Friday, July 3, 2009

God's love

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control (AMP)

It is quite amazing to me that we search much of our lives trying to find the one thing that is right in front of us - LOVE. We do not seem to understand true love changes one outlook on life's landscape, tremendously...It is unconditional. It never changes although we do. It reveals itself to us as we grow, open us to the possibility for the illogical and unfathomable, but love changes not while changing us to be more like Christ.
This love never gave up, or let us go, even though we walk away from it; not thinking we are worthy of it, and uncomfortable with the simple complexity of love, the sheer weight of it, the security of it touch, and the all encompassing of its presence...We too many times get caught up in our own made up world of madness devised in our minds, that no one can get us out it, but us; we think. When all we need to do, it submit and let go to let God . Realize where real love resides, and where it does not. The answer 'lies within each of us', as we let go.. too quickly we forget the promises made because we forgot the mercy, the grace, the blessing, and the unexplainable rescues happening in our lives...We are not where we are by accident, nor is it a random occurrence. There are others who have followed your same path with the same attitude, support, perspective, guidance, and never smelled, embraced, lived, realized, or received the level of success in their life or reprieve in situations. You should have been (fill in the blank), but you did anyway, and they did not..but God!!..Yet, we do not want to love with the Christlike affect because it makes us vulnerable; no one want that. There’s no way you can love and not expose yourself in some way or give something up. Love, risk, and need go together. God’s love compelled Him to create and sacrifice in the same breathe because He know what free will would bring. And still, he created, blessed, provided, and kept us, anyhow. By creating us He also created in Himself a place for us, and that need was reflected many times through the life of Christ. Rem- He, Christ, became vulnerable so we could receive grace, what more can we do need to know we are love unconditionally....God's love is our key to brighter future, the compass for a less tumultuous path, and the light to the forgiving heart that gives and receives simultaneously...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fret or Worry: Why

Phil. 4:6-7 – Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. (MSG). If you ask someone about why they worry, they could not tell you. It is a habit, a learned behavior, or ritual handed down as a part of our genealogical legacy. It has becomes strikingly salient to our culture, as well as an inherent part of our personality. We seem to have forgotten everything has a purpose, and experience teaches lessons that pedagogy and professors never could. As we forget, we do not get the labels, whatever it is, before we have had the experience or done the work for it. Yet, we fret and worry, even after we have made our petitions to the Father; as if God will forget or lie. We need to begin to remember if he said it, it will come to pass. We just have to keep believing, not being deceived because the timing does not fit our wants, or address our desired outcome. God does what is best, not what we want, unless it aligned with His will. However, we do have free will; God sent or God used. For time will create what we would have never thought to develop or conceive. As our focused orientation determines our many encounters on our journey to our destination, thus nothing is haphazard or random as we like to think in our life. (We choose what we encounter with acknowledgement, denial, love, fear, faith, security, weakness, submission, etc) Hence, if we acknowledge every effort embodies a wealth of learning, then we would be taught better so we our do better to shape our critical analysis of in life. We are able to create a more positive future, live out our destiny and true passion when we learn to decouple ourselves from certain situations, individuals or problems; we gotta wanna know. But more importantly, we have to learn to let God deal, handle, and address all that he should in our life, as we do our part. The truth is too many times, we do not because it hurts us too much; we are fearful of the pain and would rather just fret and worry.

Worry, fret, or fear colors our life choices and behavior. Yet, we know, no one has ever learned a new thing, changed, or redirected him/herself without a few bumps and bruises as they find their balance. Be free and believe the promises of Christ, it what it is, there is no deviation or lies. All that he brings to you, or allowed to happen to you, He make beautiful in his times. Why? He knows your future; he sees it in the totality of everything and loves you enough to get you there, inspite your best effort to counter it. Let me say this again, He, our Father sees our life in totality, everything, beginning to end, and still gives to us. Now that is some unconditional love…Fret or Worry: Why

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What I know for sure

What I know for sure is we do not want to know. I have learned and experienced in my lifetime, we just do not want to know. We say, we desire to get it but we do not. I had to take a long look, and spatter some tears in the process before I realize. Not only can we not change others, we cannot impart a truth that requires self-introspection because fear and hurt. We know there is not gain without pain but when it comes to mental, emotional, and psychological pain, we take a pass. Not realizing we are taking a pass that will create a mountain in time that is seen in a myriad ways from fear, doubt, insecurities, depression, addiction, selfishness, to overachiever, conceit, and domineering.
The truth is hurtful and sends us into a tizzy. It occurs because when have done our best and what we knew to do. We will not allow, we assume is an indictment or reflection of our inadequacy to be spotlighted. Hence, we deny and ignore, and it does not matter how people come to us; in earnest, loving and/or contrive heart, we do not budge. Even though, we have asked others to ‘show me’, ‘tell me’, or ‘I need this’, when the rubber hits the road, we put up defenses and desire the presses to stop. We do not realize it is not a personal attack but helping hand. We no longer desire the help because it brings us face to face with truths we already knew, but it was easier to not deal with them. I can say for myself because I have most definitely been on both sides in my life it has tore at my heart, my mind, and colored the way I live, love, and interacted with others. It was all in fear and a façade; I had to fight for peace and faith, daily. Then I realize, the stress of it all was self-destructive. I had to understand it was not an indictment on my person, character but challenges to create a better me. Every time I denied the truth presented before me, I shirked because it hurt, it pushed me in a place I was not comfortable, and I constantly had to explain. I was questioned – is anything wrong. I wanted to scream – yes, and you know it but you deny it. An epiphany hit, ‘don’t wanna know’ syndrome was in full effect as it colored, shaped, and became the place where love sprung out of. I stopped and took faith over fear, and sought deliverance rather than denial, indwelling of God rather than ignoring, and reflective mirror rather than madness ignited. The escape techniques and denials of our childhood became my madness of adulthood.
What do I mean? When we remove the stinger, the thing, whatever it is – object of our problem. We have not finished, now we must deal with the learned behavior that has been passed down, the communication style, and the coping mechanism to survive. See, we believe, we learn, what we are taught. True as it is, we do not realize what we teaching with our words, but more importantly with our deeds, actions, and behavior. These things become who we are and passed on to others; it is not genetic but just as real. Do not believe me? How many look up and realize I act just like my parents (whether they are both in the home or not), or the person we never wanted to be like both unknowingly and knowingly. Consequently our coping mechanism, which helped get us through, becomes us. We do not do the things he/she did, we have the tendencies he/she had, and we never address the whole problem….After a while, we don’t wanna know. It is easier to just let it go, and we begin a new unproductive coping mechanism to pass on to others in our life….I stopped worrying, and gave it to God. I let go, let God, and he worked me. Tears flowed, anger release, pain subsided, and love sprung with a renew sense of redemptive grace and faith built on nothing less than God faithfulness…see sometime we just do not want to know because it hurts too much. The same reason addicts have difficulty staying somber, is the same reason many of us do not change…it hurts to much to see…we don’t wanna know…this is what I know for sure ….Titus 4:8-9This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. (NASB)