Friday, October 16, 2009


Yes, intimacy, the closeness and the ability to shed inhibition, just be true you...We are willing to do this with people, who are imperfect, be apart of an organization, and we desire it. Yet, when it comes to God, our relationship with Him, we are hesitate, fearful, standoffish, uneasy with it. However, we want the benefits of His love without the passion, obedience, and openness of our person to him, completely. We give just enough until it hurts a little bit, bruises, scrape the surface, graze over some sensitive areas, then stop. Having faith and letting God direct, lead you, show you, and be compass for the way...Our story is more than our war story, testimony, epiphany moment to be shared at a later date with a select few, a certain group, a particular organization. I am not saying it does not bless in those setting, but let me ask this question - how many times have you been some where and a stranger clarified your vision, focus, faith with his/her story? Who was that?
When you have true intimacy, it resonates and changes, have individuals marinating on the story years later. Every time it is heard, it is a teachable moment for all ages, generations, races, and no matter their situation. A point of impact where nothing is orchestrated, it just happens. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus brings with him, Peter, James and John...these three were the closes to Jesus..But let me redirect you here, Peter, James and John slept through the heralding anguish anxiety Jesus endured, it was not fitful, restless,  or uncomfortable. It was as if they knew without knowing, that a change was coming and no matter what, they would be protected. Jesus praying more earnestly with each hour approaching and blood dropping rather than sweat from his physical body, but they are not move. Jesus comes back 3x -"Could you not stay with me one hour?, I can see them now, huh? eyes and heads unbalanced as they went back to sleep each time. Ever been that comfortable, safe, secure, in a metaphorical wilderness of unfamiliarity but so sure that you did this, and you were not tired? That close to someone, without knowing, how you know that everything is going to be alright because now you cannot comprehend the struggle you will face, just know the outcome and you are at peace...Jesus did not falter, his passion, fervor, focus, as a result to the intimate relationship with the Father and them - Love

True intimacy is love where words cannot define it, measures that cannot quantify it, and time only reinforce it. As expressions, actions, illuminate it and feelings overwhelmed as warm tears roll down your check. Having these are rare but being open to the will of the Lord allows you to do the right thing, even when the wrong way is the easy way, a beautiful mind is born, and saving yourself and others intimacy is  possible....these things make some shout, scream, yell, dance, because yes, virginia there really is a Jesus who lived, died, rose, and ascended......

One person matters

Eze. 22:30 - I searched for a man among them who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land so that I might not destroy it, but I found no one (HCSB)

One person matters. Sometimes we think, one person is not enough to make a difference for a circumstance, situations, or condition. However, in the verse above it only requires one person to stand in the gap that would prevent destruction to a land; WOW!~. If one stands up, and begin to understand, it only takes the one to do, to see change, then we will be convince more that we, the individual, matter. Too many times we will not begin to do, or are afraid to do because we are alone. We seem to forget, we serve a God who will, shall, and always provide, when we walk according to his will. See, we are quick to see the song, recite the verse, or teach the lesson about the many individuals who found their voice and strength to stand; one person. We see it in biblical times and modern times from Abram to Rahab to Elihu to the Deborah to Samson to David to Oprah to JFK and MLK to Mother Theresa to Gates to Obama. These people, whether you like them are not, were catalyst for change beyond themselves, and I am sure you know individuals in your community, family, work, or amongst our friends. However, we were all made, fashion uniquely, distinctively for a purpose that only we can do. God did not mode you in love, polished you in grace, refine you in mercy, for us to think we do not matter, or cannot make a difference. Because you see, you could be the one who speaks into the one who make the next majestic discovery, or the one that stops someone from giving up on them self. It is not about how great or small, it is all significant to God; what you do to the least of them, you do unto me. And God created you for such a time as this for a reason. Your birth, it is not happenstance, or hazard, whether in or out of wedlock, in want or opulence, an intact family or a hodge-podge because of life circumstances, or ability challenged or not, or you were loved or hated as child, you were put here for a purpose only you can do. See, you matter, and it not a fluke or random that you do what you do, when you set your face to God; God if it is you can bid me to walk on the water…Yea of little faith why doubt…. The questions is when are you, we going to stop the fear of the unknown and the unwillingness to let go of the control from hindering the true you, the authentic person to be. Remember you are covered by grace, you are lifted by the redeeming love, and your name is on the lips of the Sovereign one. God knows you need Him because you need to go in peace, and cannot do without his touch…One person matters…..

