Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blooming where you are planted

Rev 3:7 (NIV) - "Here is what I command you to write to the church in Philadelphia. Here are the words of the One who is holy and true. He holds the key of David. No one can shut what he opens. And no one can open what he shuts…”

Blooming where you are planted, this means to not worry about what another is not doing, but what you are supposed to do. Many times we decide we cannot because of spouse, friends, family, coworkers, unwillingness to change, circumstances, conditions, etc. However, nothing ever stops an individual from being you, doing the right thing, godly thing, follow after the promise in you. Except no one wants stand out, do what is hard, or the unfamiliar. Ever see a beautiful flower blooming in a place where there are weeds or ill-fitted environment for it to grow; it seems. You see nothing or no one ever told the flower it was not supposed to grow, and it did what it was meant to do, grow and bloom where it planted. Ever see greatness come out of those who did not do a new thing…me either…

See it is never the exactly right moment or conditions, but our indecisiveness, fear, unwillingness to change, and little faith puts a limit on what God does in our life. We all know what God says is true; it is not a matter of if …but a matter of when. We have to be prepared, be in a state of preparedness. Because to wait, wonder, seek man’s or my way is to disobey God’s way. The question we all must asked ourselves – Why disobey God when - No one can shut what he opens. And no one can open what he shuts…” So, what is really going on when we fail to do the what we have been told to do….fear…unpreparedness…giving away control to the wrong people…doing nothing…doing the same thing and hoping the new thing will fit in the old ways…Bloom where you planted, stop focusing on winning or outshining, just do the best you and God will bless you for it; more and abundantly…it hard but victory, greatness comes out of adversity and struggle…blooming where you planted and grow into the magnificent flower you are…

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