Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can we talk?

Prov. 18:4 (MSG) Many words rush along like rivers in flood, but deep wisdom flows up from artesian springs.
‘How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.’ – George Washington

Can we talk, or Can I ask you a question? Are questions we all have been asked, or asked someone? What if, we, begin with our Christian brothers and sisters, to asked one these questions, or something similar – Have you sought or prayed to God about this so that we both are enriched and blessed by this discussion? See, these types of questions usually take the people involved into uncharted territories that make both parties uncomfortable. However, if we, as Christian, would seek God’s direction and guidance before plunging into these deep still waters, we would not readily go there, and improve our navigation. Why? Lets face it, most of the times we asked these questions, we are being a ‘busybody.’ Now imagine how our life would change, we stop the ‘busybody act,’, the nosy neighbor, and self-righteous condemning tones…I suggest to you there would be less hurt feelings, distant created, animosity developed, greater peace of mind achieved, authentic relationships found, less unproductive activities, spreading of love is no longer talked about but also lived…all because we are convinced the verse and the quote above has implications and applications that are expansive reach. We then would be on our way to ‘being’ the church, not just adherence to biblical standards, or exchange theological allegories, no one embrace or embody. No more wariness of –will I offend him/her with this question or statement because God has prepared the way, regardless of the outcome. I am not suggesting there would be no ‘iron sharpening iron’. Only that it would be less bad-temperedness, and disagreeable disposition stance running rampage and resonating in our churches. And if we start at home, with Christian, then it would become mode of operations for all our interactions with everyone. Yes, my friends it would take some time getting use to, but it would also open our fellow Christians up, encourage us to lived in open, and not in denial because we understand I am not being ‘judged’, I am being lovingly assisted and guided out of darkness, hurt, and secret sins…Can we talk?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You are covered!

Psalms 139:14 - I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. As a result, of being made by God in such a way, like everything else that is made, we were made for something only we can do. What do I mean? Have you ever been the 3rd or the 14th person to tell someone something and he/she really got it. You leave feeling like you could change the world…smiling…Yes, it was about timing, but it did not have to be you. Maybe this happened to you, you said something simple but kind, and they smile so big, you felt it in your soul, and you overflowed with joy that last more than that moment. Well, that is how God feels when we begin to live an authentic you, a genuine you, and ‘the true you’, He made you to be. When you are no longer afraid to be the true, you, and you no longer let situations, circumstances, and individuals dictate your disposition or actions, until it becomes the norm for you. The truth of the matter is, until you live, you true, one cannot love truly, live fully, forgive earnestly, or see clearly. How do you know when you are doing what you were create to do, WHAT GOD ORDAINED, HE SUSTAINS, AND HANDS OF PROTECTION KEEP YOU. Understand now? So the next time some confusion comes to take your mind, get you angry, confuse you, release it – you were made with love (regardless of the circumstances of your birth), polished with peace, refined by grace, kissed with kindness, and filled with forgiveness- JESUS COVERS YOU!

Blooming where you are planted

Rev 3:7 (NIV) - "Here is what I command you to write to the church in Philadelphia. Here are the words of the One who is holy and true. He holds the key of David. No one can shut what he opens. And no one can open what he shuts…”

Blooming where you are planted, this means to not worry about what another is not doing, but what you are supposed to do. Many times we decide we cannot because of spouse, friends, family, coworkers, unwillingness to change, circumstances, conditions, etc. However, nothing ever stops an individual from being you, doing the right thing, godly thing, follow after the promise in you. Except no one wants stand out, do what is hard, or the unfamiliar. Ever see a beautiful flower blooming in a place where there are weeds or ill-fitted environment for it to grow; it seems. You see nothing or no one ever told the flower it was not supposed to grow, and it did what it was meant to do, grow and bloom where it planted. Ever see greatness come out of those who did not do a new thing…me either…

See it is never the exactly right moment or conditions, but our indecisiveness, fear, unwillingness to change, and little faith puts a limit on what God does in our life. We all know what God says is true; it is not a matter of if …but a matter of when. We have to be prepared, be in a state of preparedness. Because to wait, wonder, seek man’s or my way is to disobey God’s way. The question we all must asked ourselves – Why disobey God when - No one can shut what he opens. And no one can open what he shuts…” So, what is really going on when we fail to do the what we have been told to do….fear…unpreparedness…giving away control to the wrong people…doing nothing…doing the same thing and hoping the new thing will fit in the old ways…Bloom where you planted, stop focusing on winning or outshining, just do the best you and God will bless you for it; more and abundantly…it hard but victory, greatness comes out of adversity and struggle…blooming where you planted and grow into the magnificent flower you are…