Monday, October 12, 2009

Are we flexible and willing

Luke 9:47-50; 59-60 - But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side, and said to them, "Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great." John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us." But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you...And He (Jesus) said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." But He said to him, "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God." (NASB)

Are you we flexible and willing as Christians? Have we become so stuffy with our ‘thou shall not’ and ‘that is not biblical,’ we have lost the sight of the truth - Jesus went out with the people. Yeah?! We ask God so much, and become like petulant children when we do not receive in the time we desire, or get what we think, we should, or if the chastisement of another is not what we like. So, when we see others doing what we are doing, and it is a little different, we decide to question the validity, rather than try to see what we can learn, and how we can grow from exchanging of ideas. Or better yet, we decide they are too young and not ready, and should be ignored, until we decide they are ready. Not consulting God, not once. What we do, is asked Him to bless our actions, not to direct our path, thus, we just start doing because we know, what is best for all. Then questions God – What happen? How arrogant we have become in our well endowed exegetical skills, we have lost the real focus of Jesus’ ministry – relational evangelism grounded in unconditional and redeeming love. It was never meant to be an exclusive, member’s only club for the select group of faith believer, but rather it is for all of mankind. See it is not about us, or for a selfish intent to ingratiate ourselves with the ‘good people’; it is about Him. Only with this fundamental foundation of awareness and recognition, can we become more flexible and willing to submit to God, so that when He calls our name and it not as expected, we go.

However, when we are called, we usually are never quite ready to do what is asked at that moment. We want to fix some things, change some stuff, and make arrangements. We act as if we do not serve an all-seeing God, all-knowing God, and all-powerful, and does not need to put on hold. We forget he call all of his disciples in the middle of their madness, and Saul, on his way to destruction. So, why are we telling Him to wait? If God calls you, He has already made the provision, we just have to trust in the one, we say, we trust; to begin to apply the truth we know. Not worry about what you did, or did not do, or even what you are in the middle of doing. He asked for you, just as you are. This should be enough to make you shout all over the building, and dance the dance of praise uninhibited; once you realize He loves you enough and saw your future that He taps in your present to get you started. See, He chose you, in spite of you, all that is asked is willingness and flexibility. Are you willing? Are you flexible? Are you open? To a God that makes the illogical, logical, the impossible, possible; and the out of order, become the perfect order. The question is your faith such that it allows you to become flexible and willing to serve.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Living a life of distinction

Jer. 1:4-5 ‘Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." (NASB)

Living a life of distinction is not a mere idea, or fleeting thought, or happenstance occurrence. It happens before we are born, but we must be willing to submit to the greatest in us and the Most High God above us. However, if we do not recognize it for what it is, others can see it and use it for their good, or evil. Yet, when we decide to answer the call within us, to live the authentic ‘you’, and know that you, the person matters, life changes for us. Even if it is not popular, know it is the well-crafted gift in explanation or description. And at the same time, it is not, because we are fashioned by the Father’s love in the womb, at conception, and the moment we own it, we become it. We become for that thing a beacon of light drawing others to you.

Living a life of distinction does not mean there shall be not frustrations, struggles, or pains in this life, only that you will know with a incredible certainty ‘this too shall pass’. Living your life is so much different because although you are nervous or wondering if you shall be well received, when you walk in the moment. In that moment, it can only be described as being in the zone. Your distinctiveness draws your enemies to give accolades for your actions, accomplishments, and achieves. Strangers are intrigued and those who know you are in awe. As they look back at what you use to be, the vapor of what was, and the wonder standing before them now, is the real mccoy. The only thing that can explain it is the God-factor. Living a life with distinction allows others to see manifest favor of God in HD.