Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The righteous shall live by faith

Roms. 1:17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." (NASB)
The just shall live by faith. However, it is indistinguishable in this world for most to see the just, the faithful from the unjust or the unfaithful. Just like it is difficult to see the Christian from the un or non-Christian. We are quick to battle the in the spirituals as well as the physical wars, but nervous about submitting and living for God in truth. We desire to correct before we try to perfect the word in our own life. We tend to ignite or ignore, not channel the power that is given through the word. See the word has power, and the authority -Ecc. 8:4 Since the word of the king is authoritative, who will say to him, "What are you doing?"(NASB). Yet, we hesitate or become distracted from living and receiving the blessing of Abraham, the favor of David, the commitment of Ruth, and the insight of Abigail. All because we do not understand we cannot, we are unable to go from faith to faith, without going through the fire to get to the reward, the abundance. We just want the difference, without being the different. We have not comprehended in our pick-and-choose perspective of the Lord’s requirements that He does waste words. And the killing or destroying of the dreamers, the innovators, the change agents, the cornerstone should be conduit for the greatness of the dream. Instead we hide, we draw back, and assume the persona we should not, become more intolerable, increasingly combative, worldly confused, and distant from the faith. We focus more on the person God sent, the word God sent, and now we are afraid.
No one is seeking perfection, but we are seeking your illustration of living the power of the faith we teach, speak, and counsel. Loving right when it is difficult, having a humble heart when it is overwhelming, waiting on the Father guidance when it is not popular or conducive for ‘you’ to shine, or acting on the Lord keen insight when the logic is not present all because you live by faith. I know what an idealistic perspective to have but I tell you it is not. We all know people who inspite of circumstance (fabulous and dire) draw others to them, the knowledge is crave, we sit in awe of their faithfulness, and are awestruck about their grace combed intolerance or right that never pushes us others away – it is faith. Ecc 1:1 - Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man's wisdom illumines him and causes his stern face to beam (NASB)
When we live by faith, it is owned by us, our King’s word is the final authority, not in conceit or arrogance, with a shining light mercy faith that is aware – there is more, I require of thee. In such a way it sends chills over your body, eyes glisten on the brink of tears, and a peace love washes over you because you now get a glimpse, a peek of what Peter felt when Christ asked him to feed his sheep for the third time…We act upon, live, believe and comfortable with, what we know and been taught. We have totally forgotten, God is in the impossible, improbable, and his way is far from us finding out. So, tell the storm, the battle, the difficult, etc, I will not be denied; the amazing grace of my Father will bring me through better than bless- faith!

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