You must decide to ‘be’ before ‘being’

Matt 6:1 (HCSB) "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of people, to be seen by them. Otherwise, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

You must decide to ‘be’ before ‘being’. It is very difficult ‘being’ something, when you have not decided you desire ‘be’ it…However, you cannot receive, or you should not expect what you are unwilling to model, or do not believe. Do what is personally profitable, professionally beneficial, or politically correct; it garners you nothing. Everyone sees through it and response to the ‘lie’ with distrust or lip service; what you give is what you receive. There is not a reward in Heaven for you, and there is also no reward here for you with substance and longevity; only momentarily and weak. Thus, there is no reason to worry or cry about something you help to create. Know the righteous is never forsaken, or without. This is the reason God looks on the inward part of man, and reminds us where our heart is, this is where our treasures are. When you decided to be, you no longer spend unnecessary time and energy focusing on how you will be received, or if you will be believed. You do not worry when someone else gets a promotion, or a job you feel you are more qualified for, or get some material blessing you think you should get. Instead you begin seek the best for them to, and start encouraging yourself with the truth – what is for me, is for me at the time that I am ready to handle, and it is God’s time not mind…decide to be it, and then it will not be so difficult, and see how life, love, and trust reveal itself more readily to you

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Walls Falling

Eph. 2:14-16 (NASB) For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
When we have the peace of God in our life walls of hostility comes down. God reconcile all into one, as light and darkness cannot coexist, neither can hostility and peace coexist. Therefore, when the peace of God arrives, enmity and all that it has been a source for dissipates. What does this mean? It means the wall created by our hurt, pain, abuse, shame, fear, insecurity, disappointment, battling, collision of expectations and reality, etc in our life, relationships, work place, church, families, and spirit are broke down. Glory! See, there are no real reasons to have them take up space, when we have what completely abolishes each and everyone. The thing we must understand, it does not take away the consequences, the fallout, or the residual effects of those negative things, we, ‘yes we’, allowed to take resident in our mind, spirit and heart. However, we need to understand God would not grant a peace without equipping us with the necessary resources to sustain, and He always affirms, confirms, and fortifies His truth in our lives. All the walls which currently separate can be taken down, abolished, and destroyed. See all walls, whether physical or psychological, tangible or intangible eventually are broken, totally destroyed; even though sometimes it is too late… Marvin Winans sings this song – ‘You Just Don’t Wanna Know’, and I recommend a listen to it. Let the words speak to you because it takes you to a place, reminding us of our actions that create our problems. Yet, he also follows it up with ‘I still believe’ reminding us no matter what happens, we should still need to believe, because of God’s unconditional love grants us peace, we seek…smiling…We just need to let go, and for those who do not want to move forward, it is not on you but them. So, we can let go of the things we assume protected us, or help us to stand, when they only really separated us from God’s peace and grace and the people we loved; have peace established…

I wrote this not just because it was a good ideas, it was something I had to address in my life. My spiritual growth was hindered as I held on the madness, I thought I was justified and okay for me to embrace. Then I realized, I like the individuals in my life, I did not want to know the truth lying in front me, or acknowledge it had manifested into an ugliness I had no control; it now controlled me…and the walls of fear began falling down, the foundation began crumbling as the insecurity wane weak, and the grounding poles cracked as the truth was revealed and settle let the dust around me….

Monday, July 27, 2009

What happens when reality do not match our expectations?

What happens when reality do not match our expectations? Do embrace the reality and the challenge to seek truth? Do we become angry and have our disappointment manifest itself in myriad ways; we forget why we are angry? Are do we release in the will of God, submit control, and be free from a self-imposed prison of fear draped anger? I will submit most of us will do the former, and not even consider the latter because we desire what we want, and not willing to accept anything less. What we do not realize in our refusal to accept the reality before us and seek truth, we begin a slippery slope of increase probability of disappointment and selfish focus perspective. While being provided with only glimpse, vignettes of a truth eluding us. All because we do not let the transformative power of Christ, which teaches all experiences speak, teach, and enrich, if we are the apt student who is willing to listen, seek, and acquiesce to God supreme reign and power. We then can act from the position of victory, not defeat. See, as long as our expectations dictate to us, what should be without seeking truth, we shall find ourselves engrossed in constant battles of unrest and disharmony...What happens when reality and expectations do not match? We are able to ‘see’ the diversity of our Lord’s unconditional love, become aware of his mercy tempered justice, and embrace his greatness and his compassionate heart as we have our lives change along with our perspective.