Friday, January 22, 2010

Forgiveness and trust

I came across this book, as I search for books to assigned to my student for an educational development emphasis- Island of Saints: A Story of the One Principle That Frees the Human Spirit by Andy Andrews. Although this book, like most book can and will not appeal to all, it has a wonder message about forgiveness. See, to live a life of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness is to live a life which is weak, powerless, and poor. This is not a cliché or rhetorical, it is really true. When we cannot forgive, it infects us with a madness that worms its way slowly, intently, and all consuming manner into all aspects of our life. It stays with and accompanies us on every encounter masked in another face but it is really deep-seated unforgiveness within that has taken up residence and forgotten about by owner of the house, our soul. We continue to misunderstand how poignant, bitter, and nasty it is. It takes resident with the other deep dark unflattering secrets had because we are true with ourself…The forgiveness housed in our soul changes us on the inside, and manifest itself on the outside. We carry this monkey on our back and utilize it as a weapon, tool of choice used to justify our own unrival heavy emotions giving guidance to our every thought, actions, and decision made. Does it stop you from being successful, accomplished, marrying, parenting, achieving, etc? The answer is no, but it limits you, it pushes people away and/or keeps them at a distance? Forgiveness allows you to be more patience, and not have a mindset part paranoid and part fear fueled. It is because we fail to understand this simple truth about forgiveness. It frees you but forgiveness does not mean you automatically trust again. Trust has to be built up over times once it is destroy or tainted, and forgiveness allows it to come to pass. Forgiveness opens, expands the horizon to encompass faith, not fear.

When it comes to forgiveness, we act as if God wants us to subject ourselves to be hurt over and over again; not true. He does desire us to love, forgive, and have faith without reservation that He knows what is best for us. Remember what happened to Adam and Eve when they ate fruit, they were forgiven, but HE put them out of the garden because he could not trust them anymore because of their behavior; they had consequences and love. Did God stop loving, providing for them, helping them, blessing them, you get the picture, and the answer is no. He did not stop anything. Were there consequences for the violation of trust, yes, and it was done in a loving and redeeming manner. Only time heals, and only God can restore, absence of God loving way, we are lost in abyss floundering and haphazardly finding our way. Problem with this is we are cannot produce or find it again because the first time was an accident…WOW! What a revelation there…See we got the forgive but do not forget from the not trusting, but we once again got it wrong we are malicious and negative with our intent, not loving; we do not get it…But understand something, individuals walking around with hurt, unforgiveness in their heart, will hurt you, and unless you are directed by God to deal with them, don’t draw them near love them from afar.. And if directed by God to draw them near, then you must be ready to obey his every instruction when it comes to them. Otherwise, it will be a disaster because they are self-destructive and will bring this destructive focus to those around them…Decide to forgive and understand what it means to trust…Lam 3:40 – 42 - ‘Let's take a good look at the way we're living and reorder our lives under God. Let's lift our hearts and hands at one and the same time, praying to God in heaven "We've been contrary and willful, and you haven't forgiven. (MSG)’

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who is there when you blow up?

Well today as I contemplate this scary walk of faith before me, I decided to stand naked and needy before the Father and say ‘Here I am’. Understanding this, my journey, no matter how crazy it seems to me, the process is preparation for my future role. So, I have come to some conclusions as I begin to be comfortable in my own skin and sensibilities. I began thinking, let me be honest, began having trepidation about it. Why? Well, ironically it was not money, it was about who would be there for me. Who would be real with me? Who do I confide in so that I can be feed? Who is not intimidated by who I am and what I do? Yes, people tell you, they will be your accountability partner, life coach really, but when things begin to grow, and you grow, people forget this. See it is very hard to be the ‘get real’ conscience for anyone with certain gifts, status or wealth. No one wants to tell them you bleed just like me, you can be wrong, and you do not get everything you want, your way. To have someone who is not impress with you, and keeps you grounded…this might sound crazy for some people but think about it, or ask any celebrity. Finding a celebrity will be hard for most of us, so I suggest asking your pastor or minister. It becomes quite difficult for them. To find someone who is there for them without malicious intent but allowing heart. See, a few things must happen - 1) The willingness to be open to the person without fear, 2) the person understanding being this person is enduring and hearing information not always pleasant or puts him/her in the not so positive light, and 3) there has to be immutable or incorruptible trust. Believe me there is going to be some heavy lifting on this person part. I know, I have done this and some days I am so overwhelmed I think, I am in a state of depression; and it is not about me…WTH! Is that about?…Think about it, when people are coming to you all the time to get advice, divulge their ugliness, needing to be consoled, wanting to be in your presence because who you are, seeking guidance, etc; draining you. Yeah, you need someone to talk to. But who do you talk to? Your partner gets tired of hearing you, and they should not be the person, you almost need a sponsor like recovering addict has in AA. Because some days, it is just that serious of issue for you, and the person you love cannot bear all that madness; believe me. So, who do you talk to? See, everyone wants the success, the money, fame, status, but no one count the cost of it and what the trade out is…I am scared, and it is not even funny anymore because denying my gifts is not an options for me. So, I am taking toddler steps until I find my balance but hell I am walking in my destiny…Maybe I am the only one with this type of crazy thoughts, or the only one willing to be naked and needy before God and man so that I can move forward…

