Monday, January 7, 2013

The New Year, now what....

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45 NIV

Walking in God’s will requires surrendering to God’s way; always going from the inside out because out of the heart the tongue speaks, and the body behaves. The holidays are over and the New Year has arrived. Some didn’t make it, while others did but don’t know it, but for the rest of us, we are still here in our reality box. Those are the people I shall focus on in this blog.
Most have made some promises, resolutions, or goals for this year having to do with change in some shape or form. The question we really must ask ourselves is, ‘Am I willing do what it takes to change to be the person I spoke about in the pre-new year dialogue exchanges?’ Or have the sobering thoughts of the work required, and reality showed us its face; and now we are scared off. Thus, we have chosen to just let it go quietly into that good night with all the others from past years.  Because the truth of the matter is to get different, we have to have become different; change.
We must examine the inward person, the person on the inside because foundational change has to come from there, or it is a short-lived change. It means walking outside the box of our reality intentionally and strategically. Processing the public, private, and secrets truths about ourselves, we have locked away from public view and our view with the tools of love, grace, and honesty. The choice is ours, it is within our power, we just have to make the choice to choose it. It is the New Year, we have made it, no more philosophical conversation, theoretical analogies, or spiritual hypothesis of what if, we are now here. The question is ‘Now What’… The answer lies in each of us, and the spark of change begins with our hearts…Choose well

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