mask because I cannot be seen as weak. Yet, this whole cornucopia of madness is man-made, and man-perpetuated; thus we can stop it…wow thats a thought! I have discovered, the solution to all problems lies in the problems.... Because we are told clearly in the bible how we should speak of others, Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.(NIV)”- See, if we did this, and remember this is the real reason Christ came John 3:17 - For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (NIV). Being real with self and others, would not be such an ordeal, or a dilemma. The true is we see others through the perspective of how we treat others in this life; thus, another news flash ‘be change, you wish to see’…Vulnerability, weakness does equal God’s power. It is repeatedly shown over, and over in the bible and in life, most, no I will say, all of the great individuals of our past and present of unmatched influence that galvanize in a way that had never been done, and we draw encourage from, have allow their weakness, vulnerability to propel them into a place of prominent influence…it is not an accident, it is an outcome of intentional determination…The choice is personal.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Seed and Harvest: Leadership
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 - Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (NIV)
Truly great leaders have learn through their journey only in giving, selflessness, not expecting anything in return but for the betterment of the team, the group, the organization, the people, future growth, shall result in an abundance return that enriches all beyond right now. Thus, what is given is not about giving what I can spare, or what will benefit me or what I am made to give. This might have worked as children, but as adults we should have put away childish things; ironically we have not and wonder why life does not see my growth because our growth is not shown. See the seed sown in this life is the harvest received. So, if we are giving only what brings gains for me, my, then we have fail miserably because the followers will do what the leader models, not what the leadership says.
We must understand this is not just a busy leader, but an effective leader. The leader focusing on being, doing, all things as you can, does not make an effective leader. What you have is a leader that is seen, known, but when the layers are pull back nothing is really done, and the emptiness or the self-servitude is seen. The parallel play principle is demonstrated; where nothing is done, it just looked like it is. How does it apply to seed and harvest? Well, we see people who give, and who get caught up in their gift bestowed. Yet, no one really wonders what the gift actually cost the receivers. True gifts are unconditional, no strings attached, not with the expectation of getting something for what is given. See everyone who gets this comprehends in the fundamental, elementary terms the importance of significance over security. We see throughout the bible everyone had to give up the security, for the significance (great leader, many followers, and greater security given up). However, this is never obtainable when your foundational choice is base in self motivation. Seed and Harvest, if all you are doing is about what you can get right now, then do not be upset if your harvest is meager, or only enough for right now. And if you are only giving because you are required to do so or pressure by others, then do not get upset if your harvest you get comes from work of difficulty. What you plant, your seed, your harvest will mirror it. Leadership is the same way, what you put out, plant, in others with your thoughts, your words, and your actions, your seed, the harvest will mirror it. Your harvest will always mirror your seed giving. Therefore, if the leadership role taken is a pretense to cover, then do not be surprise is that is what get in return from those who looking at you for direction, guidance, instruction…The model given to us on leadership by Christ is true!...we choose….
Truly great leaders have learn through their journey only in giving, selflessness, not expecting anything in return but for the betterment of the team, the group, the organization, the people, future growth, shall result in an abundance return that enriches all beyond right now. Thus, what is given is not about giving what I can spare, or what will benefit me or what I am made to give. This might have worked as children, but as adults we should have put away childish things; ironically we have not and wonder why life does not see my growth because our growth is not shown. See the seed sown in this life is the harvest received. So, if we are giving only what brings gains for me, my, then we have fail miserably because the followers will do what the leader models, not what the leadership says.
We must understand this is not just a busy leader, but an effective leader. The leader focusing on being, doing, all things as you can, does not make an effective leader. What you have is a leader that is seen, known, but when the layers are pull back nothing is really done, and the emptiness or the self-servitude is seen. The parallel play principle is demonstrated; where nothing is done, it just looked like it is. How does it apply to seed and harvest? Well, we see people who give, and who get caught up in their gift bestowed. Yet, no one really wonders what the gift actually cost the receivers. True gifts are unconditional, no strings attached, not with the expectation of getting something for what is given. See everyone who gets this comprehends in the fundamental, elementary terms the importance of significance over security. We see throughout the bible everyone had to give up the security, for the significance (great leader, many followers, and greater security given up). However, this is never obtainable when your foundational choice is base in self motivation. Seed and Harvest, if all you are doing is about what you can get right now, then do not be upset if your harvest is meager, or only enough for right now. And if you are only giving because you are required to do so or pressure by others, then do not get upset if your harvest you get comes from work of difficulty. What you plant, your seed, your harvest will mirror it. Leadership is the same way, what you put out, plant, in others with your thoughts, your words, and your actions, your seed, the harvest will mirror it. Your harvest will always mirror your seed giving. Therefore, if the leadership role taken is a pretense to cover, then do not be surprise is that is what get in return from those who looking at you for direction, guidance, instruction…The model given to us on leadership by Christ is true!...we choose….
