Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Walls Falling

Eph. 2:14-16 (NASB) For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
When we have the peace of God in our life walls of hostility comes down. God reconcile all into one, as light and darkness cannot coexist, neither can hostility and peace coexist. Therefore, when the peace of God arrives, enmity and all that it has been a source for dissipates. What does this mean? It means the wall created by our hurt, pain, abuse, shame, fear, insecurity, disappointment, battling, collision of expectations and reality, etc in our life, relationships, work place, church, families, and spirit are broke down. Glory! See, there are no real reasons to have them take up space, when we have what completely abolishes each and everyone. The thing we must understand, it does not take away the consequences, the fallout, or the residual effects of those negative things, we, ‘yes we’, allowed to take resident in our mind, spirit and heart. However, we need to understand God would not grant a peace without equipping us with the necessary resources to sustain, and He always affirms, confirms, and fortifies His truth in our lives. All the walls which currently separate can be taken down, abolished, and destroyed. See all walls, whether physical or psychological, tangible or intangible eventually are broken, totally destroyed; even though sometimes it is too late… Marvin Winans sings this song – ‘You Just Don’t Wanna Know’, and I recommend a listen to it. Let the words speak to you because it takes you to a place, reminding us of our actions that create our problems. Yet, he also follows it up with ‘I still believe’ reminding us no matter what happens, we should still need to believe, because of God’s unconditional love grants us peace, we seek…smiling…We just need to let go, and for those who do not want to move forward, it is not on you but them. So, we can let go of the things we assume protected us, or help us to stand, when they only really separated us from God’s peace and grace and the people we loved; have peace established…

I wrote this not just because it was a good ideas, it was something I had to address in my life. My spiritual growth was hindered as I held on the madness, I thought I was justified and okay for me to embrace. Then I realized, I like the individuals in my life, I did not want to know the truth lying in front me, or acknowledge it had manifested into an ugliness I had no control; it now controlled me…and the walls of fear began falling down, the foundation began crumbling as the insecurity wane weak, and the grounding poles cracked as the truth was revealed and settle let the dust around me….

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