Tuesday, July 9, 2013

'What Now?" Moments

What now moments are those times when we have obtained our goal, or the thing we wanted or worked for in life. It does not matter what it is. It could be a degree earned, a partner desired, or the position or title worked for over time. But once it is acquired, the reality hits, and the ‘what now’ question appears. No one is exempt, or  ever prepared for it in life. We struggle, mostly in silent and secret, because we are afraid to share with others. For we think it shows we are weak, we are whining, or non-appreciative. However, the truth of the matter is, it is none of those.  The truth is we are in a place we did not plan for because parts of us never believe it would happen, and it is unfamiliar to us. While the fear of what others might think stops us, and we struggle along the way trying to sustain a balance. Resulting in a walking depression for some, an angry disposition for others, and distrust for the rest.
The ‘what now’ moments plague many, and the fear curtain is tightly pulled together. The pressure builds to get it right is felt, as we find ourselves in a place we have never been; its uncomfortable but desired. However, if we stop a minute and take a page out of Sauls, change to Paul’, life on his conversion day Romans  9:5-9 - … “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied.  “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything…This is a huge ‘What Now’. For Saul was thinking he was doing right, and he got a big U-turn revelation in this moment. Yet, he did what most didn’t or won’t do, he trusted God. He believed with the faith that whatever happen, it was all in order. He knew before knowing, God’s promises are guarantees, not maybes.
The next thing Paul did was have faith, inspite of his fear. This does not mean there was no fear, but he did not let it stop him. He walked through and continued to do so, his entire life. Following this example of what to do in the ‘what now’ moments will not remove the question, but rather it will allow us to have more peaceful journey. It is our choice to seek it, the good and make the best choice, not the easy one, which leads to the authentic abundance life of blessings God meant for us all… It is each person choice, choosewell…

Monday, February 18, 2013

What if God is right...

‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Matt. 9:23-24… Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-9…  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love 1 Corinthians 13:12-13..
What if God is right? Right about what you might ask and my answer is  ‘the everythingness’. We seem so consumed with trying to figure out things, we do not stop to consider what God has put in his word. Christ has provided answers to the questions, we have developed theories for them, and He made it simple for all to understand and practice. Letting us know, we will not fully understand it all now, but yet we seem to be, excused my language, ‘fixed on stupid’ and focus on negativeness, and giving energy and life blood to things Christ saw no need to dwell. But what he did emphasize like – do not be afraid, my grace is sufficient, forgiveness, faith, love (loving being the greatest) – we have little time for in this life. However, these are the very things in this life which provides us with the greatest peace, the most complete truths, the most balanced relationship, and the incredible ability to live our best life. But for some reason until - Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Oprah, Iylana Vanzant, Beth Moore, R.A. Vernon, Bishop Jakes, Vashti McKenzie- etc, teach us, we don’t get it. But we say we are believers, and God is the author and finisher of our faith….commercial break – I am not knocking any of these people or what they do…now return regularly schedule writing…Then tell me why is it, only when they begin to speak about it, share with us, do we finally see the what the word has already operationalize for us. They should only affirm, confirm and provide illustration for us, of what we would be if we became doers, not just hearers of the word.
See the word is written in terms, we all can understand and the as people we can give illustration, provide illumination, and today worlds contextual perspective but simplicity is inherent in how it is written in the good book, the Bible. You might say, how has the word conceptualized it – faith is the substance things hope but not seen, Jonathan willing to stand for David (love), forgiveness see Philemon, etc. It seems we have gotten stuck in a model, a constructed by necessity deeply rooted seamlessly in our past necessity (for all races of people, it is part of our culture), that is part of our unconsciousness, where the leaders knew what was best, were literate, and more likely men. Now we all can all delve in the word ourselves and become enlighten but because we are creatures of habits, and rebel against change where work is necessary. We have abdicated our rights to reading to understand for ourselves. So, the model of spiritual growth as Christians has a deep intersection with societal norms which guides our faith walk as it directs our political consciousness and perspective in life. When it should be the other way around having our spiritual identity inform our perspectives with a deep intersection with societal norms.
So, as you traverse to life’s journey as yourself remember – if God is right, what am I doing with the greatest gift of all…love… Choose well and be made whole my beloveth….

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What if....

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots’. Luke 23:34 NIV
As I read this verse this morning, this thought hit me like a ton of bricks – what if most of our conflicts and issues with people/issues stems from ‘we did not know’. So, I invite you to walk with me with my musing on this subject.
The verse carries a powerful punch when you realize what is culminated in this one moment in history, and the willingness to show grace, mercy and true power through restraint of the Savior. Christ understood unequivocally this was not just for momentary legend but for enduring legacy. He got it, everything He did mattered, and wanted to provide an example for us to follow. He understood the issue was not about what they were seeing and questioning about, it was always about His presence challenging their core values, ideologies, fundamental truths, and beliefs.  But because of the unconscious competitive psychology of wanted to be right, to win, to one-up someone, to show I am just as good, he was tested and crucified. The battles ensued through his lifetime and beyond. They would not release the tight hold on their religious stance, or become open to a truth outside of their own; as they were, we are today. So, if they could not dominate, then they set out to destroy; as they did, we still do. Thus, we are now in a position follow this example set, not ignore it...it is funny how things change, they remain the same…
Not following the example set in this moment in time by many profess to follow,  we miss a very powerful lesson provided in this statement – Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. With this one statement, our redeemer looks at the consequential outcome of his actions, and the truth they didn’t know.  It was not about you, me, or them, it was about us as a collective to have the same opportunity to come to the throne of grace. It was not about trumping anyone by pointing out their wrong but loving them, working to bring others to the Father and letting him reconcile them to himself. Somewhere this has gotten lost in the translation of living on this journey, and we have decided, we should clean them, or we had to be clean or just right before coming. We seem have not realized this defeats the purpose of this day of sacrificial offering by one for us all…we got to do better
What if we would begin to look at all our difference, conflict, disagreement with ‘…for they do not know what they are doing Living out our truth..’ knowing all the time, the they here represents you, me, us..It is our choice; choosing well is imperative…

Monday, January 7, 2013

The New Year, now what....

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45 NIV

Walking in God’s will requires surrendering to God’s way; always going from the inside out because out of the heart the tongue speaks, and the body behaves. The holidays are over and the New Year has arrived. Some didn’t make it, while others did but don’t know it, but for the rest of us, we are still here in our reality box. Those are the people I shall focus on in this blog.
Most have made some promises, resolutions, or goals for this year having to do with change in some shape or form. The question we really must ask ourselves is, ‘Am I willing do what it takes to change to be the person I spoke about in the pre-new year dialogue exchanges?’ Or have the sobering thoughts of the work required, and reality showed us its face; and now we are scared off. Thus, we have chosen to just let it go quietly into that good night with all the others from past years.  Because the truth of the matter is to get different, we have to have become different; change.
We must examine the inward person, the person on the inside because foundational change has to come from there, or it is a short-lived change. It means walking outside the box of our reality intentionally and strategically. Processing the public, private, and secrets truths about ourselves, we have locked away from public view and our view with the tools of love, grace, and honesty. The choice is ours, it is within our power, we just have to make the choice to choose it. It is the New Year, we have made it, no more philosophical conversation, theoretical analogies, or spiritual hypothesis of what if, we are now here. The question is ‘Now What’… The answer lies in each of us, and the spark of change begins with our hearts…Choose well