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Consider your mark
One of my friends sent me email below about the pencil, and it just touched me. I am moved by the simplistic true of the analogy found in something so common that has or are used by most every day, but do not see. How it directs us to consider our ways and words. Helps us to remember, we, whether wanted to or not, there is a stray mark caused by us. Therefore, we must take note, and remember to live our truth; thou none go with us, God always guides us…we choose….This email was apropos for me because I wonder how many times that I, like many other spiritual centered, Christians, or faith believers, never really consider this. Although, the reasons are as diverse as the people, and just as many excuses, but it does not change the fact we always choose our response. It is not the person, the situation, or the environment; it is up to us to make the decision. Making the choice that is not don by a selfish motivation guarantees an outcome we would be ready and willing to accept, regardless of it because we acted on our truth…Proverbs 1:31 - "Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices."… Remember everyone desires the mountain top experience, but everything grows, develops in the valleys of life…we choose…Try to make it a point today to consider what you say, and how you act, and what mark it will leave. You will see how your actions and words change…smiling…the choice is yours…
1.) EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL ALWAYS LEAVE A MARK. - Good or bad, it is there
2.) YOU CAN ALWAYS CORRECT THE MISTAKES YOU MAKE. - But we still have to live the consequence
3.) WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS WHAT IS INSIDE OF YOU. - It directs you in a seamless unconscious way
4.) IN LIFE, YOU WILL UNDERGO PAINFUL SHARPENINGS, WHICH WILL ONLY MAKE YOU BETTER. - We do not always choose what happens to us, but we always choose how we respond
5.) TO BE THE BEST PENCIL, YOU MUST ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE HELD AND GUIDED BY THE HAND THAT HOLDS YOU. – God knows best and His order does not align with man, and we cannot lead when we will not be lead…
We all need to be constantly sharpened. This parable may encourage you to know that you are a special person, with unique God-given talents and abilities. Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed and, like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are, is what's inside of you. ...How are you going to choose, for the choice is always YOURS!
1.) EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL ALWAYS LEAVE A MARK. - Good or bad, it is there
2.) YOU CAN ALWAYS CORRECT THE MISTAKES YOU MAKE. - But we still have to live the consequence
3.) WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS WHAT IS INSIDE OF YOU. - It directs you in a seamless unconscious way
4.) IN LIFE, YOU WILL UNDERGO PAINFUL SHARPENINGS, WHICH WILL ONLY MAKE YOU BETTER. - We do not always choose what happens to us, but we always choose how we respond
5.) TO BE THE BEST PENCIL, YOU MUST ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE HELD AND GUIDED BY THE HAND THAT HOLDS YOU. – God knows best and His order does not align with man, and we cannot lead when we will not be lead…
We all need to be constantly sharpened. This parable may encourage you to know that you are a special person, with unique God-given talents and abilities. Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed and, like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are, is what's inside of you. ...How are you going to choose, for the choice is always YOURS!
Monday, September 13, 2010
How close can I get to the fire and not get burned?”
“Having put him to sleep on her lap, she called a man to shave off the seven braids of his hair … and so his strength left him. Then she called, `Samson, the Philistines are upon you.' He awoke from his sleep and thought `I'll go out as before and shake myself free.' But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” (Judges 16:19-20 NIV)
How close can I get to the fire and not get burned is a game we all play. We do it with the wrong that we do. We fulfill the letter of the law, but missed the spirit of the law, then wonder why things went wrong. We hang around people we know are not good for us, and are doing what does not align up with our core values or beliefs, as well as play the odds of getting caught – Remember God asked hot or cold, not warm…. Yet, we desire to play on the wild side participating in ‘parallel play,’ where it looks like we are doing it but we are not. Thus, the perception is you are, and people act on it, in their behavior, their choices, and words; whether it is true or not. So, we have no room to get upset, if we have put ourselves close to the fire resulting in a singe mark. See where ever you go, whether it literally or physically, you will be marked by it. Ever hug someone and walk away, and you still smells like their cologne or perfume? Ever hang out with a person, and then you begin using their terminology, words, or hand gestures? How about looking, drawing some of the same conclusion that they drawn because you have been with them so much? Do not believe this, then what is groupthink? Yes, there it is…This is the same, whether the behavior is conducive to our growth and development, or our detriment; we are marked…Now we see the lesson of old, taught my our parents and elders in our life – be careful who you hang around with because it matters – was, is, and shall always hold true…You choose
