Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Listening is to concentrate on hearing something or someone, and taking what is being said into account. Being in the moment without thinking of your answer while the person is talking, or the action is happen, but taking in everything that happen.

It is more than just hearing what is being said because we hear, but do not listen and it shows in our reply. We many times hear another but we do not listen to them. We have gone to many meetings, seminars, conference, services, and discussion where you only heard, but never got it, and then wonder how come you missed what everyone else got it. You are awake, your eyes glaze over, but your mind is wondering on the night before, what happening across the room, taking into account the physical attributes of another or what they are wearing, engaging in a conversation, or doodling on a piece of paper to keep you awake. We all have done this at one point another because we assume what was being said was not relevant to us, our situation, or you have heard it before; thus, i do not need to listen..if you keep hearing the same message, maybe it is because you are not getting what you should out of it. When we get the lesson, we no longer are taught the same information, begin to live and teach it. Yet, we never wondered why am I keep hearing this over or over again, or what am I missing that I have to keep hearing this. Maybe because you have not listen to the information set before you.

But when we listen, we are blessed, others are blessed, and lives change as a result of it. Hosea listern, life change for a group of people; Noah listened and was save; Paul listened and his life was changed; Abraham listened and birth a nation; Mary listened and concieve a miracle, and Ruth listened and changed her station in life... In the bible we see the redemptive gift in listening, following, and doing what would bring ridicule from man, but glory to God... See willingness to listen, obeying, and surrendering changes lives, saves lives, and redeems lives. None of it is easy or without sacrifice, and I believe Kirk Franklin got it right when he says in his song, - the pain was preparation for my destiny and I forgive you - When we begin look at life like this, we see the blessings, the teaching, the informing, and wisdom gains in all situation....Listening will allow one to forgive...Read the Epistle Philemon..

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The little things matters

1 Cor. 5:6 - Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough?(NIV).

It is not the big things in life that destroys us so much because we them see coming, and act accordingly. It is the little things that come our way, on a daily basis. Slowly, deliberately the little things find its way into our lives, and end up as part of our core. Therefore, taking care of the little things; matters. This does not mean we ignore the big things in our life. The big things, although unexpected occurrences, we pay attention to them, and work diligently to repair. But the little things, well, we just let them slide as they insinuate themselves into our lives, moment by moment, day by day. Until it has become a part of our life, and we have no idea how this change occurred. See the little things we ignore, or felt was not a big deal at the time has worked its way into who we are, now. We now must begin to backtrack, to get to the root and this incredibly painful is excruciating for us mentally, emotionally, and to our relationships…The little things have now move through the whole, the entire body, and should have never been ignore but it was just not that big of a deal at the time, has cost more us too much. The irony to all of this is, we do not need anyone to tell us what it is, we already know what the little things that have eaten into our core…But there is a flip side to the little things that becomes a part of our core and it is this…Matthew 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness (NIV) Why can’t we let those build in our lives so we can prosper; it matters….See either way, if you take care of the little things, the big things will, shall always take care of themselves…