Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The heart reflects who we are

Proverbs 27:19 – As in water reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man (NASB)

What is in our hearts comes out in our walk; it is reflected there. As the water reflects what it sees, so does our talk, our walk, and our interactions are all based on what is in us. What we speak comes from within…this is the reason God looks at our heart, the inside when he chooses us to do a certain task. It is not random, coincidental, or accidental. He has no random acts, we do ‘me’; no more, no less. Whether we act out of fear, or out of faith; it is who we are at the core. We need to remember and understand we are the architects of our own lives. Therefore, we must take into account the choices we make. How we present ourselves, and how we are fiercely afraid to present to others our true person. Yet, we reflect that person because it is what insides us, and we can only be who we are. But we are all too afraid to own that person so that we can move forward in our lives, and expand our horizon; it is like we would rather hinder ourselves, than grow…It reminds me of a something I heard once – King Kong would not have been killed, had he took the elevator instead scaling the building…King Kong revert to his nature in a crisis, just like us, and it was the cause for his demise. All because he never was comfortable with himself to expand, his understanding. So, let us all live true to us and become a traveling light that eclipses the madness that tries to overtake our authentic person…So, the next time you have the opportunity to live authentically and see your heart reflect in your life, let it breath; no matter the cost…The poet Rilke says it best – …“Let everything happen to you, Beauty and terror, Just keep going, No feeling is final’..All choices have the beauty and the terror, do not be afraid…The going through and living our truth, provides growth so let your heart be reflected because you are beautiful just as you are…Rem - God chose, you as you, not the fake, façade, phony but you with all your flaws…If he can love like that, why can’t you…smiling

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