The question each of us must ask ourselves is this, who do I want to be mark or characterized by? Is it the things, people, or/and actions that make people questioned my character, my integrity, my beliefs? Is it the things, actions, and/or people that influence others to desire to get to know me? We choose, and sometimes we choose by default because like Samson, we think either we are too smart to get caught, or we let what is temporary or have immediate gratification for us right now determine our actions. The problem with this is, it does not take into account the residual effects of our behavior on others lives, on our lives, or how far or long effects have boomeranged into the world around us, and comes backs to us. Yet, we take steps everyday that puts us closer to a metaphorical fire and we are marked that stops, impedes, or hinders us from being the effective person in all aspects of our lives. Yet, like so many other things, we do not own it because we think – it is a white lie, it was not that big of a deal, or no one knows – We fail to realize how man, us, look at things, does not applies here. If we see a garment perfect in every way, and we notice a slight imperfection, irregularity, this become our focus. Yet, we do not ever consider how this same logic is part of our unconscious seamless assessment tools in our tool box of viewing life, and we play close to the metaphorical and/or literal fires…you choose
Yet, we wonder why God does not move. Well in Psalm 96:9 –Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth (NIV). This is not just when go to some physical place to praise and worship, or when something happens to or for us, although it is important and included. But also, in all we do because we understand beyond a literal awareness of God, the GREAT I AM! it matters, nothing is random…So, how long are you going to play close to the fire? choose
How close can I get to the fire and not get burned is a game we all play. We do it with the wrong that we do. We fulfill the letter of the law, but missed the spirit of the law, then wonder why things went wrong. We hang around people we know are not good for us, and are doing what does not align up with our core values or beliefs, as well as play the odds of getting caught – Remember God asked hot or cold, not warm…. Yet, we desire to play on the wild side participating in ‘parallel play,’ where it looks like we are doing it but we are not. Thus, the perception is you are, and people act on it, in their behavior, their choices, and words; whether it is true or not. So, we have no room to get upset, if we have put ourselves close to the fire resulting in a singe mark. See where ever you go, whether it literally or physically, you will be marked by it. Ever hug someone and walk away, and you still smells like their cologne or perfume? Ever hang out with a person, and then you begin using their terminology, words, or hand gestures? How about looking, drawing some of the same conclusion that they drawn because you have been with them so much? Do not believe this, then what is groupthink? Yes, there it is…This is the same, whether the behavior is conducive to our growth and development, or our detriment; we are marked…Now we see the lesson of old, taught my our parents and elders in our life – be careful who you hang around with because it matters – was, is, and shall always hold true…You choose
The question each of us must ask ourselves is this, who do I want to be mark or characterized by? Is it the things, people, or/and actions that make people questioned my character, my integrity, my beliefs? Is it the things, actions, and/or people that influence others to desire to get to know me? We choose, and sometimes we choose by default because like Samson, we think either we are too smart to get caught, or we let what is temporary or have immediate gratification for us right now determine our actions. The problem with this is, it does not take into account the residual effects of our behavior on others lives, on our lives, or how far or long effects have boomeranged into the world around us, and comes backs to us. Yet, we take steps everyday that puts us closer to a metaphorical fire and we are marked that stops, impedes, or hinders us from being the effective person in all aspects of our lives. Yet, like so many other things, we do not own it because we think – it is a white lie, it was not that big of a deal, or no one knows – We fail to realize how man, us, look at things, does not applies here. If we see a garment perfect in every way, and we notice a slight imperfection, irregularity, this become our focus. Yet, we do not ever consider how this same logic is part of our unconscious seamless assessment tools in our tool box of viewing life, and we play close to the metaphorical and/or literal fires…you choose
Yet, we wonder why God does not move. Well in Psalm 96:9 –Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth (NIV). This is not just when go to some physical place to praise and worship, or when something happens to or for us, although it is important and included. But also, in all we do because we understand beyond a literal awareness of God, the GREAT I AM! it matters, nothing is random…So, how long are you going to play close to the fire? choose
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
He never Fails!!