Then I ran across these verses Isa. 30:20-21 - Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left. (NASB)…then warm tears from my heart rolled down my cheeks, and I realize my Father would provide for me, if I am open to him and His way..This is not easy, but it is the blessed way…You just have to believe without reservation, and trust the truth you speak into others lives..So, ask yourself were you born for such a time as this to be honest and willing spirit for God…

Monday, January 18, 2010

You matter and make a difference

Whether you agreed, liked or thought he was right MLK did something that changed this great country; we call America. All because he was willing to do the hard thing - followed the called upon his life. His resiliency to share love and non-violence so the wall of fear, oppression, and hate could fall, but all benefit. The self-will and control to not respond with the same contempt he was addressed with, rather he response was grace laced humility dialogue that rival and required everyone to take notice. See his life culminated both legacy and longevity,  he challenged all to make room for others unlike ourselves,  and to entertain dialogue with mutual respect. Not an advocate for the continuous generational curse that settles for contention and strife as it companion. Instead with the sacrifice of humanity's blood, his spirit too, after his expiration, rings forth with a truth that cannot be denied or ignored and rises like the phoenix bird out of the ashes; he opted to be civil in an uncivil and fixed fight. The blood soaked grounds where white blood of varioius ethnic backgrounds and black blood of african descendents comingled for one purpose -all would have the right to live their destiny in the light. For we are not an island in and of ourselves but our success intertwined with someone else's destiny. If you do not think so, let me take you down a walk and remember black altered the country as we know - Michael Jackson (the gift that keeps on giving), Oprah, Lil'Wayne, Johnsons, Michael Jordan,etc. I think we see how color should not matter when the goal is progression, desire is peace, and love grants forgiveness....Yet, we cannot speak of MLK without speaking of JC- Jesus Christ. Jesus, is, was, and always for Christian, the example, the model we should pattern our lives after. Color did not play a role in His loving mankind nor the madness we allow to separate us today.. He loves the person; self-sacrifice for the person, and put the needs of others first before comfort and ease; He sought the heart. He was not condemning but sought to save and only really gotten angry twice that is in the bible - once at the temple and the other at the cross (go search you will find it); both times was over our self-destructive behavior we had embrace over godiliness. Jesus showed us one person following after God's call upon their life can change the world, and they will leave both legacy and longevity for future generations. See both JC and MLK were born to die, the difference was JC knew how, and why, MLK didn't. MLK walked beyond his fear and debilitating mental illness, and gave rise to a new hope, life altering spirit,and immutable example of obedience...For MLK knew and trust what Jesus taught -Matthew 16:24-26-Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." (NASB) and Luke 16:13 - No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (NIV)...So, remember you matter and make a difference....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It is about love

Everything is about love or it comes back to love. It is not about an accident but divine design. The connection and the desired to be important to someone enough that you are put first. See, when we are loved like this, and we are taught in words and deeds. It is easier to return love when you are given it, then we give love that is not swayed by circumstance or situation. We are able to love one another, no matter what. It changes you for the good, and excess baggage is not accumulated but let go because the heart is able to release and breathe. The human touch becomes more intimate; chaotic times become less unbearable; sad times we are able to see in a different way. As you realize the resounding logic of 'all things work out for our good' with new meaning; somehow, some way. Romans 8:28-30-We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. For those He foreknew. He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified.(HCSB) tells us this. But unless we understand love that God seeks to teach us, these verses roll off our back, like water on a duck's back. It doesn't quite touch us although it reaches us; it surface fleeting emotions feeling touch. We are unmoved and unheeding as it has a devastating to soul growth to our Christian walk.

You see, when we get it, the real meaning of what love means, then life changes. See God heals because of love...God provides because of love...God grants grace and mercy because of love...God sacrificed because of His for us...Nothing is ever made lasting and sustainable changes for improvement for the better without the true comprehension of the unconditional love we saw on the cross...See love wills and allows. The question we all must ask ourselves is - am i really ready to begin the process to live according to God's modeled love? It matters and so does you...It is about love...Read Romans 8: Inseperable by Bill Hybels