Job was an upright man. Satan sought to destroy him by putting forth things in his path; he knew what was precious to Job. So, know what is precious to you, and do not get caught in the traps set to destroy you!! Holding onto your faith, you will be able to see the one God sends to encourage you - Elihu and Job…I did not say, he did not questioned God, or struggle with why he had to go through this madness; Job sinned not. So, even if it is the worst day ever, week, or 5- life crisis in a less than a year. It seems the enemy has pull your number as the person to attack, do not give up hope. Only in our weakness do we really see, and seek God’s face. We are able to be an example to others through our strength during these. I am not saying it will be easy, only that it can be done, when we understand, we are purposed in the plan of God. In those moments, we are able to show others the God in us that is more than a lesson, a sermon, a book, or an answer to a question; we live it. The God, we so often speak of with our words lives in us. This is an opportunity for us to show God in our behaviors, actions, and interactions. Believe it or not, more than our words, our actions, behavior tell others, what we really believe. See only around 10-15% of what we communicate comes from the verbal or what we say, the rest come from what we do and our body language; so watch how you act because you never know who is looking that need the revelation or blessing...Yet,do not let discouragement pull you from the focus of God but know as Job did, God is able.
Job was discouraged, friends and family seem to support a position that he knew did not follow his faith. Rudyard Kipling but it this way – If all men count with you, but none too much… Just stand and know He, God, will not fail you, even when it seems you are being defeated, Matt. 24:13 - But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved (NASB). There is nothing in this verse or in the example shown in Job’s life that said those around you will get what is happening to you, is part of God’s order. It is for you to learn from, it for the longevity and legacy for His glory; it is never just about you or right now. We are, you are a part of a plan bigger than we see. We are blessed to be chosen, to be used as an instrument to teach the lesson, provide the blessing. When we are chosen, we are also blessed by God! So, let the rivers inside you flow from the endless source, your God, my God, our God!...He never fails!!
Job was discouraged, friends and family seem to support a position that he knew did not follow his faith. Rudyard Kipling but it this way – If all men count with you, but none too much… Just stand and know He, God, will not fail you, even when it seems you are being defeated, Matt. 24:13 - But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved (NASB). There is nothing in this verse or in the example shown in Job’s life that said those around you will get what is happening to you, is part of God’s order. It is for you to learn from, it for the longevity and legacy for His glory; it is never just about you or right now. We are, you are a part of a plan bigger than we see. We are blessed to be chosen, to be used as an instrument to teach the lesson, provide the blessing. When we are chosen, we are also blessed by God! So, let the rivers inside you flow from the endless source, your God, my God, our God!...He never fails!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Why go or read?
Why do we go to the conference or read the book? To gain information, knowledge, or ideas, we can utilize to better ourselves, assist the group or organization, we are apart improve. Then tell me, why do we not do anything with it? We go to the conference, we read the book, attend the webinar, and get all excited about what is being taught, or discovered. Then the book is shelved, the webinar and conference are forgotten about, until you are trying to make a point to someone, or make an impression on people but nothing changes in your life to show your elevated thinking. Why waste the money, your time, and energy on what you have no intention to implement or utilize. See, none of the going, the learning, the reading, actually matters unless you do something with it. Like everything in life, you have to work it to get it, what use of having it, if you are not going to use it. We too many times are caught in the doing the thing, not applying, implementing, or developing. Then we wonder why, nothing change, nothing improve, nothing got better, and we are still in the stagnate maddening place. Yet, we do nothing to change because it is never about what you did at the conference, or the feeling you get from the book. It is always about what you do with the information and knowledge gather, after the excited, after the experience. We must produce something from what we gain, if what we gained is to have value, and show it has affect on our lives. See we show what we believe, what is part of us with our actions, not with our words. So, the next time you go to a conference or read a book that provides an epiphany or an ah-ha moment, asked yourself – how can I show others what I just learned? Otherwise, the trip was about me, my, not about growth. For growth requires, thinking outside and beyond self because in giving do we gain.
People change and forget to tell each other.- Lillian Hellman
People change and forget to tell each other.- Lillian Hellman
Monday, August 30, 2010
Crisis: Survival mode or success mode
When we are in a crisis, we need to get this - When you understand a person character, it helps you to understand the person, why they do what they do, and helps you to work better with them, even if you do not like them. When decide to do nothing, we have decided to something.
Now, back to the focus of the blog - We must choose the mode to operate in, unconsciously or consciously, we choose - Survival mode or success mode. Understanding the difference matters, because in our difference, lies our greatness (the reason diversity matters, all the times, not just for political correctness or just to be different). When you are in a survival mode, your focus is only to get through to the next crisis. To move beyond this problem with a solution that only fixes this thing, right now, with the least amount of fallout, and the focus is on self, not the team. Although, this sounds like it makes sense, and it does in man’s world, not the Father (rem – Christ and His journey and end), but this way is a disaster waiting to happen. When you are in survival mode, nothing that is done has any substance, and no one is focusing on learning for the future, thus repeat occurrence are sure to follow. Yes, the SWAT Analyses are done, but no one really pays attention to what was done along the way, to have the analysis worth the effort. But in the survival mode, the error in this cannot be seen. Most of the work is done to make sure everyone understands, thus, no one pays attention to the right answer because they feel understanding is paramount. Although, understand is important, we need to be flexible enough to understand two things - It is not always necessary for one to understand the problem for them to provide the right answer to the problem, and when you do not have all the pieces, having the right questions provides keen direction. But in the success mode, all of the above is changed, and the focus is on succeeding in a harmonious balance with understanding. The need for flexibility and these two things are comprehended - It is not always necessary for one to understand the problem for them to provide the right answer to the problem, and when you do not have all the pieces, having the right questions provides keen direction. Thus, the focus is not just on rights now fix, and self but a sustainable change, that will assist in moving forward, and self is not the focus but the team. Because with every mistake, the teachable moment is sought, as with most with problems, we get there by not doing the little things; The rapper T.I. made this statement that applies to this, in one of his rap songs – Big thing popping, little things stopping, and my good-friend puts it this way – S/he, they want to so big, that little is eating their ass up!!. is, what it is…
Now, before I close there is nothing wrong with being in survival mode, but it is not a mode to remain in, it is only a temporary position, mode, or place. Otherwise, additional problems are created from it that has longevity and legacy. Willingness to be flexible, own your part (from top to bottom), confidence to listen to all (liked them or not), and humility goes a long way. Let me leave you all with these quotes, from Dale Carnegie – I know men in the ranks (military) who not stay in the ranks. Why? Because they have the ability to get things done; asked yourself, do I have potential leaders around me, if not, why are they around you. If it is a personal problem, ask yourself, am I willing to move outside the confines of conventional wisdom to succeed. Another way of looking at it is this, from the Rapper T.I. – Ghetto of the mind, which means, although, one has move from the madness physically, mentally they are still there; survival mode. Lastly, just because you have the right to do (survival mode); does not mean it is the right thing to do; time, place and relativeness; it matters (success mode)…We choose the mode…
Now, back to the focus of the blog - We must choose the mode to operate in, unconsciously or consciously, we choose - Survival mode or success mode. Understanding the difference matters, because in our difference, lies our greatness (the reason diversity matters, all the times, not just for political correctness or just to be different). When you are in a survival mode, your focus is only to get through to the next crisis. To move beyond this problem with a solution that only fixes this thing, right now, with the least amount of fallout, and the focus is on self, not the team. Although, this sounds like it makes sense, and it does in man’s world, not the Father (rem – Christ and His journey and end), but this way is a disaster waiting to happen. When you are in survival mode, nothing that is done has any substance, and no one is focusing on learning for the future, thus repeat occurrence are sure to follow. Yes, the SWAT Analyses are done, but no one really pays attention to what was done along the way, to have the analysis worth the effort. But in the survival mode, the error in this cannot be seen. Most of the work is done to make sure everyone understands, thus, no one pays attention to the right answer because they feel understanding is paramount. Although, understand is important, we need to be flexible enough to understand two things - It is not always necessary for one to understand the problem for them to provide the right answer to the problem, and when you do not have all the pieces, having the right questions provides keen direction. But in the success mode, all of the above is changed, and the focus is on succeeding in a harmonious balance with understanding. The need for flexibility and these two things are comprehended - It is not always necessary for one to understand the problem for them to provide the right answer to the problem, and when you do not have all the pieces, having the right questions provides keen direction. Thus, the focus is not just on rights now fix, and self but a sustainable change, that will assist in moving forward, and self is not the focus but the team. Because with every mistake, the teachable moment is sought, as with most with problems, we get there by not doing the little things; The rapper T.I. made this statement that applies to this, in one of his rap songs – Big thing popping, little things stopping, and my good-friend puts it this way – S/he, they want to so big, that little is eating their ass up!!. is, what it is…
Now, before I close there is nothing wrong with being in survival mode, but it is not a mode to remain in, it is only a temporary position, mode, or place. Otherwise, additional problems are created from it that has longevity and legacy. Willingness to be flexible, own your part (from top to bottom), confidence to listen to all (liked them or not), and humility goes a long way. Let me leave you all with these quotes, from Dale Carnegie – I know men in the ranks (military) who not stay in the ranks. Why? Because they have the ability to get things done; asked yourself, do I have potential leaders around me, if not, why are they around you. If it is a personal problem, ask yourself, am I willing to move outside the confines of conventional wisdom to succeed. Another way of looking at it is this, from the Rapper T.I. – Ghetto of the mind, which means, although, one has move from the madness physically, mentally they are still there; survival mode. Lastly, just because you have the right to do (survival mode); does not mean it is the right thing to do; time, place and relativeness; it matters (success mode)…We choose the mode…
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